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Is Cool Cool?

Here is a thought that just blurted out of me.

We have not thread on the nature of cool.

There is a book in O-Land by Kurt Keefner called Killing Cool where he goes into his own analysis. I read part of that book a while back and did not like his approach.

In short, I remember thinking of an analogy, that one complains against thirst as a human characteristic because one does not like what others drink. For example, in some experiments I remember reading about groups of monkeys that were given photos of other monkeys in their group. They always separated the "celebrity monkeys" and stared at those photos. So the urge it there, like it nor not. You do not kill the urge because you dislike the celebrity monkeys.

I may have misinterpreted Kurt's intention or argument, so I want to give his book a new look. Over time, in this thread, I will do an analysis of it.

Whether I agree or disagree with any of Kurt's ideas, his book can offer good questions to look into.


Also, in our culture, there is a huge difference between the cool of yesteryear and today's woke bullshit. 

I want to go into that, too.


And other things I have yet to think of.

As usual.


Hey, I have a thought. Am I cool?

(Er... let's not go there...)



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