US 2024 Election


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:) :) :) 

Those are the swamp Kennedy's. Entitled mediocrities. 

The only principled visionary Kennedy I know of who's left spoke today.

RFK Jr. even mentioned that he's joining a Team of Rivals like in Abraham Lincoln's day.


What's more, don't forget this:


Man, I would not want to be Fauci today...



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21 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


:) :) :) 

Those are the swamp Kennedy's. Entitled mediocrities. 

The only principled visionary Kennedy I know of who's left spoke today.

RFK Jr. even mentioned that he's joining a Team of Rivals like in Abraham Lincoln's day.


What's more, don't forget this:


Man, I would not want to be Fauci today...



He’s been on the ground fighting the good fight No?  Representing clients, seeing all the documents, negotiating settlements, hearing all the expert testimony, and evidence… he’s seen and heard things we could hardly imagine… if anyone has a right to think and say the kinds of things he does about big agriculture, big pharma etc it’s him.

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26 minutes ago, Strictlylogical said:

He’s been on the ground fighting the good fight No?  Representing clients, seeing all the documents, negotiating settlements, hearing all the expert testimony, and evidence… he’s seen and heard things we could hardly imagine… if anyone has a right to think and say the kinds of things he does about big agriculture, big pharma etc it’s him.

Yeah that is what I was thinking ,too, but then the Kennedys said things so..

ps Roseanne is awesome ...since they stopped Prohibition .lol

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RFK Jr. is going to get a honeymoon period, but when the dust settles and we start talking to his followers, there will be times they disagree with us (I'm speaking about MAGA Trump supporters).

Here is something to think about when that happens.

It's not all about the syllogism or the tribe. The lady below is the kind of person who followed RFK Jr. from the bottom of her heart.

These people deserve respect.

Some of them are going through a bad time right now, but with a little bit of good will, they can become great neighbors.

At root and for the most part, they want what we want.

I already like this lady. I wish I could make her feel better.


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August 25, 2024. Top Battlegrounds – RCP Average for Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Nevada. Harris is leading in two of those states, Wisconsin by 1 point, and Michigan by 2 points. Trump leads in the other five Battleground states.  

Real Clear Politics, no toss ups Electoral College Presidential Poll Trump 287  /  Harris 251.













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The good news is far, far from over.

More big names are going to come out for Trump.

Since this was an RFK Jr announcement, many of these big names will be from the non-right people who hold ideological positions and principles over power.



In a moment that will be etched into the annals of American history, President Donald Trump took the stage in Glendale, Arizona, and introduced none other than Robert F.




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How is this for mental real estate?

LOLOL... 🤣 🤣 🤣 

I could not find where Trump posted this, so I presume it is by the people who operate the "Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social" X account.

(btw - The original version is here.)

If you watched the video, now try to not think of the words "Donald Trump."




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Tulsi endorsed Trump.


          President Trump visited Detroit, Michigan on Monday to speak at the 146th General Conference and Exhibition of the National Guard Association and he had a surprise in store for the audience.



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I have seen many pathetic hoaxes by Democrats in my time, but I think I just how saw the worst of the worst.

Look at this X post by Kamala Harris. This is an actual X post from her account.


Vice President Harris,

One of my absolute favorite things in America is how people of different backgrounds and beliefs have the freedom to communicate with each other. We are so blessed to live in a country where the greatest currency is the free-flowing exchange of ideas. In America, we are blessed with the ability to come together on common ground.

In the spirit of establishing common ground, even though I am fairly conservative and we may have our disagreements, I am writing to express my gratitude for your's and President Biden’s efforts to establish common sense gun safety laws. Owning firearms is every American’s Constitutional right. Like all things, there needs to be reasonable regulation like age restrictions, background checks, and mental health screenings. Thank you for heading the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention and for your's and President Biden’s push for common sense gun safety laws. I look forward to seeing what the Biden-Harris administration accomplishes in this regard.

All the best and God bless.




Here is a screenshot in case she deletes it, which I find likely.


Man, this was posted at 8:31 pm on August 27, 2024 and it is up to 2.3 million views when I took the screenshot at 12:30 pm Central on August 28, 2024. 



It's an obvious hoax. Lots of people are dissecting the letter, including Tucker's signature, etc., but, unless you do not know anything about Tucker Carlson, there is no way in hell he wrote that.

Here's an article about it if you want to read one.


Tucker just responded on X a little over an hour ago:

The letter is script text font and super-easy to read, so the image is good enough. If I find the text in print and not image, I will include it for the search engines.




🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 


To paraphrase the clever sensitive words of Jeb Bush: "Please laugh."



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It ain't over til it's over, but 270 electoral votes are required to win the Presidential campaign.

August 29, 2024. The Real Clear Politics “no toss ups” map shows Trump / Vance with 287 electoral votes, and Harris / Walz with 251 electoral votes.

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17 hours ago, Peter said:

It ain't over til it's over, but 270 electoral votes are required to win the Presidential campaign.

August 29, 2024. The Real Clear Politics “no toss ups” map shows Trump / Vance with 287 electoral votes, and Harris / Walz with 251 electoral votes.

Methinks we will get way more than 287 and probably closer to 400 but a win is a win is a win.

Only concern though is will they certify in December so hope that we sweeeeeeeèeeeeeeeep so we do not need to go through the insanity

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This election boils down to free speech at the root.

If you believe in free speech (as in the Constitution), you have to vote for Trump. If you do not approve of free speech and prefer authorities who tell people what they are permitted to say, you should vote for Harris.

Watch the following video. It is unbelievable.


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On 8/29/2024 at 9:38 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

... made by RFK Jr's running mate, Nicole Shanahan...

Nicole is turning out to be a a spiritual, political and communications and heavyweight.

This ad is all over the place right now. I decided to embed Elon's reposting.

The thumbnail is not so appealing, though, so I will give you an overview.

It covers the assassinations of JFK and Robert Kennedy, then tells RFK Jr to go finish the job they were unable to.

The use of music in this ad is out of this world great. Not the music itself, but how the music pushes the message past the critical thinking part of the brain and straight into the gut.

I am becoming a fan of Nicole Shanahan.

Sergey Brin lost her and kept Google (Alphabet), following his authoritarian dream.

Boy, did he fuck up. I think in the end, he will have made the worst deal on the planet.

But we win.




EDIT: To be accurate, Nicole says "finish the story," whereas I said "finish the job." I didn't do that on purpose, but that shows my subconscious urge to see this in reality, not just in narrative.

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1 hour ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

The use of music in this ad is out of this world great. Not the music itself, but how the music pushes the message past the critical thinking part of the brain and straight into the gut.

I'm not the only one who noticed this.

The following person did, too.

And this person references a psyops group affiliated with the US Army.



Makes me want to start futzing around with video...


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