The Biden Troubles

Michael Stuart Kelly

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Well, it is refreshing to know in the Hunter Biden case that no one is above the law.


The White House left open the idea that Joe Biden might commute Hunter Biden's pending federal sentence following his gun-related conviction.



No one is above the law.

Unless you are above the law.

I wouldn't mind me one of them thar commutation thingies in my pocket, too.

Wouldn't you?


But we don't have one.


We are not above the law.



These creeps don't even hide it.

No problem. Real prison time for real crimes for bad guys who do bad things will be coming starting in 2025.


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I heard an interesting perspective about the Hunter situation.

When someone is convicted or charged with a crime and faces real jail time, and they are part of a crime syndicate, the prosecutors mostly offer the person a deal to turn on the higher up. They give up the big dog and they skate, or deal with some small punishment instead of years in prison.

That is not happening with Hunter because of the commutation or pardon in Biden's pocket. But if this thing drags out until next year, which it might, people in crime syndicates are not known for their moral integrity, especially drug addicts. And they are loyal until they are not.

It's a possibility Hunter would turn on his own father if the situation got bad enough for him.



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  • 2 weeks later...

The debate at nine, can be watched on Fox News. I heard that DJT might name his Veep before the debate but maybe not. A New York times poll said 60 percent think Trump will do well in the debate but only 46 percent think Biden will do well.  

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4 hours ago, Peter said:

The debate at nine, can be watched on Fox News. I heard that DJT might name his Veep before the debate but maybe not. A New York times poll said 60 percent think Trump will do well in the debate but only 46 percent think Biden will do well.  

Trump is going to do so great tonight its going to be great!!!!!!!!!!

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Biden did so awful during the debate, there is mass panic in the Dems.

Don't take my word for it. 

Here is Matt Gaetz airing a clip from CNN after the debate talking about the need to replace Biden.

You can find clip after clip like this now.

All of the ones I saw that say or strongly insinuate that Biden needs to be replaced also say that Trump is the most outrageous and shameless liar they have ever seen or heard. :) 

Poor things...



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To be fair to CNN, seeing how both Anderson Cooper and Dana Bash despise President Trump, I expected monkeyshines from them. Granted, they were slightly slanted against Trump, but only slightly. They behaved in a respectful manner and did a decent job of moderating this debate.

In fact, I think they did the best job, the most neutral professional job, of all the presidential debates I have seen Trump in so far.

Whodda thunk it?




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I'm starting to have second thoughts.

Think about it.

CNN acted professionally and cordially with President Trump. WTF?

Now all the major Dems I am seeing are calling for, or hinting at, Biden being replaced.

All major Dems and pundits.

I am so used to seeing the Dems say the same thing one after the other in lockstep, and they do it over and over, my spidey sense is going off.

Doesn't this debate feel like a setup by the Dems to take Biden out?



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If you want to get a gist of Biden's participation in the debate, here is a minute and a half.



What's worse, though, is that the brutal dictators out there watched this thing.

The problem is no longer getting Trump reelected. It is American surviving the next few months until Trump is sworn in.

That's not a quip.

If I were a dictator, I would see this as my window of opportunity to do dirty rotten deeds to other countries.


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From Business Insider: . . . President Joe Biden's disastrous debate performance has reignited the conversation over whether he should step aside before the November election. David Axelrod, a former Obama White House senior advisor, immediately sounded the alarm after Biden's 90-minute faceoff with Trump ended. "I think there was a sense of shock actually on how he came out at the beginning of this debate," Axelrod said on CNN. Axelrod added, "there are going to be discussions about if he should continue." end quote

Business Insider also suggested who could be President Bison’s, I mean Biden’s, replacement . . .Vice President Kamala Harris . . . Gov. Gavin Newsom of California . . . Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan . . . Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota . . . Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey . . . Gov. Roy Cooper of North Carolina . . . Gov. Wes Moore of Maryland . . .

I don’t think VP Kamalalalala will step down without a fight. But Joe? I wonder what he is saying to his staff at the White House right now? Did he see himself giving a poor performance? A poll I saw said that among Democrats 68 percent think he is doing a great job. Peter

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I'm normally not a fan of this kind of thing, but this one lands a gut punch on several levels.


It is senior abuse.

I do not pity Joe Biden though.

He's right where he wants to be, invalid or not.

In fact, at the times his mind kicks in, is there any doubt he's 100% trying to figure out how to cheat to stay there?


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Biden is having a hard time right now. And it's going to get worse.

A lot worse.

I don't like myself for saying the following, but it is what is in my heart. Still, this one is giving me some serious cognitive dissonance.


Biden's actions have injured and killed countless people, not to mention all the sleaze and theft and wars and God knows what else he has engaged in. What's more, several people have committed suicide as a direct result of his actions.

So fuck Joe Biden, his crack-head son and all the rest of his people.

I hope he suffers a lot before he passes on.

And even then, it will not be close to nearly enough suffering to atone for the evil he has performed in the world.


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Let’s go Brandon, for sure and all that. Biden didn’t just start being a moronic letcherous skinflint , he has been the vehicle for such evil to operate for a long time. So fuck Biden , but let’s not make another Epstein of him , he may get gone but there are many others, the godawful rot needs to be exercised.

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Trump retruthed these two Truth Social posts by Catturd.


"Ho Ho Ho."- Joe Biden on the 4th of July.




"Ask not what your country can do for you, but whatyou can do for your country,”- JFK.“Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall,”- Ronald Reagan“Mooowoooboohooff. Derppony flooo flooo sloop fruity wambacon.”- Joe Biden

Text of this last:

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what
you can do for your country,”

- JFK.

“Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall,”

- Ronald Reagan

“Mooowoooboohooff. Derppony flooo flooo sloop fruity wambacon.”

- Joe Biden




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Looks like it is more Parkinson's than Alzheimer's.

Regardless, the drugs and faking it will go only so far.

The Grim Reaper is at Joe Biden's door and we all can see him knocking.


The Dems need to go all in on fixing Kamala's image because their new slogan will soon be, "Vote for Joe. Make Harris an heiress."



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I posted the following on X over the weekend, but I was not going to post it here because I am sick and tired of shining light on Biden.

But something came up.

Here is what I posted.


I was just going to let that lay. But then, this morning I saw Scott Adams speak up in a clearer voice that expressed exactly what I felt.



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