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On a lighter note:




For those who are not keeping up with modern viral issues, the dead guy is the assassin who tried to kill Trump (or one of them if there are more--and there are probably more).

The other person is the Hawk Tuah girl.



I shouldn't laugh, but I can't help it.



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Here is a leaked video of Trump, after being shot, talking to RFK Jr.

Trump started his first term in strong coordination with RFK Jr. about vaccines, but then Big Pharma and his Deep State advisors got to him. 

They are no longer in the picture. And Trump just mentioned how vaccines are injuring children and how he and RFK Jr. talked about this a long time ago.

To me, that looks like RFK Jr. will be a part of Trump's program of cleaning out the Swamp.


Just for the record, RFK Jr. is not happy that the video leaked.

He apologizes to who?



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What's that rotten smell all of a sudden?

False flag operations being set up? 


Politico did not say how they received the four-page intelligence bulletin, but NBC and others received one, too.

I couldn't find the four-page intelligence bulletin posted online.


Politico's report on it does not embed, so here is the link:

FBI, DHS warn of possible retaliation for attack on Trump


NBC's link works, though:


An FBI and Department of Homeland Security intelligence bulletin advised officials that the threats are coming from online and other platforms, two senior law enforcement officials said.



They all still luvs them some anonymous sources...



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Anything else bother you about this sniper?

I always thought a rifle and camouflage were fundaments of sniping.


Can you imagine a job interview for this guy?

DEEP STATE RECRUITER: So who do you want to kill and where?

CROOKS: Trump. At his next open air rally.

DEEP STATE RECRUITER: You have a rifle that can deliver long range bullets?

CROOKS: Yup. And I can shoot pretty damn good.

DEEP STATE RECRUITER: How about camouflage?

CROOKS: Look. I prefer the creative approach. I think the roof of a small building full of cops right near the crowd in broad daylight is the best place. So what if anyone can see me? Also, I don't need no special clothes. Hell, I don't even need to hide the damn rifle. 


CROOKS: I'll just go there and let 'er rip. That's what I say.

If I wrote that as a scene for a thriller movie, I would be laughed out of the producer's office.

He would tell me he has to sell this shit and nobody would ever believe that.



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When incompetent people get embedded like ticks in law enforcement, digging them out is a bitch.


From The Hill:

Secret Service director says she will not resign after attempted Trump assassination


And just look at this shit:


Kimberely Cheatle tells ABC News assassination attempt on her watch was ‘unacceptable’

Yeah, right...

The buck stops with her and the earth is flat, too...

Doesn't she see herself? Of course not. But she sees her power and her paycheck. Incompetent people never resign. But they know how to pose...

If a president or someone gets killed along the way, well, that's not her fault, right? The buck stops with her... that is unless the roofs are slanted or sumpin' and it's dangerous to put agents on them...

This incompetent goofball actually used that as an excuse.


Here's what I said:


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So now it's an Iranian plot? And of course, that complication needs more funding for more resources, right?

But what about the Deep State? Ooooooooh... noooooo... the Deep State would never try to assassinate Trump...

Who knows? If that big hairy one takes, there might even be more funding for a war with Iran, too. Make that an endless war for profit and it's all peachy. 


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Get a load of this.

It just gets worse and worse.


Kimberly Cheatle, the incompetent Secret Service director who refuses to resign for her agency's botched performance that almost resulted in President Trump's assassination, has an even foggier side in this mess.

1. Cheatle was a PepsiCo executive not too long ago.

2. She refused to put agents on the roof of the building that the sniper used because, according to her reasoning, the roof slope was too dangerous for skilled Secret Service agents to handle without falling off. She said that despite the fact that--at the same time--she posted Social Security agents on other roofs with equal or more degree of sloping.

3. That same building is AGR International. It manufactures bottles and containers, glass and plastic.

4. PepsiCo is AGR's biggest client.


Does anyone think Kimberly Cheatle wasn't aware of that building before she was tasked to protect the area for Trump and others?


Are all DEI hire bad guys that stupid? So stupid that they leave a trail leading to them without cleaning it up?


The name going around right now is SlopeGate.



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Now it looks like the sniper went through Secret Service security earlier with a range finder in hand. Good God. A range finder is used by shooters to measure distances.

According to the guest, there was an odd moment when he was looking at counter-snipers through the range finder and they were looking at him through binoculars. One said, "We're looking at him looking at us."


I didn't mention it before, but the sniper had two IEDs in his car set and ready to explode. And he had the detonator on him. The thinking for one scenario was that he would set them off from a distance as a distraction for escape.

How much worse is this going to get?


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7 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

How much worse is this going to get?


People (entities) were shorting the stock of Truth Social. From July 1-12, shorts doubled.

If Trump had been killed over the weekend, Truth Social stock would have tanked and they would have made a killing in another meaning.

For those who doubled the short-selling, what did they know that we didn't.


btw - I trust Lara Logan. That means I extend that trust to her sources since she vets them hard.

According to her source, the entitles who did this will be exposed shortly.


Just think about it. These evil bastards not only wanted to kill Trump. They wanted to make stock market money off of Trump's death.



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8 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

These evil bastards not only wanted to kill Trump. They wanted to make stock market money off of Trump's death.

I can't believe the implications get even worse.

According to Noor Bin Laden (who is marvelous in all respects, unlike her hideous uncle), if Trump had died over the weekend, Nikki Haley would likely have been anointed as candidate at the RNC.

This gives the cliché phrase "dodged a bullet" a new threshold of meaning.

I loathe neocons and the Predator Class.


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The Internet with smartphones is taking the Deep State apart.

I dislike smartphones because of surveillance, but that is a two-edged sword. The bad guys get surveilled, too, and not just by Deep State companies or the government.

Elon Musk has managed to maintain a high-traffic publishing platform for individuals.

Below is a great example. You would never get this kind of detail from a law enforcement (government) report or the mainstream news.

The shooter obviously had help and prop managers.

Can't hide this shit no more.



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I am beyond 'sure' that nefarious people and their actions led to the abysmal and utter security failure. But just as 'no courts in the country' as defense against fuckery in the election , otherwise explained phenomenon in this instance should be vetted as likely not only plausible.

That ladder is just like the one I have , they are heavy and unwieldy but manageable even for a soyboy, still a boy just less so. Positioning it is not the issue , showing up at site seemingly  assured you wouldn't need to procure a device like that, and was immediately available to you  for use is the issue.

ps( trickier than getting it in a room without destroying drywall , is unfolding it without it crashing into light fixtues on ceilings , just sayin :) )

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Elon weighed in. 

Just in case something happens to that X post, here's the satire photo Elon posted. The Saddam Hussein mention is at the bottom right, along with the blank wall called shooter ladder.



At first blush (I haven't looked around yet), I think Elon was satirizing a SkyNews Chopper photo.



You can see that photo in more context here.


In the aftermath of the attempted assassination of President Trump, federal law enforcement can’t figure out a motive for the shooter, and they can’t get into all the details of his phone, but they’re 100% sure that he acted alone.


From that article alone, CBS didn't waste any time putting out a trial balloon for a coverup narrative.



I just hate our mainstream news.

But I love X, even with its ton of noise, which is not so hard to filter out. When something gets real bad, they have community notes feature where real factcheckers (not fake-ass ones like Snopes) are taken from normal users. They pile on without mercy to correct the lies and disinformation, or add missing context. They have even corrected Elon a few times.


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7 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Nikki Haley would likely have been anointed as candidate at the RNC.

Now the cover-up.

Just look at this:

If you don't know, here is a Body Language 101 principle.

When a person is saying something emphatic and that person's head is shaking "no," that person is most likely lying or deceiving.

Nikki Haley most emphatically endorsed Trump while shaking her head no.


And wagging her finger to boot. I don't know what that one means in Body Language principles. But I often see bossy people wagging their finger at me.



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1. Everybody is asking about the Trump assassination attempt. They are asking if it is an inside job. The world is on fire asking this.

2. Cheatle (the Secret Service director) and others did a Senate briefing today (with monkey-business, of course--they called it off after 4 questions--3 being from Democrats).

3. Cheatle advises she will not testify in the House. Too busy with RNC she says.

4. Biden gets COVIT-19  and cancels future campaign events for now,


Talk about a narrative forming. When reality itself forms the narrative, it's a bitch for people who try to control the narrative.



As an aside, maybe Biden needs a few more jab booster shots.



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Why does Elon still have the CDC disclaimer up on X ?

Dont get me wrong that disclaimer helped me scrutinize which videos to view on YouTube ,lol.

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That only happens when I embed it here. That does not happen on X itself.

I don't know for sure, but I think this is some kind of arrangement Elon made to make things run smoother during the time the big players in the Deep State go kaboom.

Or until Trump gets sworn in.



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I noticed another just plain crazy sign of the times. We are using YouTube and catching streams from multiple sources for RNC coverage. Grabbed the UsaToday feed by happenstance, they had a permanent top banner warning that the coverage was live and not fact checked by UsaToday, wtf?!

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