Hamas and Israel and Endless War for Profit

Michael Stuart Kelly

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Now there is some teeth in it where a "controlled narrative" is no longer an option.


Netanyahu said that Hamas terrorists who freed Israeli hostages would be allowed to live, but those who tried to harm them would be killed.

This is what real war looks like.

Ultimatums with death for real to back them up.


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Ok maybe I’ve been under an internet rock with all things Gazan but wasn’t the deal that that guy was in Qatar with all the money? Did he return to Gaza to become a character out of a first person video game , or was he always in country? 
Plus maybe I’m just really old , but the ability to see footage like that is like seeing science fiction come true. While I certainly agree that is the real meaning of war and justified killing , the drone photo bomb is for the special forces , it’s pretty cheeky and not really for the general audience.

Still photos of dead bad guys is enough ,no? 

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I believe people have to see all of it. To use a Randian question, do they really want to evade reality?

(Get ready. Rant incoming and this is not aimed at you. :) )

(clearing throat and getting mad...)


When people talk macho in O-Land about war and they do not protest funding it, that is what the reality is on the ground that they are funding. Let them look at that and see if that is what they want to do with their lives. Because they are funding and delegating people to do that in their name.

That is a fundamental part of their legacy to mankind.

Except that is innocent people a lot of times. Not just bad guys.

Here in the USA, we are not only propagandized to death, we are coddled so we don't see shit like that. We can't even imagine it in the context of our lives. And we are given electronic and chemical magic wands to make all bad things go away, unless we are looking at idiotic protests.

War and killing are ugly.


Now think of this. There are people--respectable people here in the USA, pillars of society--who live high on the hog because that funded by government is their business plan. That is what they do at root to make money. And they know it. That dead body you saw, multiplied by thousands, is another man's whiskey at his country home. Not just any man's whiskey. That respectable man's whiskey.

Out here in Coddle-land, we are nothing but livestock who would not know a real wolf if we saw a bunch of 'em running right at us.


When people celebrate killing from propaganda, that is what they are celebrating.

Don't get me wrong. If bad guys attack me or attack the people I care about, that is exactly what I want for them. I don't rationalize it, though. It is that.


Because I don't want to become that myself.


Ayn Rand has a cure to avoid all of that. It is called reason. But people have to choose reason. You can't turn it on in others with a remote control.

In the end, when reason is no longer used, when force has become the standard and hatred is all that is left, all you can do is do that to the ones who won't stop doing that to others.

And you can hope someone among the haters will ask, "Is there something different we can do to solve our disagreements? That is kicking our asses too much."


And to be clear, I will not shed a tear if that happens to the Predator Class or people in it. They have killed and injured way too many innocents.


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