US 2024 Election


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1 hour ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Those young people will now vote.

And not because Taylor Swift did anything.

It's far worse than I thought.

Look what the mainstream media is saying when a montage is made out of their shows.

"Taylor Swift is not a psy-op."

That is a talking point from on high they all have to say.


When you have to do that, in that quantity, your play has fizzled bad.

May Kamala Harris enjoy the 7,000 votes or so Taylor Swift will rake in for her.



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12 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


Now they're making real music with this.




btw - This guy Kiffness produced a song I play once in a while to raise my spirits when I feel down. It's happy music, happy feelings, happy words, happy everything and I love it. I posted this on OL elsewhere (I think it's in the addiction section). 


You, too, be happy.








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The political ads are now starting to pour out from the Trump campaign.

The Trump people know how to make these kinds of videos.

It's not even close.

And, as a bonus, it's one of the best commentaries on the debate I have seen. Why? It just shows the contrasts in Kamala Harris and lets you decide.



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On 9/12/2024 at 2:40 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Look what the mainstream media is saying when a montage is made out of their shows.

"Taylor Swift is not a psy-op."

The Taylor Swift play just ain't working.

The number are the numbers.

I don't trust the mainstream media, but the number are the numbers.

And those are their numbers, not ones from MAGA sources.



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On 9/11/2024 at 2:53 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

If you want to have a little fun looking a bit deeper into the debate and how it came off, think about Trump's 5D chess maneuvers.

A whole bunch of pundits on the Harris side treated the debate as a big win for her, and on the Trump side, many got defensive and angry as if Kamala Harris won or landed some points or improved her standing, etc. Megyn Kelly is a good example.


Now there is one more reality:


I’m revising my debate scoring. My first impression was a tie, which I called a Harris victory. 

But the only thing I recall about the debate today is “They’re eating the dogs.”

Visual. Scary. Viral. Memorable. Repeatable. And directionally correct in terms of unchecked immigration risk. 

It’s the strongest play of the election. 

Trump won the debate. 

I gotta stop underestimating his game. Trump had no base hits in the debate but his long ball is still rising. Incredible.



I learned from Scott Adams to see something Scott did not manage to see.



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Here's a happy thought about MAGA and the upcoming election.

This is to counter the blues from reading the crap the mainstream pumps out about how close the race is, how Kamala is the best thing since sliced bread and on and on.

We can no longer count on the mainstream media for anything resembling accurate information. So to get a measure of what really exists, we have to look at other indicators.

The following indicator from The Kiffness is astounding.

Yesterday afternoon, The Kiffness released his "Eating the Cats" video (posted above in this thread).

It spread so fast, it generated over 50 million views (in different platforms).

That's within less than one day.


Now ask yourself this. Are the people watching that video Kamala Harris voters?

If you think they are, would you be interested in buying a bridge?


Those are mostly people who will be voting for Trump.

Does the Kamala Harris side have anything, anything at all, that generates 50 million eyeballs within a day?

I don't see it.



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24 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Yesterday afternoon, The Kiffness released his "Eating the Cats" video (posted above in this thread).

I am not for using “unfound claims” as evidence. To me, the pet eating story should have been vetted and not expressed by Donald Trump in front of an open mike or even on the internet as if the story were true. I can’t say I haven’t spoken, as if an untruth were true, but I am not running for President either. Unfortunately, him saying that points to his upward age and downward mental acuity.

Sorry Mister ex-President, but it is possible that false statement will lose you some votes . . . though not mine. While not trying to sound morbid (yeah right) what is the back-up plan if Trump weren’t up and about? JD Vance could step in like komrade Kamala did with Biden but could Vance beat her? Good grief Charley Brown. Now it isn’t just Taylor Swift, but Martha Stuart is endorsing the VP for Prez.

Famous Who’s who are supporting President Trump? Brett Favre, Ye who used to be Kanye, Dennis and Randy Quaid, James Woods, Jon Voight, Kelsey Grammer, Kevin Sorbo, Kid Rock, Kristy Swanson from the original “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” Roseanne Barr, Scott Baio, Ted Nugent, and a lot more.

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The pet eating story is true. There is real evidence all over the place.

Even the governor of the state, Mike DeWine, is deploying law enforcement to Springfield to deal with the Haitian mess.

They don't say in public check for pet eating, but that's what they are doing.




Gov Mike DeWine said he doesn't oppose the Temporary Protected Status program under which some 15,000 Haitians have arrived in the city.


Only government officials and the mainstream press are saying nobody is eating pets.

Everyone else is looking at the abundant evidence and saying enough is enough. Since the liars won't stop lying, they turned this into a meme.

Trump has no mental acuity problems.

If you want proof, go to X, type in 

pet eating proof

And see what comes up. There's too much to read.

Some of it may not be true, but ALL of it?


Also, Springfield animal clinics are registering a massive decrease in animal patients. 

I wonder what's causing that? Hmmmmm?

Why are all the animals suddenly healthy?

Maybe the government is doing such a good job caring for them they don't get sick anymore.

Or maybe there are much fewer animals to care for because they were eaten.

:evil:  :) 


The cover-up is always worse than the crime. And this one blew up in their faces big time.


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Now Laura Loomer is getting on the Haitian problem in Springfield OH. And she brings the receipts.

Why are voter registration forms being printed in Haitian Creole in Springfield OH?



If only those 15,000-20,000 illegal Haitians that Biden and Harris recently dumped there (in a city of 60,000) did not eat pets.

This registration of illegal aliens to vote would have flown under the radar. But now the spotlight is on them.

I wonder what else is out there in other small towns.


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1 hour ago, Peter said:

I am not for using “unfound claims” as evidence.


"Unfound claims" is a very interesting term.

What do you think about all those lawfare cases against Trump that are going belly-up and that cost millions and millions of dollars?

Do you think they were based on unfound claims?

The courts seem to.



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It would take 400 Greyhound buses to transport 20 k , at 50 per the basic capacity. One mile of buses is about 117 , so like three and half miles of buses pull into your town with no plans on leaving , just a Wednesday yeah?
Is there a Haitian Creole word for namaste?

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I always used to mention a saying from the Sufis, "We become what we gaze upon."

In my studies about communications, persuasion, neuroscience, etc., you would not believe how true I discovered that is.

A more accurate way of saying it in today's world is this: "Unless you override the effect with conscious effort in mostly verbal terms, we become what we gaze upon."

A good premise for you to check is to look inside yourself and see if you made any assumptions at all. I believe you absorbed assumptions from what is all around you by osmosis. I catch myself doing this all the time.


btw - As long as we are in premise-checking mode, I am half-way through the following book and it is blowing my mind: The Knowledge Gene by Lynne Kelly. Before I even say anything, warning. This book will only be released in the USA in April of next year. I had to get the audiobook from a foreign publisher by farting around with VPNs and so on.

It is much more than persuasion. It explains why we are prone to repeat what is in the air. We are prewired to do that.

But this thing goes so much deeper. I have always entertained the notion that the majority of our knowledge is not in word form. We you consider how humans survived up to the invention of writing, how they managed to flourish with huge data stores of info, observations, routines, etc., they needed to survive, all without writing, you begin to have an enormous respect to the capacity of the underbelly of the brain. It has its own nature. In a modern setting, it can look like a mistake and it isn't.

Neuroscience is proving all this and Lynne Kelly goes into it. Just for the record, the knowledge gene is called NF1. You can get acquainted with it quickly here, but there is so much more in her book.

What does this have to do with repeating what is in the culture? Well, ancient knowledge was spread to all other people in a tribe through stories and art, and performed through music and dance. We are wired to receive information in this manner once you learn how. And, as Lynne Kelly implies, many things in today's world are easier to learn this way than by words.

The advantage of words is that the memory for them is external. In the prehistoric way, memory is only (or mostly) in the brains of individuals. If the ancients did not pick up and pass on info quickly, they would not have survived long enough to reproduce.

So the modern bad habit left over from this process is repeating opinions hammered in the media without realizing it.

This is a long, long, long discussion.

But my point is there is no need to feel bad for anything. We are human, and that means a hell of lot more epistemology-wise than we are rational and we make mistakes. 




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As an addon to the last thought, this is going to have huge implications for Rand's ITOE and even David Kelley's recent new paper on propositions (the ARI Fan Club guys just interviewed him about that).

Much more on all this later. And on a different thread.


Right now we have to elect Trump in November and, for God's sake, their eating the dog and eating the cats.




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On 9/13/2024 at 6:15 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

The Taylor Swift play just ain't working.

It's worse.

It's backfiring.


It might not be such a "Love Story" after all.


Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, may turn more voters away than it attracts.

A new post-debate poll from YouGov released Saturday found that 8% of voters said the pop superstar’s nod is either “somewhat” or “much more likely” to convince them to cast their ballot for the Democrat. But a whopping 20% said they are “somewhat” or “much less likely” to vote for former President Donald Trump’s opponent now that Swift has spoken.


Man, that's just sad...



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MSK , sounds like an interesting book and look forward to a thread around those ideas. 

But my comment was another dud , Peter was chiding the use of purported hyperbole because of a possible net negative effect of persuasion. But because this is Trump, especially because this is Trump, hyperbole or not the aim of the persuasion is to highlight the level and extent of rapid foreign relocation and the effects on the communities subjected seemingly through ‘no fault of their own’, regardless any accuracy to the phenomenon of ASPCABBQ’s.

I tried doubling down with an exaggerated arrival schedule and mode , hoping the ‘ visuals’ would ‘stick’.

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This is another aside. On top of that book, I have been listening to the following podcast by Darryl Cooper: The Underground Spirit.

My mind was so blown by this, I listened to it twice. Seriously. And it is looooooooong--one and a half minutes shy of 5 hours.

Cooper compares the lives and themes of Friedrich Nietzsche and Fyodor Dostoyevsky in such a manner, I, for one, cannot help but see deep roots--deep, deep roots--of Ayn Rand all over it.

Cooper takes you back to that time in such a charming storied way, we get to see the intellectual world forming that Ayn Rand would be born into--with emphasis on ideas that would make major impacts on her thinking and writing techniques.


Rand talked a lot about Hugo and Aristotle, but she really got her criticisms of Christianity and altruism straight from Nietzsche wholesale. And she got her speeches and introspection techniques in novels from Dostoyevsky, not to mention super-complicated love triangles. :) 

Her forms of unrequited love jump from the pages of their lives and Dostoyevsky's novels. Not unrequited love per se, which is a universal fiction theme, but their particular complicated form of it.

The weirdest thing is Nietzsche got the spark for his God is Dead idea from Dostoyevsky.

Here's a curiosity. I know a lot about the Wagner and Nietzsche falling out scandal from studying a lot about Wager during my symphony orchestra days. But I didn't realize how deeply in love Nietzsche was with Cosima, Richard Wager's wife. And the love developed from social gatherings in Wagner's home. (Sound familiar, NB? :) )

Cooper does not mention Rand at all, but listen to this thing if you ever get the time and see if you don't see Rand historically emerging. It's there. This is the closest thing I have encountered that I would rightly call a prequel to Ayn Rand as an intellectual and fiction writer.

Not the public image she wanted to portray as her legacy, but instead the reality she lived. 


I hope you get the time for this. It is a treat.


Anyway, back to bombarding support for Trump while there is still time to save the constitution and other freedom-related things.




EDIT: A very good synonym for "underground" in Dostoyevsky's and, by extension, Nietzsche's sense, meaning underground man, underground spirit, is...

Wait for it...

Second hand lives. :) 

Seriously... I did not get this from anybody. I came up with it after listening to what underground man meant in this podcast, that is a person who only gets a sense of self from what others think of him.

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I think it is more that a second hand'er' gets a sense from what they think others think about them, which makes Roark's rejoinder to Toohey a double gotcha :)

And as long as we are in the aside mode , :) , one of the most important things from Rand for me is the recognition of the need to integrate, that for non contradictory identification to 'work' for truth finding, all 'things' ultimately would have to 'reconcile'.

Which , coupled with a hard streak of contrarianism ( a non malevolent form of epistemological nihilism?) makes me automatically try and tie all and sundry together, not the best system lol, but as long as you recognize the need for chewing maybe not so bad. Anyways..

I'm wondering if knowledge/meaning/transfer/communication could be analogized to a quantum/classical paradigm.

just as a place holder for an eventual new thread



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Nothing like an assassination attempt to blow cat memes off the front page.


That's a quip, but knowing these bozos, i would not doubt this was a reason they flubbed it. They needed to to stop the eating the dogs stuff that was blowing Kamala Harris's race to shreds.

Think about it. The bad guys activated the assassin before conditions were ready.


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