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On 9/12/2018 at 2:04 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Meanwhile, the Walk Away movement marches on.

Facebook lifted the ban, but decided to still play dirty.

Just so this is clear:

1. Facebook banned Straka's account.
2. Facebook lifted the ban.
3. Facebook contacted a reporter saying it lifted the ban, but did not tell Straka.
4. The reporter got in contact with Straka and asked him why he was promoting a lie about Facebook banning him.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I have been neglecting this thread (where on earth does the time go?), but President Trump has not.



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Right in the middle of the WalkAway march.

Michael Flynn Jr., General Flynn's son:

Don't forget that these people are all former Democrats, most of them recently converted.


EDIT: Right now Twitter ain't embedding the video even though they say that's what the code does. For now, and if it never embeds, just click on the link in the tweet. A new window should open up. Ignore everything but the play button and click on it. The video should then start.

NEW EDIT: They finally nixed this one. I'm keeping the post up as proof that they do this crap.


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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I haven't kept this thread going much, but the WalkAway movement is stronger than ever. Brandon Straka has already become a celebrity.

And you know you're making a real difference when your opposition imitates you.

I swear, I keep going back and forth on whether this lady just did a parody or not.

She sure likes her some free money, though.



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27 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:



Imagine using this attitude to win votes. Based on this, I see a Trump tidal wave coming, much bigger than before.


(Besides, he forgot to call people racist as he stormed off. :evil: )

I've got to pay more attention to Brandon. He's become highly entertaining these days.



But wot about the childrunnnnn??!!  Lol!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Unemployment is near an all-time low. Fox was just doing a story on companies that have innovative hiring “lures” like a 10 hour day / 4 day week, or reducing weekly hours to 32 or 36. Interesting. I remember working for printing companies and getting a day off during the week if I worked Saturday or Sunday and that way I could schedule week day doctor’s appointments and other business without taking time off. I loved it. Now if I had been unmarried and dating it might not have seemed so good.

Trump is griping about a Fox poll showing a majority of viewing respondents said go ahead and impeach. I bet El Presidente has a hunch anyone voting “for it” is doing so to get it over with and with a favorable outcome for him and our country.     

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6 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Two cool tweets.



That is indeed the Dem, Progressive, elite fear. Which is why they expend so many resources on pumping class, gender, race, income, Party, age, etc. divisions. They keep us at each other’s throats so we don’t notice we are being bled by slavemasters we could easily dispatch before breakfast.

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 3 months later...

This Walk Away movement is still around and it has become huge.

I'm not sure if the girl in the video below is part of it, but many of the people who commented on that Twitter thread are.

(Oops, I just saw this on her profile: #WalkAway.)

I don't care much for public displays like this, but one thing is for sure. This is the emotional tone that liberals most resonate with.

At first I thought this girl was trolling Trump supporters, but after seeing her interactions and going deeper into her account, I am pretty sure she is sincere.

That being the case, I bet she converts many Dems because of her victimized crying. 

That sounds callous and I do feel for the girl...

I bet there will be a lot of videos from crying young people victimized by the left coming, too, especially on TikTok (that is, until the Chinese ban them 🙂 )...

Every one a new vote and a new personal center of support for President Trump.


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Here's another young one, Hey Jude Rose, coming out and making a huge splash on the Internet right now.

I don't think she is part of Walk Away, but her video is short and I believe this thread is a great place for it.

NOTE: The following is a screenshot. It will take you to the Twitter post where you can watch the TikTok video safely. When I embedded the tweet here and clicked on the video, it opened in Twitter rather than played the video, then played the video over on Twitter in a weird manner. After that, I could no longer access OL.

This is not dangerous, but it's a damn nuisance. The fucking program dropped some bug or other in my cache that redirected my efforts to get on OL to a Gateway Denial page. I cleaned my browser's cache and all was well. 

Anyway, TikTok will not take down Twitter nor your access to it, so click the image below and it will load the tweet as a tweet. Once you click on the video, it will work as a Twitter video, not as an OL video going to Twitter.

It is well worth watching.


Elsewhere, she mentioned she had 700 followers on Twitter when she made that video a couple of days ago. Now she has over 21,000 and is going nuts with all the good vibes she is getting.

There are many people who are going to hate what is coming from her and those like her. I suspect it's going to be a tidal wave. She got un-woke looking at the pedophile stuff around Hillary Clinton. This isn't the right thread to talk about that, so I am going to open one up over in the For The Children section (see here).

She's in MAGA country now and I don't think she's going anywhere else soon.


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  • 1 month later...
15 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Gay bashing is making a comeback.

It's now on the left.

This is the emotion the left is prompting in others.

Not the kind of emotion--the intensity.

I like to say I'm not the only one who thinks of feels something.

Well, Brandon has a legion of people who joined his movement and stated openly they feel the way he does about leaving the Dems. So, by the Dem rioters persecuting Brandon for being gay, I am sure he's not the only one who feels pissed off followed by a big honking "fuck you."

And I love it.



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  • 1 year later...

Just for the record, this is an abomination in a free country like America.


Today I enter my final week of house arrest. Thursday I am “free”. My focus now is on the future getting back to work. What’s coming next for #WalkAway is going to be a cultural political game changer. The...

Brandon was one of the political prisoners of the Democrats and RINOs.

He was bullied by the FBI, the Federal Bureau of (political) Intimidation, then "encouraged" to make a plea deal to avoid a gazillion years in prison.

That's how they killed the Walk Away movement for a time.

But a solution is on the horizon.


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  • 4 weeks later...

He's back.

Brendon Straka is finally back.


Join #WalkAway TODAY at 2pm at Beverly Hills City Hall as we begin the first steps of bringing #WalkAway back. Come out, be with your people, and be reminded why America is worth fighting for always!

This time I doubt the Deep State will be able to bully him through law enforcement. In fact, I bet there are some rip-righteous lawsuits coming their way--and the government's way--and Brendon will be among them.



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  • 2 years later...

The left-leaning blob tried to bury Brendan Straka over these last few years.

But they didn't kill him.

That was their mistake.

He is stronger than ever, pissed and super-focused on taking down the authoritarians.


This video is magnificent. Watch it.

Man, what an inspiration.

If you want to see reason-based persuasion done about as well as it can be, watch how Brendan uses a chain of before-after comparisons (or promise-reality comparisons), all with supporting images and appropriate music, then a conclusion and a reason why he or you know this.

He did that several times, then his call to action at the end of the video.

It is one hell of a great technique.

I felt myself being drawn in and agreeing as if I were new to this and did not already agree. :) 

What a nice template for spreading an idea.

Imagine doing this with Objectivist ideas...



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