Elon Musk and Twitter

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The latest Twitter Files drop.


I am way behind in formatting these Twitter Files according to the way I started doing. This is the 4th I have yet to do.

I lost interest for a while since the Twitter Files stopped being a thing. I think I, and everybody else, was waiting for the Fauci files to drop and got tired of waiting.

And hell, even Elon said out loud (to Tucker) that it's time to move on from them.

Anyway, I'll fix this. No promises on time, though. That formatting, even with the Autohotkey routine I coded, is niggly and a pain in the ass to do. 

But I'll get to it...




EDIT: On Threadreader:



@thackerpd: 1) Twitter Files #FauciPharmaFiles Last December, @elonmusk sent out his viral tweet about Fauci. Fauci went on Fox...


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  • 3 weeks later...

Linda Yaccarino

There goes Twitter.

Update: Elon Musk Introduces New CEO of Twitter.. and She’s Aligned with WEF

The good thing about people who look at reality first and at actions over words is that they can keep using Twitter for a bit until it starts to turn sour. They will recognize it when it happens.

(Just like I recognized that goddamn Patriot Act for the authoritarian anti-liberty power-grab it was way back when it came out and I was still in Brazil.)

After what social media recently did to the culture, I don't think words will be able to help Twitter hide toxic anti-free-speech behavior laced with the covert command to obey the Predator Class. 

We'll see.

Color me skeptical.


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Robert Barnes, as a good legal mind, looks at the other side, too.

We'll just have to see how everything pans out.

Elon did with Twitter what I never expected him to do.

That doesn't mean he will do the same with this new CEO.

But it doesn't mean he won't, either...

Why do I keep thinking about slow-boiling frogs?



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  • 3 months later...

Mike Banz retweeted this today, so it appeared in my feed. But it is from July 1.

The gist I get is this.

By limiting the scraping, Elon put the power of AI to support censorship in a straightjacket. And the Deep State-sponsored censorship people are having a cow.

This is one of the hidden reasons there is such a loud media campaign against Elon.

People in the Deep State, or friendly to the Deep State, own most of the mainstream media. So they put their companies to howling.

But it looks like Elon is staying the course.


I still hate that woke-ass CEO he hired. Why? Because she is doing some damage to freedom of speech. But at least she is not doing--by far--the damage that was being done under the old Twitter.


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  • 1 month later...

I only watched the posted link so not the whole of the interview. The unnerving potion for me was Elon saying he could put a rocket anywhere and no one could stop him/them. It is obvious anyone with the command of a intercontinental ballistic missile is the target picker, but saying it out loud is another thing! But for some reason , it is less unnerving that is was him saying it ,lol.

I don't think I would have the same reaction if the penis rocket guy said it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have always been uneasy with Elon Musk's financial ties to Communist China.

He never endorsed communism to my knowledge, but that damn money tie bothered me.


Well, this just happened.

Xi came to the USA and met with a ton of corporate brass, especially the leaders of American crony corporations of the Predator Class persuasion: Apple, Disney, IBM, Comcast/NBCUniversal, Lions Gate, Warner Bros. Discovery, Paramount, even the European Commission (which is not American, but still...).

In a massive suck-up to communist China, the main crony corporations halted their advertising on X in a coordinated way.

Elon is responding with a massive lawsuit against Media Matters and others, which spearheaded the boycott, but it's clear, Crony Corporate America is licking the butt and dirty boots of Xi and his communist government. They are selling out America big-time.


Since all this was at the behest of Xi (I can't reasonably interpret it any other way), my money concerns about Elon are no longer concerns.

I don't see him ushering America towards submission to communist China anymore, not even inadvertently.

But for the rest of those sons-of-bitches, I see it. And I'm losing interest in their products. As the saying goes, why keep giving money to people who hate you?


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  • 2 weeks later...


Elon just told advertisers who are trying to blackmail him on X, "Go fuck yourself." 

He said that while being interviewed--I think it was a New York Time interview of some sort.

What's more, Bob Iger from Disney was in the audience, and Elon waved after he repeated, "Go fuck yourself," then said, " Hi Bob." 

The look on the interviewer's face was very satisfying...


That was so good, let's see it again:

Man, talk about a feel-good moment...



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On 11/29/2023 at 6:15 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

What's more, Bob Iger from Disney was in the audience, and Elon waved after he repeated, "Go fuck yourself," then said, " Hi Bob."

Of all of the people in the world, Liz Crokin deserves every second of this bellylaugh.

When the whole world succumbed to peer pressure and let up on Pizzagate, she carried on the fight over the years. She did not give up.

And now the whole coverup of the Pizzagate mess has exploded and the pedophiles at Disney have a big honking spotlight on them.

See for yourself: fuckyourself.com

At the time of this posting, it goes here.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I suspect X is being sabotaged. Here are a couple of posts from another thread where I looked into it.

2 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Episode 54.

John Daly and Kid Rock.

See here on X.

It looks like X is no longer embedding in OL.

I'll try to see what to do to fix this, but if this is a new policy by Elon, X will no longer be a go-to reference for me.

Smiley is still valid, though.




51 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Just for the record, I believe the X embeds will be fixed before long. And this is not an issue with Elon's policies.

IPB disabled its Marketplace where I bought the embed plugin and I had to find a way to contact the developer. It took some doing, but I think I found him. And I had to register a key with him. Then I submitted support requests. Let's see if this resolves soon.



EDIT: I just received news from the developer. This is an issue on X's end. In fact, I started looking in different places and lots of people are reporting this problem.

Here is one on X itself from a few hours ago:

The text only:

@Support The twitter embed API endpoint has been down for hours now, just showing 404. This is critcal. Nobody (News sites, blogs, ...) can embed tweets in their websites anymore. Can you at least tell us if this is being worked on?

In my view, Elon has been pissing off powerful people, so this is probably sabotage.

More later as I know about it.



Stay tuned for updates.


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  • 4 months later...

This is the way it is supposed to happen.

Even Nick Fuentes (no friend of Jews) will be reinstated on X in the name of free speech.

Right after the antisemitism bill was passed in Congress.

Elon is learning...

If you want permanent results, you fight bad speech with good speech, not with guns.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
On 12/3/2022 at 1:58 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

... it occurred to me watching the video of "Ironic" that Alanis is a female Peter Pan. She never grew up. Her joy and her tantrums are those of a little girl.

I was talking about Alanis Morissette.

Now that X is a free speech platform for real, pop singers who never grew up better be careful when they use lawfare for political reasons.

Here is a cautionary tale.


A podcaster and meme-maker on X who is pro-Trump, Brenden Dilley, made an anti-Kamala Harris meme using "Ironic" by Alanis Morissette. Unfortunately I did not see it.

Alanis, a Kamala Harris and Predator Class supporter, had a shit fit. So Dilley received a demand to remove the video for copyright infringement, which is was not. But Dilley would need deep pockets to fight the court case which could be filed (for technical reasons).

So he took the meme video down, even on X.

Here he is talking about it.

The link in the message no longer works, but here is a copy.

Up to here, all good and as it should be for Alanis's lawfare bullies. They showed 'em goddamit and they won. Nobody fucks with Alanis Morissette.


But did they win?

Well, this happened:

Since parody is a legit fair use exemption, Brenden Dilley simply made an undeniable parody of "Ironic."

In case you don't watch the video, here is a screenshot from the beginning of it. And it only gets worse from there.



🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 

The Alanis Morissette lawyers can't sue or demand this be taken down. And Elon Musk will not censor it. What's worse, Brenden has a large audience. I expect this to go viral on top of that.




Now the girl who never grew up will have to live with this Streisand effect she caused.

Want to know why authoritarians do not want free speech?

In this case, it's because girls who never grow up might get their feelings hurt.



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