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Also black voters themselves are not happy with Kamala for the most part.

HRC is going to get slaughtered by Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If Trump is taking the gloves off against Wray this early, he must know something we don't.


Less than three weeks ago, President Donald Trump barely survived an attempted assassination at his political rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.



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55 minutes ago, tmj said:

Just an aside , and just for the weirdness, but 7/13/24 the date in Butler :

7+1+3+2+4=17  funny number that

Thats weird

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I think the Deep State just lost the Secret Service for good.

I watched this video and my entire inner image of the Secret Service got a radical major overhaul. And not for the better.

"Yesterday's technology tomorrow."

That's the Secret Service inside joke on their equipment.

And that's just one bad thing.

EDIT: YouTube sucks a big hairy one. I don't know what I was thinking by embedding a YouTube video with this kind of content.


Here is the video on Rumble:


The loss of the Secret Service to the Deep State won't take effect immediately, but, like Dan Bongino said, the closer we get to the date Trump looks like his win is inevitable, a whole lot of CYA shit will appear in the news as if out of nowhere.

It will be certain Secret Service personnel leaking it to cover their own dumb-asses and, hopefully to them, keep their jobs. What's more, they will all leak it to make it look like the other guy did it. The cocaine in the White House story. Pipe bombs. All of it.


Why is Bongino going scorched earth and shoving out dirty laundry on the Secret Service? Because he is heart-broken that Trump almost got assassinated and another man, Corey Comperatore, was murdered right in front of his family so that Secret Service ass-kissers and bureaucrats can cover their own asses and rely on luck as their job plan.

The Secret Service is soon going to go through a lot of bickering and infighting.

And not soon enough, I say.



EDIT: Here's an article on this and more:


Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino blew the lid off of the culture of corruption in the Secret Service.


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In discussing the resignation of Cheatle, the director of the Secret Service, I mentioned this:

On 7/23/2024 at 1:59 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

People who are trying to appease MAGA make a mistake if they think this is an end point.

It is a beginning point. The real work of digging up the muck and trash starts now. This was a hard blow to the Deep State, but the fight is still on. The Deep State will not quit, that's for sure.

But now, MAGA will not quit, either.


It takes time to produce a documentary, so the 18 minute documentary below is only coming out now. However, it is going viral. It is going all over the damn place.

Bennie Johnson has produced the best overall view of the job the Secret Service had to do on the day Trump was shot. And he details the massive security failures by the Secret Service on that day--from five different major security vectors.

Five, not one.

This was a friggin' invitation for someone to take a shot at Trump. As one of the snipers interviewed said, if there were several terrorists present, say five, who were willing to die in order to take out Trump, they all would have had a chance to take a shot.

All they had to do was walk up to the Dead Zone (a jargon term for an area accessed without any security check), take out their ordinance and fire away. They would have been about 100 yards from their target, President Trump.

This points hard to the conclusion that the assassination attempt was an inside job.


Want some more jargon used by the Intelligence Community and military?

Try the term "Kill Box."

Trump was literally set up inside a classic kill box on that day he got shot. It could not have been better staged,

Watch and see for yourself.


I have said this assassination attempt is not going to go away. And it will not despite the Deep State flooding the news and social media outlets with Biden leaving the race, speculations about Kamala Harris, bullshit about the Olympics fruitcake show, Macron's wife being a transgender, and other similar distractions.

No, motherfuckers. You tried to kill Trump.

In reality.

That's not a narrative to control. That's attempted murder for real.

We're not letting this fade.

And we are many.


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Here comes a ton of receipts against the Soros funded-and-controlled public prosecutors, including money, meetings, collusions, all of it.

I don't know what laws apply here, but this level of conspiracy against the US government has to have stepped in it somewhere.

And, boy, are there some hungry top-level justice-system people wanting these bastards in prison.



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On 8/6/2024 at 3:37 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

This points hard to the conclusion that the assassination attempt was an inside job.

The following points hard at this inside job conclusion, too.


Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) has accused the FBI of obstructing the investigation into the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump by


The FBI released the body of the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, for cremation shortly after the assassination attempt (10 days after) and did not inform anyone.

And they scrubbed everything they could about Crooks.

Now evidence of anything directly related to him is hard to come by, if at all.

Congressman Higgins is on it, but it's an uphill battle.


I hate these Deep State people. Loathe is a better word.


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On 8/17/2024 at 6:57 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

The FBI released the body of the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, for cremation shortly after the assassination attempt (10 days after) and did not inform anyone.

And they scrubbed everything they could about Crooks.

I wonder if this is part of the reason:

The more they cover it up, the worse it stinks.


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Bob Menendez finally resigned from the Senate.

That was a swamp creature that took a long time to get rid of.

I bet there will be a lot of ripples out in the swamp for quite some time from this. Not good ripples. Instead, ripples hiding other swamp creatures poised to bite.

But they are going down.



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Here's an idea from Mike Adams about RFK Jr's endorsement of Trump and inclusion into a Team of Rivals cabinet.


Do you realize that on day one of his new job as head of HHS, RFK Jr. could END direct-to-consumer (DTC) drug advertising? This would end Big Pharma's stranglehold over mass media, and it would instantly halt the "brought to you by Pfizer" plandemic propaganda machine that funds the lying corporate media. Vote for Trump if you want to stop Big Pharma with the help of RFK Jr.



That's if he gets to be head of HHS.

How about DOJ?

Would he scatter the CIA to the four winds?




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I lived through the Kennedy assassinations (and the other assassinations back then). I spent 32 years in a foreign country, Brazil, to get away from the madness here in the US, and I came back only to find that the US government had been taken over by Neocons and the Predator Class in general. 

The only respite was Trump's 4 years in office, which I am proud to have supported from the beginning.


When I see the following videos, I get emotional, way too emotional for my own comfort. Tears in eyes emotional.

It's not out of love for Bobby Kennedy Jr. It's out of knowing what this moment represents in America, for the American sense of life, to use Rand's term.

I see those videos and I am watching one of the most important modern historical events happening right before my eyes.


The promise of the America of my youth is back.




Man, does that feel good...



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The Deep State is now in full panic mode.

They are showing the iron fist of their authoritarian hand too early for it to stick. They are in Hail Mary pass mode.


The French government just arrested Telegram CEO, Pavel Durov, on a tarmac in France. 

Mike Benz says this is actually the US State department's doing.

He's got the best analysis I have seen.


On Saturday, the CEO of the popular messaging app was arrested at Le Bourget airport in France for refusing to comply with the country’s censorship laws.


The CEO of Rumble just got out of Europe safely.

Escape from Europe?

A normal business CEO?

Can you believe anyone would have posted this and been serious about it just a little while ago? 


As Trump said, "Fight, fight, fight."


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23 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

The French government just arrested Telegram CEO, Pavel Durov, on a tarmac in France. 

Mike Benz says this is actually the US State department's doing.

Mike keeps pounding away at the idea that this is mostly the US government being the bad guy at root. And Mike is making a dent in the culture.

The time has come for his idea.


Operations-wise, who is the evil messenger and conveyor of funds?

Hell, that's easy. The evil ones are the NGOs that are cutouts for the CIA and State Department (and Pentagon and... and... and...)

Mike speaks from the lens of one who has been backstage and in the trenches working for The Blob.

He couldn't stand it anymore.

I'm with Mike Benz.

Fuck the Blob.



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Mike Banz uses Brazil's censorship program as an example of how this all works.

1. The US government, through NGO cutouts and other shady forms of operation, funded the operation of installing Brazil's censorship program, especially for social media.

2. The House has total jurisdiction over this funding. 

3. The House has no jurisdiction over anything that the Brazilian government can and cannot do.

4. The House held a committee meeting to explore the topic of censorship in Brazil and condemned Brazil for it.

5. The House did nothing with respect to the US funding that caused the Brazilian social media censorship to spring into existence.

That's the way they roll. Plausible deniability with a smokescreen, but still the same old shit. Even in Mike Johnson's majority in the House.

Vee cahn do nossingk... Der rules prohibit blah blah blah...

And the beat goes on...


But they can do something. They can stop paying for regime change activities by the US government and strengthening of tyranny throughout the world for the Predator Class.

If broke governments do not get money from the US to do this shit, they will not do it. Not because they don't want to. But because they can't.

So long as we pay for this crap in well-hidden money-laundering schemes, they can.

And the irony is that the schemes are only hidden with rhetoric. Anyone who looks in the right place can find the proof. It's mostly public information.


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Bret Weinstein had comments in this vein on his recent appearance on PBD's podcast. The NGO funding may well be subject to legislative oversight and to excuse and obfuscate the bad actions the legislatures can and do hide behind smokescreens and mirrors, the blah blah about not being legally or morally culpable in other countries' actions. But the main thrust of covert activities of the BLOB are 'off the books' , their budgets are black and the justifications for their opaque-ness is solidified in things like Patriot Act , a product of the legislature.

"We" conjured the Blob of the Sta-Puft Marshmellow Man and may have to cross the streams to kill it.

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I'm going to take a HUGE detour, but don't despair. It will be short.

I don't know how to process the number of fallacies I observed in the 10 minutes I saw of the following video of James Valliant being interviewed by a guy named Razi Ginzberg (whom I don't know anything about).

Full disclosure, I am not a fan of Valliant (and he hates me :) ) since I believe his rational processing of concepts is corrupt to the core.

Even after that, I stood in awe when I saw the beginning of this video.

How can a person do that to his own mind and then pretend this is in the name of Ayn Rand in some sense?


I am beginning to believe that errors of this magnitude are not made by accident. Nor are they cognitive fallacies in search of validation.

This is mental corruption of some sort, or it is outright lying to promote a hidden agenda.

Whatever that agenda or reason is, it has nothing to do with Ayn Rand or her ideas. She is the paint coat, but the machine underneath is rusted and rotted.


I am a big-tent tolerator of differing views (even with this yo-yo) since it takes time for people from different backgrounds to understand an issue from a wide context, to check their own premises, to weigh core issues they might have missed, etc. So I even started watching that video in an open frame of mind, which means identify and understand correctly, then evaluate.

But I stand in awe of the 10 minutes I saw here.

I have never seen that much reality mentally wiped out in in one fell swoop in a discussion purporting to be rational.

I know I am not providing an analysis per se and just an opinion. So check it for yourself. I could only do 10 minutes. And I refuse to dissect shit. The world will never be changed, for the good or the bad, by discussions and ideas like these.

Good God!

End of rant.

Now back to helping the human race inhabiting the world we know change for the better for real.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Who wants to bet that the Deep State is behind this cyberattack on Social Security and not some foreign enemy?

I smell false flag all over this as a pretext for the people in power right now to use the federal government to mess in the presidential election.

Just look at the timing alone.


Social security's online and in-person personalized services are down. The outage affects an online service you can use to check your Social Security information.



They're not even doing believable things anymore.


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If you need a Deep State dartboard photo, take a screenshot of this video while it is playing, print it out, put it up and have at it.

I, myself, don't want that for darts, for as satisfying as that may be when I am playing.

The idea of putting an image of this asshole on my wall gives me the willies...



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