US 2024 Election


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Shit is getting real on the assassination attempts.


It is is being reported that Intelligence has come in from the southern border that 9 surface to air missiles have been smuggled into the U.S. across the New Mexico border.

Intended target: Trump Force One

It is rumored the Sinaloa Cartel will be behind the attack, attempting to shoot down Trump’s plane killing the former president, any senior campaign officials, secret service agents aboard and media in Trumps press pool.

This is scary!



They want to shoot Trump Force One out of the skies. Collateral damage no object.

You Kamala Harris voters out there. Hey you!

Yeah, I am talking to you.

Think about what you are voting for. You are voting for that.

In America.


Now think about that the next time you, yourself board a plane.

Wanna be collateral damage in a missile strike you did not know about?

There's your opportunity.

What a martyr to the cause, huh? What a hero...


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Just so y'all know what's on the grapevine, the Deep State is behind the missiles to shoot down Trump's plane.

But there is a lot of garbage in the news about it's all Iran's doing.

Iran, you say? That means war. We'll show them mop heads.

If the Predator Class can start a war with Iran, the Predator Class will have their wet dream realized. Money in the bank. Ka-Ching!

They may not get Harris over the finish line with a world war, but they sure as hell will protect their paychecks for the beginning of a Trump term. 

So sayeth the Pentagon Prophet and the Wicked Woke Wise One.

There shall be blood and moolah!


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40 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Just so y'all know what's on the grapevine, the Deep State is behind the missiles to shoot down Trump's plane.

But there is a lot of garbage in the news about it's all Iran's doing.

Iran, you say? That means war. We'll show them mop heads.

If the Predator Class can start a war with Iran, the Predator Class will have their wet dream realized. Money in the bank. Ka-Ching!

They may not get Harris over the finish line with a world war, but they sure as hell will protect their paychecks for the beginning of a Trump term. 

So sayeth the Pentagon Prophet and the Wicked Woke Wise One.

There shall be blood and moolah!


I hear whispers in such musings of a second Reign of Terror, and that the would-be despots would bring it down upon themselves… is astounding.  

The people never wanted bloody revolution, it was always going to be peaceful, but if the deep state succeeds in taking down the peaceful revolutionary who is Trump, he will be replaced a thousandfold and if they think Trump is full of anger they have no idea.

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22 hours ago, Strictlylogical said:

I hear whispers in such musings of a second Reign of Terror, and that the would-be despots would bring it down upon themselves… is astounding.  

The people never wanted bloody revolution, it was always going to be peaceful, but if the deep state succeeds in taking down the peaceful revolutionary who is Trump, he will be replaced a thousandfold and if they think Trump is full of anger they have no idea.

Yes sir!!!!!!!!!!




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I think Gen. Mike Flynn is right.

The longshoreman strike is the Black Swan October surprise that will bury Biden and Harris. Or, at least, it is one of the main October surprises.

The social disintegration Daggett described is right out of Atlas Shrugged

Except in AS, the men of the mind went on strike.

In the Port strikes scenario, think of this question. What happens when fundamental parts of the wealth of a nation has been OUTSOURCED TO OTHER COUNTRIES and those parts come into the nation ON SHIPS?

Answer: You give a gawdawful amount of power to people who work with those ships.

If the goods are not unloaded, and this strike keeps going, Americans are not just going to lose their goodies as shortages irritate everyone, but main jobs will go away as the companies that can't bet supplies and products go out of business.


We will watch this unfold all throughout the month of October, the month right before the election for president.

In order to avert disaster, either Biden or Harris will have to sit down with the dockworkers and make a deal--one that does not depend on political favors.

If they don't, they will watch the American economy start to disintegrate right in front of their eyes over an entire month.


How good do you think Biden or Harris are at making deals with normal middleclass workers? Hmmmm?...

I have a feeling that both Biden and Harris think a nationwide dock worker strike has the same importance as a nationwide fast food worker's strike.

Man, is reality going to smack them hard upside the head.

As Daggett said, "I will cripple you."


In the long-run, this will be great because it will ensure Trump gets elected no matter how bad the cheating.


In the meantime, though, stock up, folks. Get it while you can still get it. Shit looks like it is going to get bad quite soon.


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One more thought on the port worker's strike.

Earlier in the interview I posted above with Daggett (but not in the video here), Daggett mentioned that he noticed that with the ways the big guys were doing business, they were no longer making millions for deals. They were making billions.

And it was all flowing through ships.

He said he wants a slice of that for him and his people.

This is not about abstract morality like fairness and so on. At least not the major part.

It's about hard cash from the perspective of see it, take it.



But once he sees his power in action, once he's not just talking about it, but seeing it play out, I have a feeling he's going to be a huge pain in the ass to everyone for a long time to come.

And if I were him, I would do the same.




EDIT: One last thought. The strike already started a few hours ago.

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I still haven't see the worm in the apple of the dock worker's strike. On the surface, this strike will hurt the American economy and help get Trump over the finish line in a way that cannot be cheated.

But the leadership of big unions are always Democrats. And that makes me suspicious. What are they planning for real?

Do you remember my cognitive before normative thing? Let's identify a bit before we judge.

Starting with this.

Daggett, the longshoreman, looks like his has a bit of a problem with the high road.



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For those who want to see the VP debate last night:


Over 90% of the articles and videos I looked at gave Vance as the winner by a longshot.

Well, Rachel Maddow and the Morning Joe people didn't think that. They said Waltz mopped the floor with Vance. :) 

But even CNN was talking about how Vance knocked it out of the park.


What I saw in the debate was a polished and prepared Vance who was upbeat and not perturbed once. He was the essence of rationality used benevolently, but without mercy to foolishness.

I believe many of those who don't like Trump's brashness will be persuaded by this.

I haven't seen anyone hone in on my own opinion of Tim Waltz in this debate. And what do I think? He was the essence of mediocrity.

James Taggert and Peter Keating come to mind. Maybe even Wesley Mouch... :) 


I could pepper this post with memes--for instance, Waltz actually said he was friends with school shooters, and things like that--but why? 

Here is one clip I could not resist, though. Waltz was trying to look reasonable in considering ideas for the public, but it actually does look like he wants to vote for Trump and Vance. LOL... :) 





EDIT: I forgot to post this, too. If you want a written overview of the debate, this one is pretty good:



Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the GOP and Democratic nominees for Vice President of the United States respectively, will debate Tuesday evening in New York.


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3 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

What I saw in the debate was a polished and prepared Vance who was upbeat and not perturbed once. He was the essence of rationality used benevolently, but without mercy to foolishness.

I agree. I was watching to analyze how each VP candidate would do as President. I think Vance would do OK as Pres, young as he is. But Walz floundered a bit and seemed more like an "old person who is losing some of his abilities." Vance seemed more truthful. I think Vance was a lawyer at some point and his story of growing up was inspiring.

Will this debate influence the electoral college and all of the swing states? I think Vance gave the Trump ticket a one percent boost, which should bring Trump over the 270 electoral college votes to win the Presidency . . . as of now. I may go check Real  Clear Politics to see if those polled recently, think somewhat like I do.    

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Well, they did it.

They managed to turn Hurricane Helene into a campaign issue.

This hurricane devastated parts of southeastern states, especially North Carolina.

Kamala Harris showed up (late) and, in all due benevolence, told people who lost everything they owned that FEMA was going to give $750.00 to each.

They wanted to give more, but FEMA ran out of money.


It didn't take long for critics to notice the $250 billion sent to Ukraine. Or worse, FEMA's depleted budget of $1 billion, which was spent on paying for millions of illegal aliens to come into the country and get them settled with food, housing and money.


The legacy media is trying to polish that turd or get it to flush and it ain't going anywhere.

This is a campaign issue that is making many progressive people change their vote to Trump.



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I wrote the above post before the following article was posted.


          As Hurricane Helene tears through the eastern seaboard, leaving devastation in its wake, the mismanagement of FEMA under the Biden-Harris regime is hitting home with deadly consequences.


Instead of Endless War for Profit, now the Predator Class has...


Wait for it...


Endless Turd.



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We don't need no stinking government.

This is how my kind of people do. This is how they do.

They're putting supplies on a goddam mule team and getting them to stranded people where cars can't get to.

With no government help.


This lady is going down from New York to deliver supplies on her own dime to help.


Wanna bet these people and their families and extended families and friends will be voting in November?


btw - There are many, many, many more people jumping in to help. In the air. Over land. By foot if need be. (The government has told them to stay away, if you can believe it. But this time, nobody is obeying the government.)

Trump was one of the first to go on his own dime bringing supplies.

And he doesn't talk about it.

My people.

Problem solvers.

Those are who I identify with..


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For the record, the Dockworkers strike ended, at least until January.

Although a prolonged strike would have been good for Trump's election, I am glad they came to terms. I know there was plenty of backroom shit, but I'm still glad.

I've got enough problems as it is. I don't need shortages in the supermarket to add to them.



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I'm keeping this in the election thread.

Here is the election issue.

FEMA is not only not helping, it is blocking aid from private parties, and as Elon said, they are confiscating materials being sent there.


Mountain areas all over western NC and other states and other pro-Trump areas that have been devastated by Hurricane Helene. The play by the federal government is to make sure there are no voting polls by Nov. 4 in these areas, many of which are under water.

In Democrat areas in these mountain areas, like in Asheville itself, they are getting aid. There will be voting booths in time.

You can't make this up.


It gets worse. FEMA is delivering some of the confiscated goods to people in distress claiming this is from the government.


Some hillbilly sharpshooters are going out on their own and and sent word to FEMA employees to stop confiscating aid, or they will be picked off one by one.

Pete Buttigieg has forbidden the use of private drones local people are using to locate survivors. He said they are getting in the way of official aid relief, which, of course, is not happening in any meaningful way.

The local people are sending out drones anyway.

This is getting real ugly.


Leave it to the Predator Class to make emergency aid interference a campaign strategy and a plan for voter interference.

This is taking cheating to a whole new level.


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I can't believe this is playing out in real time right in front of us.

A breaking point is coming.



NOTE: A note on the community note. It looks like the State law enforcement's threat to FEMA is real. Repeat. It's real.

Cpt. O'Shaughnessy just messed up the formal name of the law enforcement agency.

Now look at the overkill in the Community Note. I smell desperation, don't you?


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Remember the tale of “The Pied Piper of Hamelin?” Will The Pied Piper lead the Deep State rats out of the DC area?

Saturday October 5, 2024. Battleground States, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia.

270 votes are needed to win the Presidency. Real Clear Politics Electoral College projections, with no Toss up states:

Trump 281 Electoral College votes.

Harris 257 Electoral College votes.

It looks like Harris may win 22 states and Trump will win 28 states. However, Harris is leading the Popular Vote by around 2 percent, as of now. Dang you Taylor Swift. Joke.

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Here's the full rally Trump did in Butler PA earlier today. This is where he was shot.

Elon Musk got on stage and spoke, too.

At the end, Trump brought on a tenor who sang about 6 songs over a full 15 minutes. And Trump stood there on stage during the whole time listening and appreciating the music.

It's as if he was daring someone to take a another shot at him.




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