US 2024 Election


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Biden is going to Camp David today to discuss with his family his campaign.

The headlines on the MAGA side are screaming that Biden feels humiliated.

I don't believe that for one minute. 

This man has no moral compass, just power and money lust underneath, seasoned by perversion. And the willingness to lie and do all kinds of nastiness to get and keep them.

However, I believe everyone around Biden feels humiliated by the debate and fallout.



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I agree with John Nolte below.

I do have one caveat, though.

If the MAGA movement had not been so loud and constant in accusing the Dems of cheating, CNN would have cheated its ass off in the debate.

Trump read the room right. He gambled that CNN and the Dems had to put up an image of trying to do the right thing, trying to be fair. That's why Tapper and Bash were on their best professional behavior. And in that context, reality would allow Trump to demolish Biden with his hands tied behind his back.

Trump knew the truth would be exposed to the entire world that way. The truth would be exposed in such a manner, no amount of spin would be able to undo the damage, not even The Big Lie with 100% of the mainstream media pumping it with all their muster.

And what was this truth?


Biden's mind is gone. He's an invalid who belongs in a nursing home.

There is a backup lie, too. The mainstream media has been telling everyone how mentally sharp Biden is for years while knowing he was an invalid.


There is no way out after that debate. That is why everyone on Biden's side is turning on him. They are not interested in getting to the truth. They are interested in saving their own asses after the truth has been exposed so blatantly.


That's the trouble with lying.

Lying is about words. Observation is about deeds.

The "words" part of the brain can trick the "deeds" part of the brain, but there is a limit to that function. Story goes a long way in letting the "words" part of the brain trick the "deeds" part. But if that story is bypassed, neutralized, which is what Trump did by accepting the debate bluff, people perceive reality without a filter. At that point, their innate reason kicks in.

Then the jig is up for the liars.



For O-Land thinkers, I want to stress something. Rand's view of reason has a flaw, not in the "corelating reality to abstraction" part (which is insightful), but instead in saying and implying that reason is volitional only.

You get the impression from Rand that reason is like an on-off switch. The fundamental choice is to think or not to think. How many times have you read or heard those words from her?

But that's not the way reason works. I could go technical, but a simple analogy works best to explain what I am getting at in this context.

Reason is like breathing. It works involuntarily most of the time along with other involuntary processes like sleep, defecation, childbirth, and so on. Involuntary breathing supports these other activities, especially when the diaphragm is used for things other than breathing.

However, volition can override involuntary breathing within a small window. And that small window, voluntary breathing, is where the magic happens. Skilled breathing becomes a reality and we get opera singers, long distance runners and all kinds of wonderful enhancements to humans. An opera singer needs to use volitional breathing to be able to sing. Letting 'er rip in the shower does not.

Reason is like that for thinking.



People saw that debate with their raw involuntary reason working. Not in an instant, which they could dismiss as a fluke, but for 90 minutes. That's too long to dismiss. What they perceived clashed in a nonstop manner with what they have been told--and have been telling themselves--for years. 


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I don't think Bill O'Reilly would put this out without having solid info.

According to him, Joe Biden is leaving the campaign.

Bill did say, "the decision has been made," but he did not say who made the decision or give any other details about the people involved.

If this is just a CYA move, Bill used to be better than that.

I have not seen him rely on half-assed sources before, so I am taking this seriously.

But with a huge grain of salt.


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4 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Bill did say, "the decision has been made," but he did not say who made the decision or give any other details about the people involved.

If this is just a CYA move, Bill used to be better than that.

Carpe does have a point.

Why didn't I think of this?




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On 6/30/2024 at 9:19 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Imagine the howling if Bill O'Reilly scooped the rest of the press...

Using ESP I predict, tada@. The Prediction. The Democratic 2024 slate: California Governor Gavin Newsman as the Presidential nominee, and VP Kamala Harris as his running mate. Ya know, she's female and semi black, and already the VP, etc. so she will stay on the Democratic ticket.

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First of all, happy July 4th to all.



Second, this election keeps getting funnier and funnier.

Mike Benz just said that Biden has been the host body for The Blob for decades, but now The Blob is looking for a new host body.



The Blob in Mike's jargon is the intelligence community, the part that has formed around--and protects--the American empire idea. It also goes by the name of the Military Industrial Complex or the Deep State.

What The Blob needs is a person in power who has knowledge of the policies and secrets, and will rubber stamp all of The Blob's desires. Like Biden has always done.

Mike said even Obama was too green when he became president. This was why Biden was chosen as VP, to be his foreign policy arm and make sure The Blob was fed.

Now The Blob is worried. The host body (Biden) is too old to function and Kamala Harris is way too green, much greener than Obama was, at The Blob's cloak and dagger activities. So at best, they have to saddle her with a VP insider like they did with the green Obama. The only one among the Dems who has the form The Blob needs is Hillary Clinton, and she comes with a ton of other problems.



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It looks like Catturd was riffing off of Trump.

Or, looking at the time stamps, maybe Trump riffed off of him.



Finally posts from Truth Social embed on OL correctly.

Look here. :) 


Crooked Joe Biden should ignore his many critics and move forward, with alacrity and strength, with his powerful and far reaching campaign. He should be sharp, precise, and energetic, just like he was in The Debate, in selling his policies of Open Borders (where millions of people, including record numbers of Terrorists, are allowed to enter our...



Crooked Joe Biden should ignore his many critics and move forward, with alacrity and strength, with his powerful and far reaching campaign. He should be sharp, precise, and energetic, just like he was in The Debate, in selling his policies of Open Borders (where millions of people, including record numbers of Terrorists, are allowed to enter our Country, from prisons and mental institutions, totally unchecked and unvetted!), to Ending Social Security, Men playing in Women’s sports, High Taxes, High Interest Rates, encouraging a Woke Military, Uncontrollable Inflation, Record Setting Crime, Only Electric Vehicles, Subservience to China and other Countries, Endless Wars, putting America Last, losing our Dollar Based Standard, and so much more. Yes, Sleepy Joe should continue his campaign of American Destruction and, MAKE CHINA GREAT AGAIN!



Now that I know Truth Social Posts embed here, expect to see more of them.



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As of tonight and the early morning of July 9th the Real Clear Politics polls have a clear winner. Out of eleven national polls one of them has Trump and Biden tied at 40 percent each. I am not sure what happened to the other 20 percent, but overall Trump leads . . . on average . . . by 3.4 percent. The Forbes and the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times polls all have Donald J. Trump ahead by 6 percent.

AND, the no tossup state map where a candidate needs 270 electoral votes to win has 312 for Trump and 226 for President Biden. Wow.

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If illegals get to vote, that could change.

The House is passing a bill targeting illegals and banning them from voting in federal elections. Biden says he will veto the bill. (I thought illegals not voting was a given, but there it is.)



The White House issued a statement on Monday, condemning a House Republicans’ bill requiring proof of citizenship when registering to vote in federal elections.


Trump says for Republicans to pass it anyway.


Republicans must pass the Save Act, or go home and cry yourself to sleep. Non citizen Illegal Migrants are getting the right to vote, being pushed by crooked Democrat Politicians who are not being stopped by an equally dishonest Justice Department. Our whole voting system is under siege. Harmeet and David, go to court and get this stopped...


Republicans must pass the Save Act, or go home and cry yourself to sleep. Non citizen Illegal Migrants are getting the right to vote, being pushed by crooked Democrat Politicians who are not being stopped by an equally dishonest Justice Department. Our whole voting system is under siege. Harmeet and David, go to court and get this stopped, NOW. The Dems can’t win on their policies, the only way they can win is to  CHEAT. They do it at every level of government, and they do it well. That’s how they get an incapacitated moron like Joe Biden elected. Get tough RNC (Michael W!), Speaker Johnson, and all State and Local Republican politicians. The Justice Department is CORRUPT and won’t do a thing to help. They have no shame! All I can say is that if I’m elected President, we will pursue Election Fraudsters at levels never seen before, and they will be sent to prison for long periods of time. We already know who you are. DON’T DO IT!  ZUCKERBUCKS, be careful!



I stand in awe that the Dems want to openly make it legal to cheat in the election.

They refuse to give up power by following the rules.

Don't think they won't resort to assassination attempts if this attempt doesn't work.


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14 hours ago, Peter said:

As of tonight and the early morning of July 9th the Real Clear Politics polls have a clear winner. Out of eleven national polls one of them has Trump and Biden tied at 40 percent each. I am not sure what happened to the other 20 percent, but overall Trump leads . . . on average . . . by 3.4 percent. The Forbes and the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times polls all have Donald J. Trump ahead by 6 percent.

AND, the no tossup state map where a candidate needs 270 electoral votes to win has 312 for Trump and 226 for President Biden. Wow.


I have been telling you this for 3+ years my man.

Will not be close

Also Peter who are we looking for for the VP slot please? Who say you? 

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8 hours ago, Marc said:

Also Peter who are we looking for for the VP slot please?

Sometime today I received an email from President Trump saying he might pick his VP in the next 90 minutes but he still hasn't selected anyone. I think Marco Rubio is the best pick for his ideology, youth, and speechifying. And he is Hispanic in origin and that could sway Hispanic voters to vote for the ticket. I don't mind it when he talks for a while, whereas I doze off when Trump drones on and on.    

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It may be a good day in America, but “Ruh Roh, Scoobie Doo.” George Stephanopoulos and George Clooney (think Hollywood and big donors) don’t think crooked Joe should run again. Just now, and after the interview they caught Stephanopoulos on a hot mike as he was passing by saying, he didn’t think Joe Biden could serve four more years.  

And there are plenty of reports that Hunter Biden is sitting in on meetings with White House staff and Presidential phone calls with his father. Remember, Hunter was getting millions from the Red Chinese (I remember $1.3 million) from some Chinese “company,” and THAT is horribly wrong. White House insiders are leaking this news and they are very upset too.

I see on Fox News that “Trump steps up attacks on VP Harris at rally.” Will Kamalalala serve four more years as VP or will she become the 2024 Democratic nominee? I think it would be very hard on the liberals to try and push her aside if Biden does decide to drop out.

In order from Newsweek, here are the other potential Democratic 2024 Presidential candidates they suppose could run: California Governor Gavin Newsom, Vice President Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock, and Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips.

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Just for the record, so long as Hillary Clinton is alive, she ain't going anywhere in the Dem world.

She just sealed up the treasure trove of secret dirty tricks the world over.

Wanna bet this will have some impact on the 2024 election and Biden's mental decay issues?

Suppose a new Dem candidate gets nominated (Hillary, of course) and she needs a shitload of rent-a-mobs to create chaos all over America in strategic places as setups to goad Trump's people into violence?


That's just the first idea that came to mind with this engagement.

Hillary Clinton has moved up a level from controlled asset to controller.


Soros's son is a dork with almost no brains. But imagine what secrets are held in what little brains that do exist. Move over Epstein...

Now Huma is right there sucking out every single one.



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Hey we have to Hillary and Bill their due. Prior to this pair( they both have big ones,lol), politicians focused on not being caught lying to the press, these guys said screw that , lie from day one and never back down ever, look them right in the eye and just do it, no one will have balls as big as ours , the rest are too weak to challenge. they perfected it and it worked. They came they lied and people died.

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The Drew Carey Show from 1997 had President Trump in it. The episodes name was “New York and Queens” – “Old Man Carey”. I saw it on an oldies channel called “Antenna TV. DJT was on for about a minute or two and he was quite good. The usual characters called to him by name, and they were respectful to the obvious celebrity.  

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George Clooney, a big-ass buddy of Barack Obama and huge Dem fund-raiser in Hollywood, has called for Biden to stand down in the NYT (see here and here). Most people interpret this as a message from Obama since Clooney would not risk his friendship by doing this without Obama's approval first.

And what does Trump have to say?

Heh heh heh...

LOL... :)


And there's this.


So now fake movie actor George Clooney, who never came close to making a great movie, is getting into the act. He’s turned on Crooked Joe like the rats they both are. What does Clooney know about anything? He uses the Democrat “talking point” that Biden, the WORST President in the history of the United States, has “saved our...


So now fake movie actor George Clooney, who never came close to making a great movie, is getting into the act. He’s turned on Crooked Joe like the rats they both are. What does Clooney know about anything? He uses the Democrat “talking point” that Biden, the WORST President in the history of the United States, has “saved our Democracy.” No, Crooked Joe was the one who WEAPONIZED Law Enforcement against his political Opponent, who created the most devastating INFLATION in the history of our Country, who Embarrassed our Nation in Afghanistan, and whose crazy Open Border Policy has allowed millions of people to illegally pour into our Country, many from prisons and mental institutions. Crooked Joe Biden didn’t save our Democracy, he brought our Democracy to its knees. Clooney should get out of politics and go back to television. Movies never really worked for him!!!




The Dem long knives are out against Biden. In the daylight. They are not even hiding it in the night. I now give it about 50-50 on whether Biden stays in.


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16 hours ago, tmj said:

... look them right in the eye and just do it, no one will have balls as big as ours...


Scott Adams thinks like I do.

I didn't write about the money, but it's about the money, too.

But no worries on all of it.

Anthony Weiner was Huma's training wheels. And now she's trained.



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Biden came across OK on his press conference. Not great, more like a C- or D+. But he did well enough, in my opinion, to stop the bleeding on the Dem side. (Obama must be pissed right now. :) )

For at least a couple of weeks or longer, Biden is the one and will be the one.


Why is this important?

Because, if the powers that be change horses in midstream right now, and say run with Kamala, the press is going to go apeshit. There will be a 24/7 love fest about Kamala all at peak volume. Kamala Kamala, Kamala and nothing but Kamala. She is our savior and look what a hero she has been.

Trump can swat that away, but it's a huge nuisance. And with people of a certain kind of mind, massive short-term repetition works as persuasion. It just does. Human condition and all.

The later they replace Biden, if they do, the less time this Great Honkening will have to run.


Also, now there is no way for Biden to bow out of the next debate with Trump, that is if he is still standing.


To be fail, I should say something good about the dark side. I believe the threat of WW3 is a bit less right now. Biden did not sound like a formidable enemy, but he did sound like he can still hear the formidable American warriors within the military. And he still had his grifter face on, so those in countries where the grifting is hot and heavy know they have to stay in line for now...

All in all, I am pleased.

I see a target ready to be steamrolled by Trump. Even with all the election cheating they are trying to do.




EDIT - btw - The biggest gaffe I saw Biden do was not say "Vice President Trump" or a few other howlers like that. It was when he finished his speech and pulled out a piece of paper and said he will now take questions from the journalists they told him to call on. LOL... :) :) :) :) :) 

This really happened... :) 

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As an added thought to the above, I'm surprised the hold Obama has over the press is so weak. They were supposed to take out Biden. Instead, they served him pablum and oatmeal knowing they would get canned answers.

So no fiery takedowns. That means I think the biggest loser in the press conference was Obama and his crew, including George Clooney.

Biden is staying in.



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