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7 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Do your own thinking...

... what is 'Commotio cordis' ... ?

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42 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:
49 minutes ago, william.scherk said:

... what is 'Commotio cordis' ... ?

Big Pharma opposition research.

What does that mean, please?

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Knowledge is power. The ability to know things with reasonable certainty gives humans power over their lives and environment. 

When a football player has heart stoppage on the field, explanations of all kinds rush in from all sides. Interpretations, speculations, pet theories, habitual mysterianism, and trollish 'what-ifs' ...

So, I ask a question sparked by Dr Peter McCullough's mention of a cardiac phenomena, 'commotio cordis' ...

2 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:
2 hours ago, william.scherk said:
3 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:
3 hours ago, william.scherk said:
10 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Do your own thinking...

... what is 'Commotio cordis' ... ?

Big Pharma opposition research.

What does that mean, please?

Refusal to bow. [...] My thing is knowledge, not power.

What do 'we' know?

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3 minutes ago, william.scherk said:

Knowledge is power. The ability to know things with reasonable certainty gives humans power over their lives and environment. 

When a football player has heart stoppage on the field, explanations of all kinds rush in from all sides. Interpretations, speculations, pet theories, habitual mysterianism, and trollish 'what-ifs' ...

So, I ask a question sparked by Dr Peter McCullough's mention of a cardiac phenomena, 'commotio cordis' ...

What do 'we' know?

We know that creating a laser or a supercomputer or a rocket is a generally uncomplex, localized, predictable endeavor.

We also know that the audacity and hubris that comes with those who are willing to positively tinker with the working of the biosphere, human or other DNA, create new manmade life or viruses, with the highly flawed view that they can be and remain in control... are completely mistaken.  Nothing could be more complex, non-local and unpredictable (especially if leaked into the environment)... and the potential consequences are both long-term and catastrophic to who knows how many human individuals in the future.


There is a reason we traditionally proceeded in any similar area with caution...


There is that saying... a little knowledge is more dangerous than ignorance...

is true in the sense that as flawed beings sometimes unearned complacency arrives much too soon when in fact we have so much more to learn... and one lesson (possibly learned too late) that we, cannot in reality control everything... and should never hope to.

THAT is what I know.


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1 hour ago, william.scherk said:

What do 'we' know?


I don't know about "we."

For myself, I know not to get information from people who lie their asses off all the time and harm innocents, especially when they stand to gain unearned money (or property), sex and power.

Liars lie, so I prefer to my information elsewhere.


You luvs you some lying-ass authoritarians.

I don't.

That, I also know.



And there's this.

You already think I'm a fool.

Imagine if I believed the shit you promote.

Then I would really be a fool.



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On 1/4/2023 at 12:29 PM, Strictlylogical said:
On 1/4/2023 at 12:14 PM, william.scherk said:

When a football player has heart stoppage on the field, explanations of all kinds rush in from all sides. Interpretations, speculations, pet theories, habitual mysterianism, and trollish 'what-ifs' ...

So, I ask a question sparked by Dr Peter McCullough's mention of a cardiac phenomena, 'commotio cordis' ...

What do 'we' know?

We know that creating a laser or a supercomputer or a rocket is a generally uncomplex, localized, predictable endeavor.

Ah ... 


Doctors treating Damar Hamlin at a hospital said he was beginning to awaken but still critically ill and on a ventilator.

From the hospital ...

From the hustler Stew Peters on GAB ... coupon code STEW



Edited by william.scherk
Updated with brief video excerpt in tweet from medical team
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Yes I would forgive anyone who had no shot at net personal gain from even promoting Covid jabs, why wouldn’t one?

But the list of unforgivables needs to include medical professionals on almost every level down to local family physicians.

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Thus Spake McCullough!

On 1/3/2023 at 12:12 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:
On 1/3/2023 at 12:05 PM, william.scherk said:

... what is 'Commotio cordis' ... ?

Big Pharma opposition research.

I'm going to have to do some Entity Thinking.

Dr Peter McCullough initially speculated and then ruled out the possibility of Commotio Cordis, as reported by Steve Kirsch at his Substack newsletter:


-- so what information would one need to consider -- to rule out any given speculation?

In other words, "Is the 'case closed' now that McCullough has spoken?"

All rise ...

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1 hour ago, william.scherk said:

In other words, "Is the 'case closed' now that McCullough has spoken?"


You didn't understand yet.

It doesn't matter to me whether the people you promote say that water is wet, I'm not interested in what they say.

They have no respect for me, thus I have no respect for them.

There is no negotiating with that anymore.

It's over.


In other words, it doesn't matter to me that you are pretending this is all about McCullough. I never saw you talk about McCullough when he was censored from here to Kingdom Come by the people you promote. So I know you don't give a shit about him or his credibility. But now that those same people you promote are talking about him, so are you.


Those people you promote don't give a fuck about truth or information. They want to protect their power and standing and goodies. That's their priority. Truth and falsehood are waaaaaaaaaay down on their priority list. Whatever works to protect their power and standing and goodies is what they consider to be good and proper. Truth or lie, either is just fine by them, just so long as the public buys it or they can get away with it.

I've thought about this a lot because I used to think this was a battle of intellectual matters. But here is my conclusion. As I have no interest in protecting their power and standing and goodies, and I have no respect for their integrity, or them as human beings for that matter, I couldn't give a shit what they say.

I'm done.

Blank out.

My advice to you is find some better masters to serve.

But it's your life.


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Styx did this video this morning.

It's been exposed that a ghost army of fake doctors has been plugging the jab and Fauci's advice about lockdowns, masks and so on.

Fauci needed sockpuppet accounts of imaginary doctors to sell his bullshit.




Woah: Support via donation: Patreon: Subscribestar:...

Styx didn't give any links, so I looked it up. Here is what I found.


And here is the article from the San Francisco Standard.

But note that it is dated Dec. 13, 2022.

These Doctors Pushed Masking, Covid Lockdowns on Twitter. Turns Out, They Don’t Exist


They claimed to be LGBTQ+ allies, pushed extreme Covid caution and told tales of tragedy and loss. The problem: They weren’t real.


Here's another report.



A number of prominent COVID doctor Twitter accounts have been exposed as being likely fake, despite racking up huge followings.


This is one of my favorite parts. It's from the SF Standard article, but the picture here is better.


Except the profile photo associated with “Honeyman’s” account was a stock photo.

The supposed husband, Patrick Honeyman, was a photo of an insurance professional who lives in Wayne, Indiana, according to the Standard.

COVID doctor

Screenshot of an insurance professional from Indiana whose image was used to portray the husband of a fake COVID influencer.



I have no doubt there are many more stories and articles out there. But I stopped looking. I'm tired of trying to make Internet search engines make sense when there is a heavily-monied political agenda from the Predator Class on the table.

Still, from this information alone, it shows to go ya' that not all doctors are created equal.

Hey... a guy's gotta make a living, right?



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Here’s a good takeaway if you are aware enough to wonder if you’re being subjected to a psyop, if the contemplation or expression of contemplating an idea is classified as dangerous you are most likely being subjected to a psyop.

Whether or not the idea itself is wrong or bad is beside the point, just the human activity of contemplation and expression of a particular idea is the ‘thing’ that is or can be harmful. The fear response to harm avoidance is being triggered to shut down engagement with the idea of analyzing the goodness/correctness of the content of the idea.

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2 minutes ago, tmj said:

Here’s a good takeaway if you are aware enough to wonder if you’re being subjected to a psyop, if the contemplation or expression of contemplating an idea is classified as dangerous you are most likely being subjected to a psyop.

Whether or not the idea itself is wrong or bad is beside the point, just the human activity of contemplation and expression of a particular idea is the ‘thing’ that is or can be harmful. The fear response to harm avoidance is being triggered to shut down engagement with the idea of analyzing the goodness/correctness of the content of the idea.

Very well stated my man

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On 1/5/2023 at 5:25 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Those people you promote don't give a fuck about truth or information. They want to protect their power and standing and goodies. That's their priority. Truth and falsehood are waaaaaaaaaay down on their priority list. Whatever works to protect their power and standing and goodies is what they consider to be good and proper. Truth or lie, either is just fine by them, just so long as the public buys it or they can get away with it.

I've thought about this a lot because I used to think this was a battle of intellectual matters. But here is my conclusion. As I have no interest in protecting their power and standing and goodies, and I have no respect for their integrity, or them as human beings for that matter, I couldn't give a shit what they say.

I'm done.

Blank out.

That might sound harsh to the reader, but that is a conclusion I came to on my own without any input other than my own study and observation. I did not echo the words of another here, nor is there any person promoting an agenda I was following with that statement. There are people out there that have agendas I like and I do agree with them on a lot, but that quote was not a result of them.

That was all me from lived experience and observing what people do and say.


After I wrote that last Thursday, today I came across the following relevant video by accident. I thought James Lindsay was going to discuss something else, an historical thing of some sort about "struggle sessions."

But he didn't. Or he actually did, but he applied it to what happened to him being censored from Twitter, and, by extension, without even realizing it, he described how the propagandists managed to lock people into their thinking about the jab and a lot of other Predator Class agendas.

I admit, I am only one and a half hours into this video and I still have an hour left.

But the way psychological manipulation in struggle sessions targets people, and the way they feel as a reaction, is so well described, and the way this applies to the propaganda campaigns from the Predator Class is so spot on, I had to post this here right now.



I, myself, found my own painful way out. A line of impatience with the bullshit has been growing so much in my soul that I reached a point where I stopped caring. I no longer want to convince the Predator Class, and its apologists, of anything. I want to explore reality, story, the mind, and so on. Do great things and entertain great ideas. Write a great novel. Celebrate life.

I know the Predator Class is violent at root, so if they ever come for me, they will be surprised at the viciousness of my resistance. I know they are predators, so I have no negotiations with them anymore like I used to. After watching them release a bioweapon on mankind, then release the "cure" that is also killing people with side effects, I'm done.

These people are crazy and evil. 

But arriving at that conclusion was not an easy path. I had my own journey and maybe some day I will write about it. But just as I no longer tolerate systematic bullying on OL (after trying to negotiate with it), I will no longer want Predator Class preaching bullshit near me. I'm not prohibiting discussion. But those who adhere to this crap will have to put up with responses from me that is not in their playbook.

That's the trouble with scum. They don't even know they're scum.



Here's the deal. Here on OL there are plenty of great things to probe.

Life is beautiful.

And the best way to not let the scum ruin that beauty is to use cleaning liquids.



I know long videos are a challenge. They are for me, too.

However, I cannot recommend this video by James Lindsay enough. At least the first hour and a half (but it's a good probability my recommendation will end up being for the whole thing when I finish).

If you want to see how propaganda turns into brainwashing in practice, not just in theory, James gives you a prime example and an insider look going back to Robert Jay Lifton's work on political persuasion that leads to violence, particularly the struggle sessions of the Mao regime in Communist China.

And here's the best part for me. You will even see how the brainwashed are and are not brainwashed at the same time. Their fundamental nature never goes away as they acquire a new persona. They become split between a secret person and a public one--and even those two get split.

From that angle alone, this video is fascinating.

What's more, when struggle session technique runs rampant, it is deadly. Why?

Just look at the piles of dead bodies that keep appearing after it appears.


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I think Scott Adams is becoming undone.

There are a lot of people now saying things like the following.

And Michael Yon is one of the most trusted journalists in the world--he's the guy who goes into the war zones and cartel zones. 


Some time ago I noticed Scott doing a lot of blah blah blah around the jabs and got bored with him. Then it kicked in hard when he asked people, in a kind of mocking tone, if they personally knew anyone who had been damaged by the jab or who had had an unexpected heart attack. He followed that with this is in the news, but nobody knows of a case...

I admit I checked because he said that. But after I checked, I decided he was full of shit and doing a covert persuasion thing. He has often lied to his audience on purpose to elicit a response. And he later brags about it. (My guess is sometimes, not always.) It's a tiny step to go from there to propaganda. And a massive amount of money would be a hell of an incentive.

Once in a blue moon I will fire up a Scott Adams video these days, but I start jumping forward when he goes into (the goes on and on about) his version of how his this or that prediction of his came true, or how most people don't know how to think and XXX proves it, and things like that.


One of the funniest recent cases with Scott was his reaction to another famous cartoonist, Ben Garrison. And it's over COVID.

‘Dilbert’ creator Scott Adams threatens to sue a fellow cartoonist for defamation


Adams, a public figure, claims the far right cartoonist has defamed him.





I like Scott and think he's intelligent about some persuasion techniques. But his vanity is a real turn-off recently. He thinks because he knows some hypnosis and knows where in the corporate universe to point satire that he can hypnotize an entire culture.

This episode is showing him that he can't.

And I think that is messing with his head. Why? Because I think he started believing his own bullshit in addition to his insights.

It's sad to see this, but people never act right. Never.



Besides, there is the issue of a competitor cartoonist growing fast. And that last frame of the cartoon must have stung since it is impossible to tell it from an original Dilbert cartoon (except for Garrison's signature :) ).

I learned a long time ago that Scott's integrity is not reliable when someone criticizes him. He either denies the criticism with dismissal, gobbledygook and/or rationalizations, or says the critic is one of three things, (1) dishonest, (2) misinformed, or (3) suffering from cognitive dissonance.

In all cases, he first praises himself with how he always accepts fair criticism and has no problem with it. Then he uses the BUT eraser. A BUT eraser is when one says something, then says, "but..." It doesn't matter what comes after that "but." Substance-wise, it erases everything that came before.



I wonder if Scott sees what I see when he looks at a mirror.

Whatever it is he sees, I am sure he keeps looking, but not me so much anymore.


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Naomi expressed completely my view.

I even canceled a surgery because they stipulated I needed a Covid test first--after the surgeon had seen me without a mask to examine me.

I still don't know when I will feel comfortable going to an American hospital or doctor again. 


I base this on a knee surgery I had about 13 or 14 years ago. Before I went under, I told them I was a former drug addict and I did not want any pain medication other than the general anesthesia they told me about.

They said OK. I made a big fuss and they promised me they would not give me pain medication. Then they gave me a big-ass dose of some opioid or other without my knowledge or consent and I am sure that brought them a lot of insurance money.

I felt no pain for 3 days. Then it finally wore off. As a former druggie, I realized what was happening and just enjoyed the high while it lasted, in between bouts of being really pissed. And yes the pain was awful when it wore off, but I'll take that pain anytime over getting addicted to drugs again.

I learned at that moment American doctors have integrity issues if there is money involved, and there is always money involved.

That scares me.


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On 1/3/2023 at 2:12 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Big Pharma opposition research.

Think excuses for Big Pharma when you see the ton of shit in the mainstream about healthy people dying without a cause.

This tweet shows the subtext reality in an instant manner only humor can convey.



Sudden Invented Syndrome Syndrome.




Money. Power. Sex. Brainwashing. Death.

Those are the elements involved in this sad-ass COVID and Jab story.

The only thing missing is Reason.


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On 1/8/2023 at 9:59 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

I think Scott Adams is becoming undone.

He's getting worse.

Adams is saying vaccine passports are just like Driver's Licenses.

Actually he said that in March 2021 and I missed it.

Is that even worth refuting other than to say I don't have to jam a fucking car in my body to get the license?

What a disappointment.

I thought he upheld individual rights.

My mistake.


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