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One of the biggest unravels for the Deep State right now is the aftermath of the debate.

I got this from Scott Adams. Can anyone remember a single goddam thing about the debates? I mean instantly remember?

What did Kamala Harris say that you remember? Or Trump?


If you saw the debate and someone tells you about something you saw, you will probably go, "Yeah, that's right."

But other than that, all you get instantly, all that comes to mind is talking points. And they do not stand out.


But Eating the Dogs and Eating the Cats? :) 

Yup. Everybody remembers that. Hell, the memes and impacts have not even peaked yet.

That's the only thing left from the debate anyone remembers.

And, man, is the Deep State pissed. They're losing it all and they can't stop the bleeding..



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The bad guys made another ASSASSINATION attempt on Trump and missed.

Here's a start for information.


          **Update** President Trump was safely transported to his Mar-a-Lago residence.

Everybody is going to be talking about this nonstop for the next few days, so I will leave the details to them.


I am concerned with only two aspects, and they concern me greatly.

1. The bad guys missed again.

2. What Gen. Mike Flynn said, no FBI in the investigation.


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Ryan Routh, a Biden and Harris supporter is the shooter according to Laura Loomer, who is on the scene right now.

I hate to say this, but it's true.

Trump just gained more votes.

But he would have anyway as the election got closer.

I don't want to rejoice when assassination attempts are the reason people switch their votes to Trump.


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Here is Ryan Routh in a video from 2022 (as he says on the video). He was 56 then, so he is 58 now.

He is being interviewed by someone over in Ukraine about why he is there and what he intends to do.



If you pay attention to this from the lens of a Deep State groomer of assassins (and other troublemakers with a fuse), Routh shows just the right amount of emotional imbalance (deep hatred, but not uncontrolled) and rational competence to do things in order to be groomed for assassinating the president.

That's what I see when I see that video.

I have no proof, but I believe this man was groomed by the Deep State to kill Trump. They gave him what he needed, gave him the information of where to go, and set him loose.

Notice he said he has no military experience in the video. It looks like he gained some relevant knowledge and skills since that video. I wonder who trained him, hmmmmmm?

Now he is in FBI custody, so the cover-up is starting.


Also, from a Randian perspective, notice that Routh says he is fighting for altruism at the end of the video.


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About an hour ago, Biden finally issued a statement about the attempted Trump assassination. And he hedged with the word "possible."

This makes me seriously think he knew it was going to take place, or something in that ballpark.

Remember when he strongly hinted that the Nord Stream pipeline will be damaged? Then it was damaged.

Or how about that slip of the tongue where he said they built the world's greatest election rigging system or something to that effect? Then the election was rigged.

Biden is always in the know with plausible deniability.


Based on this, I believe that business of him wearing a Trump hat was a way of him having fun with an upcoming assassination, or so he believed.

I have no proof, but man am I sure.



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Frankly, I'm just waiting to hear news of Routh's miraculous "suicide" while incarcerated.

These jokers are stupid enough to pull that one.

They did with Epstein. Why not this guy?


Or put it this way. If Routh does not "kill himself" in prison, that would be an indication that the people involved in the assassination attempt are not that high up, or if they are, they have an effective smokescreen in place.

I'm thinking he will "kill himself," though.


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Mike Adams has tons of inside contacts.

What he details below is plausible.

I agree with the broad outlines.


A source tells me the leak of Trump's whereabouts is coming from Homeland Security, not USSS. Homeland Security is leaking location details to FBI, and FBI is running the assassins. The entire top leadership of the FBI is desperately trying to figure out how to eliminate Trump, while the loyal elements of US Secret Service are trying to stop it. Homeland Security and US State Dept are full-on treasonous criminal ops at this point. If Homeland can't eliminate Trump soon, State Dept will make sure a war begins with Russia. If they fail, hundreds of top people within FBI and Homeland are going to either flee the country or be criminally prosecuted under a Trump presidency. This is what's at stake.


Your mileage may vary, but that is where I am landing so far.


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I am not the only one out there who thinks this way.


Treasonous acts like grooming mass murderers by the FBI and CIA are at the heart of much of today's bloodshed. But this grooming is only the tip of the iceberg.

They imagine themselves to be kings and queens without the pomp so they don't answer to anyone. Except they do.

They need to learn that the USA does not have kings and queens. Nah... They just need to be removed and replaced by people of integrity.


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Look at the power of free speech.

There are other things going on here, but free speech is the essence when it is defended with gusto by good men and women.


          Thierry Breton, the power-hungry EU bureaucrat known for trying to strong-arm Elon Musk’s X platform, has resigned.


This idiot Breton did not realize you have to make people NOT want free speech, or think it is inessential, BEFORE you put shackles on the public. You can't do it when free speech is being defended with gusto by people of integrity.

Or... hmmm... let's do a Machiavellian lens.

Tyrants who impose oppression too fast fall fast.



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If someone doesn't believe the FBI is involved with shady, shady shit, look at the following video and try to explain that.

It's law that law enforcement officers have to identify themselves. In this case, one guy said they were showing up to discuss a tweet.

It's law, yet one guy would not give his full name, the other guy would not give his name at all. Neither supplied government identification.

Good on Jeremy Kauffman for getting them to stand down and leave.

This video is now on X and I doubt it will be taken down. I hope it will still be there when the investigation into the FBI takes off for real.

Also, here is the post they were likely there to talk about. I believe this is the one because it was subject to some kind of action in EU and cannot be shown there.


Want me to have empathy for Haitians? Here's how you do it:

Yes, the Haitians are quite different from you. They're dumber, they lack self-control, they struggle to plan, and they're much more violent.

But ultimately, they're still human. There was a time when all of our ancestors once lived like Haitians.

Part of what makes Western nations great, and what makes Western morality superior, is our sense of altruism and noblesse oblige towards those with less.

So, no, the Haitians aren't "like you". But with our help and guidance, they could be doing a lot better and be on their way to eventually achieving more of what we've achieved for ourselves.

Say things like the above if you want more empathy towards Haitians from more rational Westerners.



Does anyone see anything there that warrants a visit by the FBI? The only thing the FBI wanted was to intimidate the guy and, maybe, see if they could trip him up with something so they could come back, or others could come, and cause him legal grief.

Goon state tactics.


btw - I had never heard of Jeremy Kauffman before. I just followed him on X. After what he just did, how could I not?



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Everybody and their brother are talking about this:

I could not find any official statement mentioned in my scans looking into this, so I asked Grok if it was true.

Grok answered that several X posts are alleging this, but there is no official statement. But rather than issue a true of false statement at the end where it would normally go, Grok said it's "complicated."


To me, it's not complicated at all.

If that X post is true, that would be awesome. If it is not true, it is excellent counterpropaganda to the bullshit and lies the FBI constantly dumps on the public.


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Here is an interesting follow-up to the last post.

The FBI does not have sole jurisdiction over this case and this is seen in the FBI's statement below and failure to stage a cover-up so far.

I'm not so sure about DeSantis being DA, though. I don't forget what he did during the primaries.

As DA, he could try to advance his career by attacking Trump if the opportunity arose. I'm not saying he would, but I have no doubt he would consider it seeing who his disgruntled RINO friends were during the primaries.


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Watch the following video on Ryan Routh and see if you can ever look at the Deep State with the same eyes again.


Here's a teaser and it is just one of many I could take from this video. 

Ryan Routh was running an important arm of the covert "Visas for Terrorists" program that was being coordinated between The Pentagon, The State Department and the CIA. He ran this for some time. His part dealt mostly with Pakistan and Iran, but also included Ukraine.

Now he shows up trying to kill Trump.



15 mins of fire, deep down the rabbit hole of Ryan Routh My hit on War Room today w/ @nataliegwinters

Mike invented a new term in this video.

Maybe he has used the term elsewhere, but this video is the first I have heard him say the term.

And what is it?




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Just for the record, whenever you see a riot or uproar in a community where real estate values can be affected, you will find a plethora of real estate scams.

It looks like what went on in Springfield OH was the same.

The voucher opportunity is one scam. (I already said NGOs are evil.)

Another is where the real estate values decrease due to the confusion and vulture companies come in and buy up the property cheap.


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Another scam ,but ‘harder’ for O-landish, to find fault with is staffing agencies that supply part time non-mandatory benefit eligible workers, a situation facilitated by large influxes of new additions to the worker pool. Which usually comes coupled with ‘back door’ welfare benefits to supplement part time wages.

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