The Biden Troubles

Michael Stuart Kelly

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Biden just posted this on X.

I might be wrong, but I honestly believe he is going to die soon. I think some real nasty bad guys are killing him in a way (maybe with drugs or poison--or even withholding drugs) to make it look like an illness.

I thought Biden was taking the coward's way out because of Trump's seeming invincibility right now, but with this X post, I suspect the Deep State is leveling its fury at him and blaming his staying in the race for their woes.

A part of me hopes he is sick from depression, from remorse for trying to kill Trump, then facing his own impotence.


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10 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Biden just posted this on X.

I might be wrong, but I honestly believe he is going to die soon. I think some real nasty bad guys are killing him in a way (maybe with drugs or poison--or even withholding drugs) to make it look like an illness.

I thought Biden was taking the coward's way out because of Trump's seeming invincibility right now, but with this X post, I suspect the Deep State is leveling its fury at him and blaming his staying in the race for their woes.

A part of me hopes he is sick from depression, from remorse for trying to kill Trump, then facing his own impotence.


i wonder if he personally posted that… if he did that, himself, as the president, it’s a sad and broken plea by a frail scared old man.

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9 hours ago, Strictlylogical said:

i wonder if he personally posted that… if he did that, himself, as the predident, it’s a sad and broken plea by a frail scared old man.

I don't think he posted it himself.

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9 hours ago, Strictlylogical said:

i wonder if he personally posted that… if he did that, himself, as the predident, it’s a sad and broken plea by a frail scared old man.

So are you thinking Michelle Obama/Hillary for the ticket or Newsome/someone or dare I say Michelle/Kamala

Peter, assuming our friend here is correct re Biden, who is on the ticket please?

What does the street say?

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22 minutes ago, Marc said:

So are you thinking Michelle Obama/Hillary for the ticket or Newsome/someone or dare I say Michelle/Kamala

Peter, assuming our friend here is correct re Biden, who is on the ticket please?

What does the street say?

The Predator Class does not want to a real leader... but their anointed lakey must be able to lead others...

so whomever could be the most plausible, popular, "presidential", puppet, ...

the PPPP... will be chosen.

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16 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

I might be wrong, but I honestly believe he is going to die soon.

I want to add to that thought. It's going around on X and even in the mainstream news that Obama is asking Biden to bow out.

If Biden does bow out, that is as close to a death sentence as you can get in my view. Think about it. 

1. What greater pattern interrupt could a campaign (say, of Kamala Harris) have if Biden passes away? If she is being smoked by Trump, this would be critical and give her campaign breathing space.

2. Dead men tell no tales. Even with impaired mental capacity and a lifelong penchant for lying his ass off, Biden has a lot of inconvenient tales to tell. Especially about the group of criminals who ran the government for the last 3 years.

Come to think of it, if they could find a way to get Jill in the hit, too, I can see them doing it.


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Will people believe 81 million votes for  Harris , even by explaining they are in essence still voting agaisnt Trump? I would think 'they' wouldn't event think that line is available. So given they really can't promise Harris anything, keeping Biden alive until Jan of 25 is the best play 'they ' have for now. I can't see them running him, so no way he is on the ticket, but him alive is still useful at least to the new year.

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23 hours ago, Strictlylogical said:

The Predator Class does not want to a real leader... but their anointed lakey must be able to lead others...

so whomever could be the most plausible, popular, "presidential", puppet, ...

the PPPP... will be chosen.

Very well said 


23 hours ago, Strictlylogical said:

The Predator Class does not want to a real leader... but their anointed lakey must be able to lead others...

so whomever could be the most plausible, popular, "presidential", puppet, ...

the PPPP... will be chosen.

Agreed fully so in other words my list for that would be Michelle Obama, Hillary, Kamala and Newsome in no particular order.

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16 hours ago, tmj said:

Will people believe 81 million votes for  Harris , even by explaining they are in essence still voting agaisnt Trump? I would think 'they' wouldn't event think that line is available. So given they really can't promise Harris anything, keeping Biden alive until Jan of 25 is the best play 'they ' have for now. I can't see them running him, so no way he is on the ticket, but him alive is still useful at least to the new year.

Don't think that she will be on the ticket,, but who knows,right?!?! 


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Well, it ain't over until it's over.

And the beat goes on...


Biden-Harris campaign co-chair Cedric Richmond dismissed rumors that Joe Biden is considering withdrawing from the 2024 presidential race.


Here is Biden's disgrace.

What happens if he stays in? Trump wins.

What happens if he steps down? Trump wins.



The rest, as they say, is the rest.



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On 7/19/2024 at 8:00 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

... it ain't over until it's over.

Well, it's over.

Now there's the rest for the Deep State to do.

Get Biden to step down as president.

And waste him without looking like they wasted him. After all, dead men tell no tales. And Biden has a lot of tales to tell...

Still, this was a good day for America. The election will not look as much like such a 3rd world joke as it is.


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There's a rumor going around that Joe Biden has croaked. 

Or was croaked.

Some even go so far as to claim Biden did not write or sign his notice about leaving the race.


Lots of people are asking questions like the above.

Most likely fog of war, but since it is still war, this is something to keep an eye on.


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On 7/1/2024 at 9:13 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

The above unburdened by the below.

At least, if Kamala has to replace Joe Biden, she has depth.

She can restore hope to America.

This is too delicious not to print out.


Today is today.
And yesterday was today yesterday.
Tomorrow will be today tomorrow.
So live today, so the future today will be as the past today as it is tomorrow.



Did you tear up, too? Sniff, sniff... That was beautiful...



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Laura Loomer says she has an inside source among the people close to Biden and this source is reporting that Biden is in the terminal stage of his illness.


Joe Biden is now in the terminal stage of his illness. 

This is what my medical source in DC has confirmed to me. 

I told you all weeks ago he had a medical emergency on Air Force One and that you’d be seeing resignations. 

Everything I said is true. 

Most people don’t know Air Force One has a full medical emergency triage center on the plane. There’s even an operating room on Air Force One. 

Just because people don’t know these things doesn’t mean my reporting was incorrect.

It just means I’m ahead of the curve.



Laura is right way more often than she is wrong. 

Also, if Biden is that fragile, all those high-powered drugs they gave him so he would perform in public had to take their toll at one point.

But how can we believe anything that comes out of this administration? Biden could be dead and they would us some goddam narrative or other that is not connected to reality, but is connected to their intention of holding onto power.


Hell, I can even see the following scenario. Biden is dead, but they are hiding it. They nominate a person. Right before a critical moment, say like the debate with Trump, they announce Biden's passing.

I saw this happen in Brazil where the first civilian president after the military dictatorship, Tancredo Neves, had died in the hospital, but they kept him on ice and opened up news of his death on a later national holiday (O Tiradentes) as if he died on that day.

To paraphrase Obama's little man, Rahm Emanuel, never let a good death go to waste.


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I have a psychological theory about this, too.

When Biden was running against Trump before, he kept looking weaker and weaker and weaker as time went on and Trump's rallies were knocking it out of the park in public turnout. Remember, at the time, Biden campaigned from his basement and was hard-pressed to get 200 people to hear him speak. 

That kind of rejection takes a toll on one's health, and there are a lot of reasons, mostly neurochemicals, apoptosis on a psychological level which means physical degrading and self-destruction from feeling useless. There are probably some other effects of rejection that lead to poor health, too, but that's for later.

So Biden looked like he had one foot in the grave back then.


Once he won (cheating no object), it looked like he got a drink out of the Fountain of Youth. This was more than just powerful drugs.


So I believe Biden's recent horrific debate performance against a man he fears and despises, and the fact that the Deep State's assassination attempt on Trump missed, added to the fact that he knows he will lose the election, all this made the apoptosis kick in hard and he lost the will to live. That's in addition to the mental capacity problems he was having.

So I think it possible that he is dead from a broken heart of all things. And the people around him are not even giving him a proper burial. Instead, they are tying to use his possible death for leverage.


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I've been speculating Biden is possibly dead.

Now he's alive. I guess.

The people telling me he's alive and staging his appearances are the same ones that told hoax after hoax after hoax in favor of a privileged power-mongering class.

Dead or alive, it doesn't matter to me. Trump is going to win either way.

But in matters of truth, I can't believe anything these mainstream blob media people say.

It's all crap.


If we want to know whether Biden is dead or alive, we have to find other forms of information. Either that, or accept we won't know for a while. (Or be happy to be a perennial duped idiot.)

And, based on the Kennedy assassination info and so many other things, even if we find reliable information sources, we will likely never be sure of when Biden actually croaked or croaks.

The phrase used to be trust but verify.

Now it's just fuck you.



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On 7/22/2024 at 7:19 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

I have never heard of someone resigning from something as important as a presidential campaign by posting a notice.

. . .

Major political resignations and withdrawals are always done in front of a video camera, going back to Nixon.

Never fear, help is near.

They put Biden up on camera last night to prove he's still alive. No audience, of course. 


President Joe Biden addresses the nation after dropping out of the 2024 presidential race and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris.


But not all people are convinced.

Did she see this in the future?



And there's this:

btw - Viva does a screenshot.


As usual, come to your own conclusions.



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All this going on while Hillary gets prepared to win the Nomination!

Kamala spiral city then Hillary and President Obama to the rescue, and rightfully so since Kamala was apparently born in Canada.

And before you ask me Peter, no I do not want her to replace Trudeau, either Pierre or Justin.

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