Ukraine and Endless War for Profit

Michael Stuart Kelly

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57 minutes ago, ThatGuy said:

Biden can hardly wipe his own ass, and he is not in charge...

Pay attention to the "men behind the curtain":

Biden’s Latest Cabinet Picks and the Neocons Who Love Them


The incoming president’s choice for secretary of state for political affairs is among several nominees who have ties to hawkish figures.

Neocons and liberal hawks in Biden’s Team


Biden's foreign policy team is virtually complete, mostly made up of former officials from Barack Obama's administration with whom Biden...

Why Bush-Era Neocons Are Getting Behind Biden


The American election is more than six months away and in these nervous pandemic times, it’s hard to see at the moment what could...

Why do neocons support Joe Biden?


Obama 3rd term.

Funny but I thought the US only allowed 2 terms.

Even funnier though is that when Trump becomes speaker and/or eventualy reinstated he too will get a 3rd term.

Cannot even make this stuff up!

Trump v Obama for all the marbles.


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I want to thank ThatGuy and Michael for some factual history and theories. I am not saying Ukraine is like most / as good as / members of NATO but they are being invaded, thrown out to be refugees, and killed by Russia. Who is closer to a democratic, republican, country? Russia or Ukraine? As Mr. Rogers didn't sing, "Who would you want to be your neighbor?" Where does the best future democracy lie? I would say any country on the border with Russia should fear for their lives. Russia is the killer next door. 

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Russia is worth worrying a little about.

But there's a much bigger worry.


You haven't seen anything until they make their move.

They already did one move with a bioweapon that screwed up the entire world for a few years. Wait until you see the rest of the moves they have.

Worrying about threats from Russia and China is akin to worrying about an attack from a school of jellyfish as opposed to an attack from a school of killer whales.


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6 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

But there's a much bigger worry.


Say what? Has China invaded the sovereign county or is it country of Taiwan? Back to basics . . . . As I went to the dump today (literally), I listened to a few minutes of Dan Bongino who is filling in for Rush Limbaugh until his return (bad joke?). He had some real burrs up his collar about Ukraine. He thought some of the misinformation about Trump, in years past, came or was aided by people in Ukraine, with money from George Soros.

Daniel John Bongino (born December 4, 1974) is an American conservative political commentator, radio show host, and author. He served as a New York City Police Department (NYPD) officer from 1995 to 1999, and as a Secret Service agent from 1999 to 2011. Bongino ran for Congress unsuccessfully as a Republican  three times. He currently hosts The Dan Bongino Show on Fox Nation and Westwood One radio affiliates, and Unfiltered with Dan Bongino on Fox News.

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Jeezus. The U.S. is still . . .  way . . . too . . . slow . . .  but what about the U.K. doing away with Russian money and trade?

From UP: . . .  Initially, the legislation gave businesses 18 months to comply. That has been shortened to six months — but critics say it should be even shorter. Labour Party business spokesman Jonathan Reynolds said the grace period amounted to a “get out of London free card” for oligarchs. Opposition lawmakers are urging the government to immediately seize oligarchs’ properties in Britain, emulating Italy, which has seized 143 million euros ($156 million) in luxury yachts and villas from rich Russians.

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52 minutes ago, Peter said:

Has China invaded the sovereign county...


The CCP invaded ALL sovereign countries with a bioweapon and killed untold numbers of people with it.

And it did the propaganda part better than I have seen in human history. Most people don't even think of the coronavirus bioweapon deployment as an act of war waged by the CCP.

I do.

War to kill humans isn't just with bullets and bombs.


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The question - me playing devil's advocate - who initiated the "INITIATION OF FORCE"?

The very last gang to do so, or the gang before them, or before them - etc? If one accepts the short term, concrete view neatly packaged for our instant gratification by the media - this all started exclusively with Putin. Yes, the last round is his, for which he deserves the bigger portion of blame. Still, you won't hear much about history and background from the MSM, e.g. about the neo-Nazi element in Ukraine.

And I don't see anything, I might have missed it, about the pro-Russian wannabe separatists in the East and a (2014-2022) conflict and bombardment obviously initiated, begun and sustained by Kiev/Kyiv against them. That is a constant 8 years - not a few weeks - costing 13000 lives, many civilians. To build on MSK's bear and monkeys metaphor, here we have two bear cubs which identify with their Mother Bear, for a long while having rocks thrown at them by the monkeys. You'd expect her to eventually intervene, retaliate, come to their rescue and climb into the monkeys, big time.

Why in fact, were Luhansk and Donetsk disallowed, nationally and internationally, their self-rule after elections? (Apparently the rebels/separatists were nominated "terrorists" by Kiev). What's the international law regarding a large majority of citizens in a region wanting to break-away? a people who scarcely identify, if at all, in language, culture, history, politics, economics, trade, etc.etc. with the greater country? Surely they have the right to negotiate their self-determination and borders?

The shoe on the other foot, if these had been regions of Russia which voted democratically for independence, but were rejected and attacked by Putin's military, you can imagine the predictable outrage from the West.

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Biden is fucking this up just about as badly as anyone can fuck it up.

And this.


Who writes this stuff? Joe Biden announced on Tuesday his administration is banning Russian oil purchases. Joe Biden Says Banning Russian Oil Will Cause Prices to Increase: Joe Biden: The...

We know what that is going to look like.

How many Marc Rich's are in the wings waiting? I bet they are all friends with Hunter.


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16 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Biden is fucking this up just about as badly as anyone can fuck it up.

And he ain't even finished, yet...

"Biden reportedly expected to sign executive order on crypto"



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New executive orders should only be effective after two years of pronouncement(to allow legislative congruence via House elections) , unless the EO terminates a preceding EO.

We don't have a king.

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12 minutes ago, tmj said:

New executive orders should only be effective after two years of pronouncement(to allow legislative congruence via House elections) , unless the EO terminates a preceding EO.

We don't have a king.

No, we had a coup, and now, a cabal.
(Just like Rome had a republic, but then, an emperor and military rule. And anyone who tried to restore the republic met with assassination, poison, or Livia. Ask Claudius.)

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1 hour ago, ThatGuy said:

No, we had a coup, and now, a cabal.
(Just like Rome had a republic, but then, an emperor and military rule. And anyone who tried to restore the republic met with assassination, poison, or Livia. Ask Claudius.)

I think we have always had a cabal and they definitely engineered a recent coup. 

I was offering Judge Narragansett a tidbit.

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On 3/6/2022 at 11:40 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

When the US funds bioweapons research, the US is not the good guy.

The US funded bioweapons research in Wuhan. Now it looks like it has been funding bioweapons research in Ukraine.

It's no longer speculation.

It's confirmed.

The sons of bitches on our side have been funding bioweapons in Ukraine.

Putin must have been pleased as punch to know the USA was manufacturing bioweapons on its border.

See for yourself. Two very short videos.


This last one is rich. Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland tells Senator Marco Rubio that if there are any bioweapons attacks in Ukraine, it will be because the Russians grabbed the bioweapons the USA was manufacturing in Ukraine and used them to attack everybody.

Good God.

That's on the level of the dog ate my homework.

Now we know one of the things Biden & Co. was afraid the Russians would find out and share with the world.

What else is over there that the predator class has been doing?


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On 3/7/2022 at 1:08 PM, Peter said:

I want to thank ThatGuy and Michael for some factual history and theories. I am not saying Ukraine is like most / as good as / members of NATO but they are being invaded, thrown out to be refugees, and killed by Russia. Who is closer to a democratic, republican, country? Russia or Ukraine? As Mr. Rogers didn't sing, "Who would you want to be your neighbor?" Where does the best future democracy lie? I would say any country on the border with Russia should fear for their lives. Russia is the killer next door. 

For those who still think this is about one aggressor country simply evading [edit: no, dummy, it's "invading"] one innocent neighborly nation ("poor, helpless, Ukraine"? Seems they are kicking ass while the Russians make blunder after blunder), or that it's "black hats vs. white hats" : Ukraine labs = Wuhan 2.0?

[addendum: re: the question, "where does the best future democracy lie": Democracy? DEMOCRACY? Do I even have to spell it out, here?]



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4 hours ago, ThatGuy said:

For those who still think this is about one aggressor country simply evading one innocent neighborly nation ("poor, helpless, Ukraine"?

Do you mean invading? Yup. One country is invading. One is not.

 A nurse went viral online after posting a video speculating if Russian President Vladimir Putin has symptoms of Parkinson's disease . . . .

I dunno. Maybe it's Alzheimer’s.

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2 hours ago, Peter said:

Do you mean invading? Yup. One country is invading. One is not.

 A nurse went viral online after posting a video speculating if Russian President Vladimir Putin has symptoms of Parkinson's disease . . . .

I dunno. Maybe it's Alzheimer’s.

"Invading", yes. Mea culpa.

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9 hours ago, Peter said:

Do you mean invading? Yup. One country is invading. One is not.

 A nurse went viral online after posting a video speculating if Russian President Vladimir Putin has symptoms of Parkinson's disease . . . .

I dunno. Maybe it's Alzheimer’s.

Yeah, Putin and Trump have Parkinsons and Alzheimers and Biden is a genius in perfect mental health.


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The media goes one way and world events go another.

Lots of multinational companies involved with the World Economic Forum closed their business in Russia to punish it. And the press self-righteously proclaimed that will show Russia. Take that, Russia. Grovel, Russia. We are going to change your regime and get rid of Putin, Russia. The walls are closing in... 

Then this happened.

Russia Proposes Nationalizing Foreign-Owned Factories That Shut Operations


"This is an extreme measure, but we will not tolerate being stabbed in the back, and we will protect our people. This is a real war, not against Russia as a whole, but against our citizens,"

And it gets worse.

By politicizing SWIFT and throwing Russia out of it, guess where Russia is going?

China welcomes Russian firms to trade with RMB


<p> China will not follow the western world to impose sanctions on Russian banks but will welcome Russian companies to settle their trade in renminbi



State media said China-Russia bilateral trade would continue to grow with the increasing use of China's Cross-border Interbank Payment System (CIPS) and Russia's System for Transfer of Financial Messages (SPFS) amid the SWIFT ban on Russian banks. They said China is willing to buy Russia's oil and gas and pay for it in renminbi.

Now here is something you will not hear in all the fake news swirling around this.

Guess who does business in China?

The very same companies that are leaving Russia.


To simplify, the people at the top are not going to be hurt or even inconvenienced (except those getting their stuff nationalized in Russia, but they'll make that up in China). The middle class on down are the ones who are getting screwed.

And there's more. The land mass between China and Russia is enormous. That makes invasion, should war ever break out, near impossible. Imagine them teaming up...

Then thank Biden and the Nazi geniuses running the World Economic Forum for that prospect...


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On 3/7/2022 at 10:39 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

If anybody wants to get some history of Ukraine going back centuries to the present, here is Oliver Stone's documentary "Ukraine on Fire" from 2014.


Made in 2014 this documentary has been removed from most sources. Its brilliant !

YouTube (Google) definitely does not want you to see this information.

The copyright owners are now releasing it to the public.

The oligarch class proposes.
The Internet disposes...


That's actually why I have hope that the predator class unification project (globalism) is doomed.


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28 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

The media goes one way and world events go another.

Lots of multinational companies involved with the World Economic Forum closed their business in Russia to punish it. And the press self-righteously proclaimed that will show Russia. Take that, Russia. Grovel, Russia. We are going to change your regime and get rid of Putin, Russia. The walls are closing in... 

Then this happened.

Russia Proposes Nationalizing Foreign-Owned Factories That Shut Operations


"This is an extreme measure, but we will not tolerate being stabbed in the back, and we will protect...

And it gets worse.

By politicizing SWIFT and throwing Russia out of it, guess where Russia is going?

China welcomes Russian firms to trade with RMB


<p> China will not follow the western world to impose sanctions on Russian banks but will...


Now here is something you will not hear in all the fake news swirling around this.

Guess who does business in China?

The very same companies that are leaving Russia.


To simplify, the people at the top are not going to be hurt or even inconvenienced (except those getting their stuff nationalized in Russia, but they'll make that up in China). The middle class on down are the ones who are getting screwed.

And there's more. The land mass between China and Russia is enormous. That makes invasion, should war ever break out, near impossible. Imagine them teaming up...

Then thank Biden and the Nazi geniuses running the World Economic Forum for that prospect...



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It's very hard to look at this and not get angry.

Not just Biden.

The very people who are now promoting war with Russia over Ukraine (basically Baltic countries getting into NATO) warned people against war with Russia over Ukraine (basically Baltic countries getting into NATO).

Back in 1997, Russia's economy was really bad and Biden mocked them. He said if doing things the way the West demanded was tough, they could always turn to China. Or Iran. That was not an option back then. But now?

Well, sonofabitch...

(Meanwhile, over the years, Biden filled his own pockets from the very things he warned against.)


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Biological laboratory. Bio-lab. Biolab! Biological agent or weapon.  Chemistry laboratory.  Chemicals. Biological. Research and testing. Chemicals! 

Biolab bioweapons!  Proved within a tweetstorm!

On the other side of the court room - Bio-weapons like what? Something that should be known by signatories to the Convention on Biological Weapons?

I am not saying this is a wall of beans and I am not saying there are no pebbles among beans.  But maybe this trial requires a bit more "on the other hand" than given.

During justifiication-for-war time periods,  I can get played like a fiddle. 

Just look at this rippling cascade of BS.  When Shayan and the BBC have so many reasons to do a shitty "investigation" ... this is when HAARP throws griddlequakes in your way. 

-- Mum said, "Within a lie can be found some small truths." The proportion is at issue. As with homeopathy and apophenia.

Mum said "does someone conceivably have a motive to lie?"  Does that someone show a pattern of mischievous prevarication, hyperbole, tergiversation or baldly-stated untruths?

What would be the statement of offense or full claim entailed by 'biolab' and 'bioweapon' talk? If there are prohibited weapons being developed or stockpiled, this is a contravention and could be hung around the neck of the responsible state actor like the OPCW investigated Syria 'chemweaps' ...

Posted as notes, pre-coffee, hello. 

Edited by william.scherk
Added link to Convention on bioweapons
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12 minutes ago, william.scherk said:

Biological laboratory. Bio-lab. Biolab! Biological agent or weapon.  Chemistry laboratory.  Chemicals. Biological. Research and testing. Chemicals! 

Biolab bioweapons!  Proved within a tweetstorm!


Not really. And not so easily dismissed.

Just say tweetstorm and it all goes away, right?


Twitter is not what ramps up certainty about the bioweapons speculations. Instead, it is a little thing called COVID-19.

How many times does one have to be fooled by the same con from the same people before one realizes one's perception needs some adjustment?



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