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I fully agree with General Flynn about Joe Biden leaving the race. Of course, he starts by talking about Trump.



They couldn’t Russia-gate him, they couldn’t impeach him (twice), they couldn’t imprison him, they couldn’t kill him…so Joe failed his mission, so Joe is out. 

Presto chango. 

Everyone now needs to buckle up because these next 3+ months are going to be a wild ride. These waters are uncharted. 

If you’re a globalist, leftist, communist, socialist, Marxist, everything is on the table. Sadly, what is best for America and the American people are the last things on their minds. Staying in power at all costs is what they desire.



Buckle up for a wild ride indeed. Says the man who wrote the textbook on 5G Warfare.



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On 7/19/2024 at 5:38 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Every day that passes, I love X more and more.

Did anyone notice that Biden announced he was dropping out of the race on X?

Not in a press conference. Not in a press release to all the media. Not on MSNBC. Not on Facebook or any other major social media platform. Not even in a formal live broadcast from his office.

On X.

Some people may disagree with the political bent I have promoted these last few years, but I know the good stuff.

Nobody has to like it, but I know the good stuff.

And I will never stop speaking the truth as I see it.



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Ali/Frazier 1,2 and 3 


Trump/Hillary is going to be classic and even more depending her running mate, Hillary/ Michelle/Kamala/Newsome/

Could it be Obama/Obama would that be legal ie former President as a vp?

Or can a man and wife both be on a ticket togeather?


What does the street say Peter? 



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18 hours ago, Marc said:

What does the street say Peter? 

I don't know anybody on "the street." I stay away from homeless people.

A lot of people are saying they can't ditch Kama Lama Lama Ding Dong in their upcoming convention (beer will be free) but you never know. "They" don't know but I too think they can't ditch our current VP for someone else. It wouldn't be woke.

Noosum seems like a good choice for Her VP. It would be fun to see the Democratic convention turn into a free for all. Maybe Noosum will rain on her parade.  

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I tried to cut and paste this, but I may have messed up. The article had those “ads” stuck in it so I had to clip the text, stop highlighting . . . you know what I mean. Peter.

When is the DNC? Here's what to know about 2024 convention after Biden drops out of race. Story by Natalie Neysa Alund, Mississippi Clarion Ledger.  • 2h •

When is the 2024 DNC? The DNC is slated to take place August 19 through August 22.

Where is the 2024 DNC? The 2024 DNC will be held in Chicago. It's the first time the convention will be held there since 1996, when former President Bill Clinton was nominated for his second term.

What happens at the DNC? Delegates for the Democratic Party will travel to the DNC where they will express support for the party's nominee.

Democrats could end up choosing their nominee before the convention. Prior to Biden's announcement, the DNC had decided to confirm their nominee during a virtual roll call sometime before Aug. 7 to satisfy ballot deadlines in several states. DNC members are set to meet Wednesday to discuss the next steps in the nomination process.

Who could become the nominee? Biden's announcement to drop out took place just over 100 days out from the Nov. 5 election, when he planned to take on Trump. The president officially endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the next Democratic nominee. The campaign formerly known as Biden for President, in a filing Sunday afternoon with the Federal Election Commission, changed its name to the Harris for President campaign.

That makes Harris’ bid for the Democratic nomination official, with her campaign assuming control of Biden’s campaign money. It also allows Harris to begin raising money for her own presidential bid. In a statement the same day Biden made his historic announcement, former President Barack Obama praised Biden’s decision to end his campaign, saying he selflessly put America's interests ahead of his own. Obama’s statement made no mention of Harris, who is considered the frontrunner to replace Biden on the ticket.

Shortly after Biden announced he was withdrawing from the presidential race, in a phone interview with CNN, Trump said he expects to run against Harris, and predicted he would win.

Who are the other options? In addition to Harris, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear, Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg have all also been floated as possible replacements. All have been Biden supporters and campaign surrogates who were working to help get him reelected.

Marianne Williamson is technically still in the race after unsuspending her campaign in late February. However, she has received zero delegates. Rep. Dean Phillips (D- MN) dropped out after Super Tuesday, receiving four delegates overall.

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Nancy Mace told Cheatle, "You're full of shit," right to her face during the committee hearing during questioning.

That felt good.

I don't know if it will result in anything other than humiliate Cheatle a little in public (if it were possible for Cheatle to feel any shame), but it did feel good.

I knew Nancy Mace was unpredictable, but I don't mind. I like what I saw today.

Cheatle is full of shit.


She needs to go, either step down or be fired.


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1 hour ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Nancy Mace told Cheatle, "You're full of shit," right to her face during the committee hearing during questioning.

Anna Paula Luna was more polite, but just as lethal to Cheatle's reputation.

Obviously, there's the perjury part.

But she also told Cheatle that, as a Member of Congress, she feels like she and everyone there are sitting ducks under Cheatle's leadership of the Secret Service.


I hope something comes of this.

I don't expect it to, but I hope...


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4 hours ago, Peter said:

I don't know anybody on "the street." I stay away from homeless people.

A lot of people are saying they can't ditch Kama Lama Lama Ding Dong in their upcoming convention (beer will be free) but you never know. "They" don't know but I too think they can't ditch our current VP for someone else. It wouldn't be woke.

Noosum seems like a good choice for Her VP. It would be fun to see the Democratic convention turn into a free for all. Maybe Noosum will rain on her parade.  

No doubt that you would have read the Wall St.Journal's Heard on the Street column once or thrice over tbe decades.

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4 hours ago, Peter said:

I don't know anybody on "the street." I stay away from homeless people.

A lot of people are saying they can't ditch Kama Lama Lama Ding Dong in their upcoming convention (beer will be free) but you never know. "They" don't know but I too think they can't ditch our current VP for someone else. It wouldn't be woke.

Noosum seems like a good choice for Her VP. It would be fun to see the Democratic convention turn into a free for all. Maybe Noosum will rain on her parade.  


I still see Michelle/Hillary or HRC/Michelle and a strong endorsement from Kamala ( she gets what she wants in exchange ) as their best shot of the basic zero shot that they have ( pun NOT intended ).

That would also be wild both first ladies of four terms and now running on the same ticket with both Presidents by their side.

Even Disney could not top that.



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Cheatle resigned as head of the SS.

It's about damn time.


The resignation was submitted about 10 days after former President Donald Trump was shot during a campaign rally.


People who are trying to appease MAGA make a mistake if they think this is an end point.

It is a beginning point. The real work of digging up the muck and trash starts now. This was a hard blow to the Deep State, but the fight is still on. The Deep State will not quit, that's for sure.

But now, MAGA will not quit, either.

I don't think the authoritarians expected this.



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The crack in the Deep State just got a shitload wider and now there is a small stream.

Crooks, the shooter in the attempted assassination of Trump, had an FBI email. And it was made around the time of the pandemic.

Has to be confirmed by people above my paygrade, but it is out there now. People are going to be all over this. And the FBI, if it acts according to its nature, should go for a cover-up. Maybe serve up a fall-guy.




EDIT: This email doesn't work anymore and when I try to search for it in quotes on different search engines, no results appear. Neither case means it did not exist back in 2020, but this is going to need more proof elements to be presented as fact.

There is a lot of contradictory stuff appearing on X about this, including a few false images that even I was able to detect. But there were lots of congress members cited to be advised. We'll have to wait and see.

For me, if Lara Logan mentioned it, she has some reasons for doing so other than she saw it on X.

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Two shooters, not three, is the best guess. That is, two assassin shooters and two good-guy shooters.


For the record, using the best audio I can acquire now, including files shared by Dr. Christ Martenson, I do not believe there were THREE shooters in this case (as in, not three offensive shooters). It is very likely there were two different offensive shooters, and two different counter-shooters (rounds #9 and #10). The real question now comes down to the first 3-round burst, vs the subsequent 5-round burst. In several audio recordings, those bursts sound VERY different in audio characteristics. The possibility I'm analyzing is whether first 3 rounds came from Crooks and then next 5 rounds came from a backup team that initiated when they saw Trump was not hit. Can't prove it yet, but more and more evidence is pointing in this direction. The analysis continues. Keep crowdsourcing this. Keep making adjustments, corrections and clarifications as needed, as I am doing. In time we will hone in on what really happened, long before the "official" lies come out.



I swear, I see the Internet taking down the Deep State more than anything else.



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This is the equivalent of a death threat from the blob (the Deep State).

Talk about desperate.


I have a feeling private security is working overtime.


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With each new hoax, I get a shock when I see it for the first time.

The Deep State is perpetrating a new hoax: Kamala Harris was never appointed as a Border Czar. But wait. There's more. Border Czar is a Republican term that wad just now made up to denigrate her.

Good God.

I mean, the examples in the press are too numerous to list.

Here is just a tiny sampling of what is out there. It includes fake news people saying the hoax, then the reality. I saw a lot of this crap with my own eyes when it happened.

I tried to get the original video from Newsbusters, but they made it hard to embed.


If you want to see more proof this is a hoax, there is a firehose of proof out there.

Never forget, a hoax is what can be unburdened by what was.



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17 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

With each new hoax, I get a shock when I see it for the first time.

Here's another.


FBI director Christopher Wray testified that his understanding was that Trump might have been hit by shrapnel rather than a bullet on July 13.


On X, Newsweek put it differently. They said Trump might not have been shot after all.


Screenshot just in case they mess with this.


The site has a notice at the bottom saying the headline has been changed, so they are changing things around as they go along.


This, to me, added to The Big Smelly Hairy One about Kamala Harris not being border czar, shows that they are testing out "the big lie" to see which one gets the most traction for the upcoming press propaganda flood. 

It's now evident to me that the current mainstream press uses hoaxes to gin up audience. I used to wonder, how could they do that? Don't they see?

But I finally learned that this is about getting audience, not about persuading people to believe in the hoax itself. However, if they dupe a massive number of people into believing the hoax after it gets rolling, this is bonus points. Not necessary, but it is getting more and more common as they refine their game.

But the true purpose of hoaxes is audience. Hoaxes are guaranteed to cause a lot of name-calling and outraged people yelling at each other and other forms of fighting. Audiences show up for fights. They don't always show up for straight propaganda.

Once the mainstream press gets the eyeballs, it gets to work on other propaganda techniques. Remember, no technique works if nobody is paying attention. Not even raw repetition (which the Predator Class uses well).

This seems like it is too simple, but that's it. They have to run a hoax at the start as their attention-getter.


I wonder what other hoaxes they are going to use as trial balloons before they settle on one.


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Current hoax is that Harris has the Nomination wrapped up.


Great trial baloon because she cannot beat Trump and Obama knows that too.

Cannot wait to see Trump v Hillary date.

Peter, who do tou think HRC will take as her running mate? 

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Want another hoax?

The new trial balloon is that Trump is going to ditch JD Vance for Nikki Haley.


Trump chose JD Vance as his 2024 running mate days before Vice President Kamala Harris became the likely Democratic nominee.


I just can't...

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 


These goofballs are split-testing The Big Lie.

I bet they have focus groups, too.





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15 hours ago, Marc said:

Peter, who do tou think HRC will take as her running mate?

Never Hillary. She isn’t even on the top ten, is she?  Mark Kelly is The Washington Post’s second choice but I could shake his hand and be respectful to him . . . and perhaps Trump could too. Peter

From The Washington Post: Sen. Mark Kelly (Ariz.) Who he is: Kelly is a former Navy combat pilot and NASA astronaut who made his political debut in 2020 by running for U.S. Senate. He defeated an appointed senator and then won again in 2022, securing a full term. He is married to former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), who was severely wounded in a mass shooting in Tucson in 2011.

What he brings: My colleague Karen Tumulty has made the case for Kelly, whose personal biography might be the most compelling on this list. She argues that his tougher-than-most-Democrats stance on border security could help Harris withstand attacks on the administration’s border record. And Kelly’s status as a gun owner and self-proclaimed Second Amendment supporter — who has pushed for measured gun restrictions — could balance the ticket culturally. Kelly also comes from a swing state that Democrats won in 2020 for just the second time since 1948, but where polls show they’re struggling for a repeat. Kelly might be among the safest, most sympathetic picks, but he’s cut a pretty low national profile, meaning this would be a big step up. There’s also a small succession problem if Kelly wins: While Gov. Katie Hobbs (D) would appoint a Democratic replacement, Democrats would have to defend the seat in 2026 — two years early.

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Scott Kelly is 60 years old. Kamala is 59. I wonder how Scott would “mesh” with VP Kamala? Would he bring votes to the Democratic ticket? I think so.

From Wikipedia: Scott Joseph Kelly (born February 21, 1964) is an American engineer, retired astronaut, and naval aviator. A veteran of four space flights, Kelly commanded the International Space Station (ISS) on Expeditions 2645, and 46.

Kelly's first spaceflight was as pilot of Space Shuttle Discovery during STS-103 in December 1999. This was the third servicing mission to the Hubble Space Telescope, and lasted for just under eight days.[3] Kelly's second spaceflight was as mission commander of STS-118, a 12-day Space Shuttle mission to the ISS in August 2007.[4] Kelly's third spaceflight was as a crewmember on Expedition 25/26 on the ISS. He arrived at the ISS aboard Soyuz TMA-01M on October 9, 2010, and served as a flight engineer until he took over command of the station on November 25, 2010, at the start of Expedition 26. Expedition 26 ended on March 16, 2011, with the departure of Soyuz TMA-01M.

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Keeping context for why this election is so weird right now.

Trump was slotted to be dead for this stage, not living.

Everything you see happening right now is a direct response to that. And this is why plans keep changing.

Never forget that the people who keep changing the plans are the very ones who tried to assassinate Trump.

It's easy to beat Trump if he is dead.

It's a lot harder when he's alive.



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22 hours ago, Peter said:

Never Hillary. She isn’t even on the top ten, is she?  Mark Kelly is The Washington Post’s second choice but I could shake his hand and be respectful to him . . . and perhaps Trump could too. Peter

From The Washington Post: Sen. Mark Kelly (Ariz.) Who he is: Kelly is a former Navy combat pilot and NASA astronaut who made his political debut in 2020 by running for U.S. Senate. He defeated an appointed senator and then won again in 2022, securing a full term. He is married to former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), who was severely wounded in a mass shooting in Tucson in 2011.

What he brings: My colleague Karen Tumulty has made the case for Kelly, whose personal biography might be the most compelling on this list. She argues that his tougher-than-most-Democrats stance on border security could help Harris withstand attacks on the administration’s border record. And Kelly’s status as a gun owner and self-proclaimed Second Amendment supporter — who has pushed for measured gun restrictions — could balance the ticket culturally. Kelly also comes from a swing state that Democrats won in 2020 for just the second time since 1948, but where polls show they’re struggling for a repeat. Kelly might be among the safest, most sympathetic picks, but he’s cut a pretty low national profile, meaning this would be a big step up. There’s also a small succession problem if Kelly wins: While Gov. Katie Hobbs (D) would appoint a Democratic replacement, Democrats would have to defend the seat in 2026 — two years early.

Oh no Peter, my question is not if Hillary will run with Kamala ( why would she as Kamala has no chance).

My question is WHEN Hillary gets the Nomination, who will she choose for HER VP running mate please?

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22 hours ago, Peter said:

Scott Kelly is 60 years old. Kamala is 59. I wonder how Scott would “mesh” with VP Kamala? Would he bring votes to the Democratic ticket? I think so.

From Wikipedia: Scott Joseph Kelly (born February 21, 1964) is an American engineer, retired astronaut, and naval aviator. A veteran of four space flights, Kelly commanded the International Space Station (ISS) on Expeditions 2645, and 46.

Kelly's first spaceflight was as pilot of Space Shuttle Discovery during STS-103 in December 1999. This was the third servicing mission to the Hubble Space Telescope, and lasted for just under eight days.[3] Kelly's second spaceflight was as mission commander of STS-118, a 12-day Space Shuttle mission to the ISS in August 2007.[4] Kelly's third spaceflight was as a crewmember on Expedition 25/26 on the ISS. He arrived at the ISS aboard Soyuz TMA-01M on October 9, 2010, and served as a flight engineer until he took over command of the station on November 25, 2010, at the start of Expedition 26. Expedition 26 ended on March 16, 2011, with the departure of Soyuz TMA-01M.

The problem is for Kamala is that she is a joke, and God could be her running mate and it would be irrelevant because she is that bad.



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