US 2024 Election


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6 minutes ago, Peter said:

Keeping your private lite, “private” seems like an everyday, completely legal occurrence to me. I think that where the money came from to keep your life private is irrelevant . . . until you “cover up” where the money came from which is falsifying business records. To me that sounds like a misdemeanor under NY state laws and perhaps a fineable offense . . . although all you were doing is using your own money but keeping the moneys' source private.


I just saw Megyn Kelly bash Dan Abrams to his face for the insinuation that Trump did something illegal. She asked for laws to support his position and he could not give any. All he had was just an opinion.

Which is what happened in court, too. The "underlying crime" was an opinion, not a crime.

So much so, Marchan instructed the jury to pick from three imaginary scenarios for their opinion. :)


In fact, as long as I am on a Megyn tear, here is her discussion of the three opinions in place of an underlying crime and why this garbage was promoted by Bragg.



And here is one of my my favorite quotes by her. It's only 2 seconds.


That's not directed at you. It's directed at the bad guys who think their words are reality.



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On 6/2/2024 at 5:07 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

I stand corrected.

The $70 million is from small donors, 30% of whom have never donated before.

The full amount since the verdict a couple of days ago is $200 million.

Add that to another $300 million for May.

That's half a billion dollars in donations since the beginning of May. And today is June 4.






Today, President Trump’s Campaign, together with the RNC, announced a massive $141 million fundraising haul in May, a response of support for President Trump while facing the sham Biden trial and verdict that outraged and motivated Americans from every walk of life. This overwhelming financial success is the result of over 2 million donations, A RECORD, which came in at an average of $70.27. In addition to the staggering amount, 25% of May’s donors were brand new to the 2024 campaign, making the month the best ever recorded for any Campaign in History. Additionally, organizations supporting President Trump raised another $150 million in May. Taken together, the Campaign, and other Trump supporting organizations, raised almost $300 million during the month of May alone, ALSO A RECORD!




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On 5/31/2024 at 9:42 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

The US judicial system is partly based on precedents.

There is now a new precedent set to arrest Biden and Obama and charge them with crime. Now, in 2025, and beyond. In a state court, at that.

Don't think that will happen?

I do.

in fact, much, much more is coming.


Heh. Some stupid people think Mike Davis isn't serious.

He's serious.

MAGA people in general want to see some scumbags go to prison this time around. Even if they are former presidents.

Me, too.

Mike is going to make that happen.



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Here is what Trump just told Newsmax on the idea of jailing Hillary Clinton in 2025.



The Predator Class ignores all this at their peril. This is a different context than 2016. They took a serious shot at Trump.

No problem, though.

Predator Class people are stupid and arrogant. (Cunning but stupid.)

So the FAFO rule shall reign.



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It's funny how Hanks didn't do a woke or TDS thing, despite Amanpour leading him by the nose like a bitch to trash Trump. Hanks just said the US is working toward a more perfect union as in the Constitution, so there will be good things and glitches along the way.

In other words, Hanks didn't say a word about Trump.



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11 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Heh. Some stupid people think Mike Davis isn't serious.

He's serious.

The bad guys are taking Bannon out too late. 

Putting him in prison for a few months will do nothing for their election plans.

But it will do something to throw Biden's ass in prison next year, and a whole lot of those who work with him.

It's making the MAGA people madder than a poked hornet's nest. That anger will still be there in 2025.


Here is what Mike Adams has to say.


My Statement on Steve Bannon's Prison Sentence:

We have had constitutional executive privilege for 250 years--going back to George Washington--so the President of the United States can receive candid, confidential advice from his advisors without fear their advice will get publicly aired before courts or Congress.

President Biden and his Attorney General Merrick Garland have shamefully destroyed this, in their partisan quest to politicize and weaponize the Biden Justice Department to go after President Trump and his top aides.

Peter Navarro, Trump's top White House trade adviser, is currently sitting in federal prison.

And Steve Bannon, a top Trump outside presidential adviser, is heading to federal prison on July 1.

Biden and his aides are taking off the political battlefield two of Trump's top surrogates before the 2024 presidential election.

Constitutional executive privilege is foundational to the separation of powers, the proper functioning of the presidency, and thus survival of the Republic.

Partisan activists in the Biden White House and Justice Department pretend they can disregard this simply because someone didn't fill out the right form or check the right box.

This is all part of a broader criminal conspiracy by Biden, his aides, and his allies to politicize and weaponize law enforcement and intel agencies to violate the constitutional rights of Trump, his aides, and his allies for the purposes of partisan lawfare and election interference.

These are republic-ending tactics.

On Day 1, the Trump 47 Justice Department must open a federal criminal probe on this Biden Democrat criminal conspiracy, under 18 U.S.C. §§ 241 and 242.

Revenge is best served cold.



Let me repeat the part I like: "On Day 1, the Trump 47 Justice Department must open a federal criminal probe on this Biden Democrat criminal conspiracy, under 18 U.S.C. §§ 241 and 242."

That will be easy, too, because Mike will be the one to open it.



I actually like that they are putting Bannon in prison right before the election. Why? Because it will harden Trump's soft side.

Trump sees trash talk and hatred during a campaign in sports terms. In fact, he just said that recently when talking about why he did not lock Hillary Clinton up during his first term despite the crowds chanting "Lock her up" during his rallies.

In sports, before a fight and during the fight, it's brutal. After the fight, everyone gets together for a group hug (that's a metaphor).

These current prison sentences for Trump's top aides claiming executive privilege to not comply with a subpoena from that sham House J6 committee are making sure the group hug will not happen.

Tit for tat is now in play.

The criminal Democrat bastards are going prison for a long time in the end, and there will be no soft spot in Trump's heart for them. And hopefully they will be joined by some neocons and RINOS. And the Big Pharma cartel. And the Big Med transgender cartel. And the war machine puppetmasters. Etc.

You know, the real criminals in a loose organized crime structure who are in power right now.


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Dr. Phil interviewed Trump.

Dr. Phil's audience is not MAGA country. But it is a thinking and common-sense audience that focuses on solutions, not just problems. Mostly relationship problems and solutions, but they are attracted by this mental approach.

That is right up Trump's alley once you get past the public image of him promoted by the fake news media.

So I think this interview will disproportionally gain more votes for Trump than any other interview that Trump has given in this campaign.

Dr. Phil is also gaining audience with this interview. And he knows it, too.

What a nice win-win.



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11 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

despite Amanpour leading him by the nose like a bitch to trash Trump. Hanks just said the US is working toward a more perfect union as in the Constitution,

Exactly. I was impressed with Tom Hank's composure. He evaded all the propaganda. Trump 2024. 

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That loud crack you heard came from the dam holding up the Predator Class.

Amber Rose has a social media following of 30 million people, mostly from a pool of people who have never been expected to support Trump.

Now many of those people will support him.

To quote Amber Rose, "Not brainwashed by the left anymore."

This is called momentum.



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8 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


I guess it didn't work, you dirty stinking rat splat.

Did it?

What's that I smell?




Not fear.

This clearly is a hail Mary.  They've given up completely on any semblance of credulity, and sanity and any plausible kind of judgment ... because they have completely given up on influencing the moderates, the center, or anyone with any common sense or rational capacity...

They are CLEARLY preaching to the nutjobs, the deluded, the insane... they are hoping to push as many as possible OVER the edge (not that they are not already over it...)... all they need is ONE to take that final drastic action....

This is unquestionably incitement to a$$a$$ in nation.


The Machine is pure evil.

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Maybe just because it's Monday and we get a 'do over' every week, we could grant a little space as the kids say for possible redemption or at least a more charitable view. In Cohen's case ,it is a hard case to make very hard but still, just maybe.

I got a bad vibe off that guy the first time I heard/saw him in 2015-16, he obviously had Mr Trump's back but just something about him was off. Turns out he's a weasel and has done enough weasely things that even a little scrutiny into his dealings means some authority could easily come down on him like a ton of proverbial bricks. In a way that is a qualification for a 'fixer'. I think his own actions made him a prime candidate for flipping or turning rat and he obviously took any and all deals to save as much of his own skin as he could. And given the deals he is going full bore , heck it could be the over the topness of his rhetoric is kind of a signal , it's a giant stretch , but on Dr. Phil and elsewhere Pres Trump has been saying how much pressure 'they' come at you with even family members and close associates. Don't get me wrong Cohen is a rat that would sell out his own mother and a penultimate grifter like an Avenatti , but it could be he is screwing both 'sides' at once.

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51 minutes ago, Strictlylogical said:

Not fear.

This clearly is a hail Mary.  They've given up completely on any semblance of credulity, and sanity and any plausible kind of judgment ... because they have completely given up on influencing the moderates, the center, or anyone with any common sense or rational capacity...

They are CLEARLY preaching to the nutjobs, the deluded, the insane... they are hoping to push as many as possible OVER the edge (not that they are not already over it...)... all they need is ONE to take that final drastic action....

This is unquestionably incitement to a$$a$$ in nation.


The Machine is pure evil.

Yeah that too unfortunately. I hear iran has targeted DJT , so ....

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AARP had an interesting article about the percent of voters, age 50 and above, who nearly always vote in presidential elections, while those younger are not voting as much. 50 to 60 percent elders vote while only 30 percent of younger voters vote. That means President Trump might "target" those older voters with ads and concern for their welfare and their votes.

Though Trump is leading in many swing states, the overall popular vote is still around 49 to 49 . . . However, now and in the future, Robert Kennedy might siphon off some votes, but perhaps not enough to sway the electoral college vote. I don't think RFK even with his celebrity wife will keep the electoral college from selecting a new President. 

Articles about who might replace President Biden if he craps out before November, usually start with Kamala. I don't have much trust in her ability to be our future President.  

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It's a different ball game this election season.


Michigan Judge Christopher Yates just ruled that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s Election Manual sent to election officials across the state is unconstitutional and against state law.


In short, the initial presumption of validity for all votes, as given in the manual, is not constitutional or lawful according to Michigan's constitution and laws.

The judge also made it clear that signature verification is a requirement for all mail in ballots.

The bad guys still want to cheat and are trying like the Dickens to do so.

It's just getting hard.



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Fox spoke about Trump endorsing Maryland's Hogan for the Senate, but Hogan will not endorse Trump for President in 2024, just as he did not endorse Trump in 2016, and 2020. Trump said the endorsement was for the good of the Republican Party in 2024. 

Rubio and Ted Cruz seemed to be the top Hispanic VP picks. It makes sense to pick one of them. Could Trump get along with a woman VP? Sure. I think Trump will announce the next VP of the United Startes at the Convention. 

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2 hours ago, Peter said:

Fox spoke about Trump endorsing Maryland's Hogan for the Senate, but Hogan will not endorse Trump for President in 2024, just as he did not endorse Trump in 2016, and 2020. Trump said the endorsement was for the good of the Republican Party in 2024. 


Here is a huge MAGA voice on this.

The issue is not either-or. The issue is timing. Context.

Steve Bannon said in storming Normandy, the issue was not liking or disliking the person in the boat next to you. The issue was to get everyone in the boats and land them on the beach to kill the Nazis.

Trump is making nice with not-so-nice people to him.

Fine for now.

We need to take out the Biden regime and all that implies.

Later we can squabble amongst ourselves, but squabble as victors.

In other words, Trump is doing what a real leader does. 

He wins the war. Then he governs. In that order.



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