US 2024 Election


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Right after I wrote that, I saw this. I had no idea Bannon was going to say it.

The gist is that in the last 3 years, Trump has broken Biden. Trump broke Biden so much, he's a broken shelled-out man now, and his top supporters and advisors are looking around for a replacement.



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Ah, why not? I have a family member who gets tips and since it is nearly impossible to tell how much a worker got in tips . . . Ah, why not?

From “Newsweek” . . . "I am the ONLY Candidate who has ever called for delivering relief to our wonderful Service Workers by NOT TAXING THEIR TIPS," Trump wrote on Truth Social on June 9, though former Representative Ron Paul suggested ending federal taxation of tips while running for president in 2012.

Since then, the former president has encouraged his supporters to leave the campaign message on receipts when tipping for a service. Speaking in Florida on June 14, Trump said: "No tax on tips, OK? It's done. Done. And we need to spread the word so that every time you leave a tip for the next five months, you put on the receipt, 'Vote for Trump because there's no tax on tips.'"

Kid Rock has seemingly followed the former president's instructions. On June 15, the musician posted a photo of a receipt from Jeff Ruby's Steakhouse on X, formerly Twitter. The image shows that he left a $400 tip and wrote on the receipt, "A vote for Trump is a vote for no tax on tips!!" Trump later posted the photo on Truth Social.

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Looks like the fences are bike racks.

This guy did a livestream of the Supreme Court Building. (See here.)


That's not the real problem. The real problem is this.

They tell you want they want to do.

When they have no power, blowing them off and ignoring them works to get rid of the nuisance.

As they get power, that no longer works. And if they get enough power, the incarcerations jack up and the dead bodies pile up.


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I keep hearing Hillary Clinton will replace Joe Biden as candidate, but I have dismissed it.

Now big dogs are saying it.

Wouldn't that be fun?


What's worse, I can see it happening with very little trauma on the Dem side.

Biden is so shot and the alternatives to him are so weak, she's like the last asshole standing. 


And I think to myself, how many more dead bodies, oh Lord? How many need there be until this woman leaves the arena for the great out yonder? Because so long as she's alive, she will be like a weed that keeps returning no matter what.


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Let me throw some more gasoline on the fire.

I did not know about this article in Daily Mail when I started posting on Biden being replace this morning. 


Nearly every time President Joe Biden appears in public these days, he fuels the chatter: Will aging Joe bow out of the 2024 race? Will he be forced to step aside?

This is like how a snowball rolling down a snow mountain grows.



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18 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Let me throw some more gasoline on the fire.

I did not know about this article in Daily Mail when I started posting on Biden being replace this morning. 


Nearly every time President Joe Biden appears in public these days, he fuels the chatter: Will aging Joe bow out of the 2024 race? Will he be forced to step...

This is like how a snowball rolling down a snow mountain grows.



There is no way all the would be democrat voters would not see this replacement as the shady undemocratic collusion by some power cabal scrabbling to maintain power that it is…. There is no way in hell this stunt would improve their chances, and like the sham trials and lawfare it will backfire spectacularly, and because it will seem to be (rightly so) yet another attack on the popular/moderate traditional democratic party types, it will backfire bigly within the democratic party itself, while finally opening eyes that have been blinded to injustice all along simply because it was never really aimed in their own direction.

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4 hours ago, Strictlylogical said:

There is no way all the would be democrat voters would not see this replacement as the shady undemocratic collusion by some power cabal scrabbling to maintain power that it is…. There is no way in hell this stunt would improve their chances, and like the sham trials and lawfare it will backfire spectacularly, and because it will seem to be (rightly so) yet another attack on the popular/moderate traditional democratic party types, it will backfire bigly within the democratic party itself, while finally opening eyes that have been blinded to injustice all along simply because it was never really aimed in their own direction.

All that is true , but what they are most likely betting on is that the time is as ripe right now as it will be for awhile. The are basically basing their chances on the reaction(s) of 'most' in the very recent past. "They" had the big screens tell everyone to stay home and we did all we asked was "how long?", so odds are they are past appearances.

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Holy shit!

I think it's going to take.

I saw Scott Adams launch the term "Dementiacrats" to describe those who support Joe Biden. He did that about 2 or 3 days ago and made a big fuss about how this will stick and turn off women. 

Now, just a couple of days after that, Gregg Gutfeld is using the term. He did it in a throw-away manner, but it's there.

This sucker is going to grow.



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3 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

I saw Scott Adams launch the term "Dementiacrats" to describe those who support Joe Biden.

Stephen King wrote: "Some wit has termed Biden vs Trump 'Antiques Roadshow.'"

From Newsweek: Stephen King has highlighted President Joe Biden and Donald Trump’s ages as they start campaigning in the lead up to the 2024 election. Political observers view the election as one of the most important races in modern history, as 81-year-old Biden and 78-year-old Trump, the presumptive Democratic and Republican presidential nominees, are set to face off in a rematch of 2020 . . . .

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On 5/28/2024 at 10:33 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Notice that The Donald told Tim that he will look seriously into pardoning Julien Assange once he gets back in power.

Look at the following.

Woo hoo!

So Assange can finally go free after formalities. 

Wonderful news.

This makes me wonder, though, how many other policy items Trump says he will do that Biden will try to preempt him on.

I hope a lot.

None of that will affect the numbers in Biden's direction, but at least it will free up tasks for Trump.

I say bring it on. The more the merrier.



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This is the election thread. But we talked about the Trump-Biden debate on the Biden Troubles thread.

So just for the record here, Biden blew it big time.


After Thursday night's first 2024 election cycle debate on CNN, tensions boiled over as President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump exchanged fierce



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Fox News just showed President Biden speechifying in North Carolina. I had the sound turned off, but the captions said he is dedicated to running and winning in November. And he didn’t act like he did poorly against DJT last night.

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31 minutes ago, Peter said:

Fox News just showed President Biden speechifying in North Carolina. I had the sound turned off, but the captions said he is dedicated to running and winning in November. And he didn’t act like he did poorly against DJT last night.


If you want to see something really scary, find a recording of the debate and watch 10 minutes or so with the sound turned off.

It's brutal.

Biden looks like he's in a nursing home and being asked if he recognizes his wife and children. Or what he wants for dinner.


When Trump speaks, he looks off with that blank stare and his mouth stays open as if no one is home upstairs.

About 90% of television communication is nonverbal. This part ate Biden alive and nobody perceives it. They just react. 



Now for the scary part. Biden has his fingers on the nuclear code...


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Here is something I learned from Scott Adams.

Whenever politicians open their eyes wide and keep them that way, they are lying and they know they are lying. They are lying on purpose in that moment.

The wide-eyed stare is a subconscious effort to get the point across when they know their fact foundation is bullshit.


Watch Biden if you do that test with the sound off. 

When you get to the wide-eyed stare, turn the sound back on to see what he is saying.

It's amazing.



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I predict Joe Biden does not live to the election. He refuses to step down and too many dirty tricks people demand he step down. The debate gives them a perfect cover for whacking him if done in a way that looks like he just gave out.

I hope I'm wrong because I don't approve of this form of politics. But I would not want to be Biden's oatmeal taster.


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4 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

I predict Joe Biden does not live to the election. He refuses to step down and too many dirty tricks people demand he step down. The debate gives them a perfect cover for whacking him if done in a way that looks like he just gave out.

I hope I'm wrong because I don't approve of this form of politics. But I would not want to be Biden's oatmeal taster.


Cant the DNC or Dem Party “decide” to kick him out?  Make him run as independent?  There must be something in the party Charter or Articles or something.

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Formally, there's nothing they can do. They painted themselves into a corner.

Biden will have to agree to step down, otherwise it's him, the whole him and nothing but him.

He's even set in stone for the general election in 3 swing states.

So the Dems and power-brokers have to use dirty tricks.

That's all they've got left.

I think their best shot will be a negotiation with Jill Biden and the top 4 Dems, Barack Obama, Pelosi, Bill Clinton and Schumer. They could threaten to take her family apart through the intelligence community or promise who knows what to family members for decades to come.

And there's Kamal Harris, Biden's DEI hire. Whaddya do with her?

That's a tough one since most everyone in the wings to replace Biden is white. :) 


This just crossed my mind. How about an "accident" that kills both Biden and Harris in one go? But that would make Mike Johnson president, so that's not viable. They would have to do Biden, then after Harris is sworn in and a new VP is appointed, Harris. And the new VP would have to be in on it for that to work. Timing would be everything.

I'm just daydreaming, though.

In my opinion, the Dems are fucked with no way out. They will fight like a mother, but there is no way out.

Trump is going to win.



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