Donald Trump

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1 hour ago, merjet said:

What specific "argument-by-analogy as offered above" by whom?


William got bugged because I compared the collectivist mob mentality of progressives and elitists to the KKK lynching a black man or fanatical Islamists throwing a homosexual off the roof of a building..

That kind of analogy stings.



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6 hours ago, Jonathan said:

Heh. No, you be you, each of the rest of us will also be ourselves.

As for owl pics, I love the one that I bought, and there was a specific other one that I had my eye on. But I'm not only all 'bout dem owls. It's more about the overall effect, not the specific subject matter. I'm no Leonard Peikoff who won't accept or listen to a complimentary CD from a professional musician and likeminded soul because I like or don't like certain instruments.

I hope you're still enjoying your talents.


It is an ever enjoyable pastime!  I have not been able to do much lately, 80+ hour weeks put a dent in my fun factor.

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2 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


William got bugged because I compared the collectivist mob mentality of progressives and elitists to the KKK lynching a black man or fanatical Islamists throwing a homosexual off the roof of a building..

That kind of analogy stings.



You usually fix typos - penultimate letter should have been a "k", appropriately enough.

Analogy is the last-ditch and weakest form of argument, and it seems to be getting feebler than it used to be, probably through overwork.

Such analogies are like would-be parables set in a moral relativist no-man's-land.

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13 minutes ago, caroljane said:

Analogy is the last-ditch and weakest form of argument, and it seems to be getting feebler than it used to be, probably through overwork.

Such analogies are like would-be parables set in a moral relativist no-man's-land.


The no-man's-land is outside the bubble.




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1 minute ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:






Thanks for that, I laugh genuinely at some of your cute remarks even when I don't agree with them, and I genuinely am grateful that you don't find me a one-woman olfactory epidemic!

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1 hour ago, caroljane said:

Thanks for that, I laugh genuinely at some of your cute remarks even when I don't agree with them...

Aaaaaannnnd... here's my reaction.

(I want to embed it without the tweet, but I haven't yet figured out how to extract the gif.)

:evil:  :) 


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24 minutes ago, merjet said:


Is Donald Trump an elitist? If not, why not?


24 minutes ago, merjet said:


Is Donald Trump an elitist? If not, why not?

President Trump is the antithesis of an elitist ! 

I thought yesterday was March 31st for a second 

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Argument by assertion? Nope, just a plain old assertion.

2 hours ago, merjet said:
3 hours ago, Marc said:

President Trump is the antithesis of an elitist ! 

I note the conspicuous absence of any sort of reason for this naked assertion!

The President, by his own words, was educated at the best schools, has the best words, the best comprehension of events, the best living spaces, the best clothes, the best lawyers, the best employees, the best mind, all the trappings of life "at the top."  That is the antithesis of elite.

Of course, just because you incorporate an elite mind, an elite understanding, an elite-class persuasive appeal, and an Ur-elite self-record of being right about everything that matters ... and just because somebody sees an Emperor's crown your head, as the apex man, the elite hotelier and a person who builds towers that do not fall down(!), none of this suggests a man sees himself as elite. 

And I, of course, am Marie of Roumania.

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4 hours ago, merjet said:

Is Donald Trump an elitist? If not, why not?


Elitism is a collectivist mindset. A form of bigotry.

An elitist believes he is innately superior to the bulk of humanity and belongs to an informal club--a kind of superior species--where the rest of humanity is like livestock in relation. He may say the contrary, but deep down inside, this is his promise to himself and his deepest conviction (even when this causes him anxiety).

As an example, a southern white slave owner from centuries past were elitists in the way they thought about blacks. They literally thought blacks were an inferior form of subhuman. Modern elitists believe something similar about most working class Americans who strive for self-reliance. And they are irritated with the self-reliance part. (Who the hell do these people think they are? And so on...)

President Trump is an individualist. He believes every individual can strive for greatness and deserves all the fruits of his endeavor.

President Trump's critics always try to characterize his excellence at leadership and wealth with elitism and his love of America as a collectivism of sorts.

These things are fundamentally different. Wealth is not character. If you don't know what leadership means, I can suggest a slew of books from the business and self-help literature. And if you think loving America is collectivist, Ayn Rand herself was such a collectivist. President Trump loves America in the same manner Ayn Rand loved America.


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8 minutes ago, merjet said:

Oops. Trump is not an "elitist."

By his own words, he and his supporters are the super elite (link). ? 


In trying to set up your gotcha, you didn't read a word I said, did you?


That's OK, though.

If you ever want to think about it, there is a difference between an identification and a taunt. President Trump was taunting the elitists while making his base feel good in his comment about "super-elites." It's kinda like a cheerleader does in a sports game or a pro wrestler trash talking his opponent.

But if you don't want to think about it and hold firm to a gotcha, I don't mind. :evil: 


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Another qualification.

Most, if not all, globalists are elitists and vice-versa when they think about politics.

Globalism does not mean free trade between nations with more or less equal tariffs and subsidies.

Globalism means insider crony corporatism between nations, ultimately leading to a one world government of some sort. Organizations like the WTO (World Trade Organization), which are shot through and through with globalist elitists, are the seeds. 


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Friends, foes, friends, competitors, friends, foes, adversaries ... 

A wag friend of mine said she had a dream about Trump confiding in her. The gist was "I want to rule the world. I want to get the USA together with my good friend Xi and my favourite Russian, Putin, and I think we should rule the world."

From Faye and the  Deep:

"I think the European Union is a foe," Trump says ahead of Putin meeting in Helsinki


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1 hour ago, william.scherk said:

Friends, foes, friends, competitors, friends, foes, adversaries ... 

A wag friend of mine said she had a dream about Trump confiding in her. The gist was "I want to rule the world. I want to get the USA together with my good friend Xi and my favourite Russian, Putin, and I think we should rule the world."

Oh noes! If your friend had a dream, then that must be what's going to happen!


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1 hour ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

For the record, the elites of the European Union are elitists and globalists of the sort I talk about above.


No. When playing gotcha, as we see here, the idea is to pretend not to understand what people mean when using a term, and to then substitute one's own alternate definition/meaning, and then to claim that someone is being hypocritical by that alternate definition/meaning. "Trump's against the elites? Well, by the definition that I just chose, and not by the same one that Trump is using, he is an elite! Hahahaha! Gotcha!"

Ineffective semantic game. Childish tactic.

C'mon. You guys know better than this. Well, maybe not Merlin. He's shown himself to be rather lacking in the brain department lately. But, Billy? He's got a case of TDS, but hasn't shown any signs of Merlin-type retardation. He can do better.



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In today's world, if you state that someone else used a certain word, and you actually say that word while doing so, you need to be fired or asked to resign:

Not enough people are being punished. The culture demands more blood.



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