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Eric Weinstein gave an extremely perceptive analysis of the house of cards power-structure of the Deep State and why someone like Trump is such a threat to it. They know he might topple their structure and they won't see it coming.

Eric even uses boxing in his analysis, citing Emanuel Augustus as a person who, like Trump, plays within the rules, but outside at the same time. (You can see some clips here.)

People wedded to structure thinking as their form of metaphysics and action loathe and fear these kinds of outlier people with all their might.

Eric, didn't say it, but the structure-at-all-costs people habitually cheat when facing such opponents. Even Emanuel Augustus was cheated out of many victories with the crowd booing up a storm. 

Eric noted that one way of cheating is to demand the opponent agree to the outcome in advance. 

They can't stand the uncertainty of fair play.


In fact, I am always on the lookout these days on how to use a specific idea in my fiction writing. I like the archetype of the structure-at-all-costs person who cheats to beat the trickster.

Let me take that one step further. Look and you will see if you look without agenda. O-Land is full of these archetypes. I've often called them control-freaks, but I like this new designation better since it cuts to the core of the way they think..



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