US 2024 Election


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On 10/3/2024 at 8:46 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Endless Turd.

I didn't think it could get worse, but it is.

A popular theory is growing: Hurricane Helene was seeded by airplanes with silver nitrate while other weather manipulation devices (like lasers) were used to get the hurricane to the region where here is a HUGE lithium deposit. It is between King's Mountain and Chimney Rock NC and it is the largest lithium deposit in the world.

This area has been devastated so much by the hurricane, mining just got a whole lot easier. Also, local real estate values have tanked for the moment.

Guess who's there right now? Yup. Blackrock, Vanguard and several other massive Deep State darling companies. They own a lot and are buying up the rest as best they can.

Now, guess who is a major shareholder in the part pertaining to the lithium mine in NC?

Douglas Emhoff, the husband of Kamala Harris.

And guess who controls the permits for lithium mining there?

Kamala Harris.


It's more complicated than that, but that is accurate in terms of gist.

Several people like Marjorie Taylor Greene are going after this tooth and nail.


If this is all true, including the implications that the hurricane was artificially guided on purpose to a specific region to raze local constructions to the ground, a region where a gigantic lithium deposit is, and that the family of Kamala Harris is a major beneficiary of exploiting that deposit (worth billions due to the battery trade), that would explain why FEMA, for that region, has been held back from providing the aid it normally provides. And why FEMA is getting in the way of private people providing aid. And why there is very little federal money for this disaster.

This is ugly. I believe the facts are mixed between truths and exaggerations, but for election purposes, this doesn't even need to be true at all.

It's not flushing.

Tons of people are livid with rage over it. That number is growing fast.

And voting day is arriving...


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And to put the cherry on top of that theory, David Axlerod came out with this:


Former Obama advisor David Axelrod argued that more "upscale" liberal North Carolina voters will be better able to find ways to vote amid damage from Hurricane Helene than Trump voters.

Good God!

These people don't see themselves.

It's all good for Trump's election, though.



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Now we know what FEMA is doing with the material they confiscate from private rescuers in the areas hit hard by Hurricane Helene.

They are giving the supplies to the illegal aliens they settled there.

I am keeping this in the 2024 Election thread.

Think about this when you vote.

That is what you will be voting for if you vote for Kamala Harris.


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Hurricane Milton going towards Florida has now been upgraded to Cat 5.

In addition to the tragedy, it's gonna wash out a ton of voting places...

One hurricane after another is ramping up quicker than natural in Trump country and the technology exists to do this.

Makes you wonder about October surprise...


If this is what is happening, I am pretty sure it is not going to work. But I find it entirely plausible the evil assholes in our Predator Class would do this as a Hail Mary pass...

What's a few deaths when an election is at stake, huh?


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Absolutely disgusting.

At a distribution area for essentials for people impacted by Hurricane Helene, black helicopters flew over the area and they were piloted by masked people.

It was intimidation. The distribution area was run and stocked by civilian volunteers. The wind from the low-flying bird created a mess with the tents and piles of goods.

At least, they did not fire on anyone and, this time, they got caught on video.

Once again, a vote for Harris is a vote for this shit.


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12 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

At a distribution area for essentials for people impacted by Hurricane Helene, black helicopters flew over the area and they were piloted by masked people.

Let me get this other view up before the new hurricane hits and runs Hurricane Helene out of the news.


News or no news, the mess left over is not something that will go away because a new story came along.

If the government was involved in causing this, I want the people who were part of it in prison.


At least when Trump gets sworn in for his second term, I believe a real investigation will happen. Then let truth be the standard and let the pieces fall where they fall.

I am so angry I feel like spitting all the time.


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Did CBS really think they would get away with this?

I knew they were evil (in a covert manner), but stupid?



They did some hogwash and got busted.

Now it's there in Trump's megaphone for the entire world to see.


A giant Fake News Scam by CBS & 60 Minutes. Her REAL ANSWER WAS CRAZY, OR DUMB, so they actually REPLACED it with another answer in order to save her or, at least, make her look better. A FAKE NEWS SCAM, which is totally illegal. TAKE AWAY THE CBS LICENSE. Election Interference. She is a Moron, and the Fake News Media wants to hide that fact. An UNPRECEDENTED SCANDAL!!! The Dems got them to do this and should be forced to concede the Election? WOW!



In different words, when 60 Minutes asked Kamala Harris about Netanyahu not listening, she came back with a word salad supreme. I think that was aired, too, because I remember seeing it.

But then for reruns and Internet copies, CBS edited what she said. They did not fix her word salad. They REPLACED it with something she said elsewhere in the interview.

The dude asked her a question and her answer was grafted on from something she said that had to do with the question. But it sounded a lot better than the word salad supreme.


60 Minutes did that. How far that show has fallen. You can't believe a word they say. Since they did that whopper, imagine what they have done that got past people.


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For those still on the fence about voting for Trump or not, here is an interview he did with a group of comedians.

He discussed his "rambling," which he calls "the weave" and gives his main rule for it, which is when you go off-topic, you have to come back. So you have to remember. Also, as the interview went on, he showed how there is always an underlying connection between the new topic and the old one, except he does not mention the connection when he comes back.

Several times, when the comedians asked him a question, he answered with a different topic, then he stopped and said, "See? That's a weave." Then he went back to the question they asked.

One of them also asked him if he would tone down his rhetoric for the people in the middle. Trump said something like he sure will. He's thought about it and he will do exactly that. And he will think about that comedian every time he does. They all cracked up. :) 


They got personal and Trumped opened his heart more than I have seen him do in any interview. What's more, these comedians got downright vulgar and Trump was fine with it all, although he did not use any F bombs or things like that himself.

On the news side, Trump said he did not want to make this public, but he thinks Iran had a hand in the assassination attempts on him. He did not mention the Deep State, but I am pretty sure that's what he thinks, too. That sure as hell is what I think. And I am not alone.


If you want to know more about Donald Trump, the man, and what makes him tick, this is the best interview to find out I have seen--by far.

Besides, it's nonstop hilarious.





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I was reading Real Clear Politics’ listing of different polls for the Presidential election which is just about 25 days away. All but two from a sampling of a dozen polls showed Harris beating Trump by one or two points.

However, when you look at the “no toss ups” Electoral College map it has Harris with 236 Electoral College votes and Trump with 302. That’s well over the 270 needed to become our next President. Why is there such a discrepancy? I don’t know. Maybe the voters called on the phone were joshing with the pollsters. And there have been stories that the Dems are worried about Harris’s chances. Go Red States!

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If anyone wants to know, from a well-reasoned and honest perspective, who Kamala Harris is, meaning her history and ascension in California politics on up to becoming allegedly VP of the country (to me, this was fraud, so I will not call her VP) and Presidential nominee of the Democratic Party, the following interview Tucker Carlson did with Harmeet Dhillon is fantastic.

I know Harmeet does not like Kamala Harris, so she slants her views with judgments, but I also know Harmeet does not lie and manufacture facts.

I know facts are not a standard for a person winning an election, but here in O-Land, people profess reason to be their standard.

So for anyone who is of this persuasion, watch the video below. You will get facts, then you can judge them according to any standard you see fit, including reason.


btw - I am now an enormous fan of Harmeet. She said if Harris wins, she (Harmeet) will become part of the resistance. That she will not leave this country and she refuses to live on her knees.

Man, I loved that rhetoric. When was the last time you heard anyone say they will not live on their knees and display strong controlled emotion when saying it?

I almost forgot that existed. I feel that inside myself, but I don't see it expressed much in today's America.

Then Tucker ended by apologizing to her. He said he did not see the evil of the Patriot Act when it was enacted and Harmeet came out loud and clear against it right from the start. despite being trashed by anyone and everyone. I think Tucker must have criticized her, too, at the time.

But when I heard she was against it from the start, my jaw fell open. I was in Brazil when the Patriot Act was passed and I remember thinking that act was evil, was anti-Bill of Rights, and it would bear evil fruit if it managed to withstand a SCOTUS ruling. I was sick at heart to see it, especially as a result of 9/11.

I have been against that fucking act since the time I was in Brazil, from the moment I learned about it. If you go through my old posts, you will see me mention how much I hate it.

Is there any doubt I now feel an enormous spiritual kinship with Harmeet? She knows more about being an American than the overwhelming majority of Americans do. 

I am her fan 100%.

I am so glad Trump has elevated her to being one of his people.

If she ever runs for office, any government office at all--I doubt she will since she is Sikh and I doubt many Christians would accept her--and if I can vote for her, I will.


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I see Trump is promising to put tariffs on foreign goods to create more American jobs, like he did back in 2016. Interesting. Here is a comment made back in 2016 before Trump was nominated. What do other objectivists think?

March 21, 2016 The Perils of Populism Donald Trump Is the Man the Founders Warned Us Against by Robert Tracinski . . . In the case of the Trump phenomenon, the main hotbed of resistance to "the people" turns out to be right-leaning intellectuals, those annoying trouble-makers who keep asking questions about how Trump is going to deport 11 million people, whether putting a 45% tariff on China is actually going to hurt the economy, whether he actually knows anything about national defense or foreign policy, or how his current statements compare to a long history of saying completely opposite things. In doing so, we are just doing what the Constitution and the American system asks us to do: demanding that a demagogue do more than preach to his own faction. We're asking all voters to ascend to a higher level and make their case in terms of logic and principles . . . .

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Robert Tracinski is one man in O-Land who has an impressive outbreak of Trump Derangement Syndrome all over him, from the hair on the top of his head all the way down to the nails on his little toes.

Tracinski is OK on a lot of things, but on Trump, he's a Karen.

I don't think there is a cure.

Contemplating Trump makes him turn his brain off and we get what's left at those times.



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