Favorite animal?


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I had a pet ant once. It was all black. I called it “Spot.” I had a little match box for his room. How did I lose him? Spot wasn’t hit by a car or had to be put down. It was nothing like that. I…um…stepped on him by accident. Resuscitation was futile.

Edited by Victor Pross
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Awww, Victor. :lol: Thanks for the laughs.

Ants weird me out, maaaan!

A comedian called Brian Regan had a funny little bit on ants. He was talking about when you accidentally knock over an anthill and they all IMMEDIATELY go back to work rebuilding it. He says, “You would think that they would take at least a second to look at what happened and go ‘OH MAN!’” Like, "I JUST built that! AHHHH!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't resist saying what my dream animal is. I want a PET SKUNK. I'm serious. Once you cut their stinker off, they are magnificent little companion animals. The fact that they are banned in most states makes me want one even more. There is a lot of good information and advice at Skunk Haven.

Here are some images from Just Skunks.




Here are a couple from the Wikipedia article.


Be truthful. Isn't it easy to fall in love with one of these critters?

One article says: "Skunks are extremely intelligent as well as hard-headed, stubborn and curious," and, "When they want to eat, they will bug you until you oblige! The same follows for sleep, play, or snuggling. There is usually no compromise on their part as far as time or place is concerned."

Dayaamm! That sounds a whole lot like me...


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One article says: "Skunks are extremely intelligent as well as hard-headed, stubborn and curious," and, "When they want to eat, they will bug you until you oblige! The same follows for sleep, play, or snuggling. There is usually no compromise on their part as far as time or place is concerned."

Dayaamm! That sounds a whole lot like me...

Well, Michael, it looks like you're going to have to get a mule to keep that skunk company....



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  • 4 weeks later...

~ Had a tan Germ-Shep (though looked like a short-haired setter) we named 'Tess.' She showed up one snow-filled December pregnant, had 12 pups (1 born dead; another didn't last a day), was totally scared of any stick (and flashlights). She had a fit when the kitchen was broomed. Ntl, over the years she learned to play 'tug-of-war' with a lab we had, 'Pitcher'; after I 'tugged' the stick with him, she'd grab my end and they'd go to it. She always 'danced-for-her-supper' whenever her dish was ready; 2-leg prancing 'till the dish was down. No mean feat for a 60-lbr. She loved chasing my handballs when I threw them into trees and she watched the branch-bouncing and rarely missed catching the sucker after the 1st grnd-bounce. She was very protective; almost caused a lawsuit when a guy with a cane walked by waving it at my wife, over 'loose' dogs no less. In her later years she acquired an ear infection which caused old-age complications and within a year I had to bring her to doggie-heaven at the vet's. A sad day. I grew up with many pets, dogs and cats, all of which I really liked. But Tess: I loved that dog.



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~ Then, there came our cat, 'Mulan'.

~ Somewhere in the fall, following Tess' need-for-Doggie-Heaven , this half-grown kitten/cat showed up at our same 'back' door. Totally black (think a witch's 'familiar'), though Joey would correct me later. My wife didn't want another 'flea-bag' to have to love. Against my feelings, but her wishes, I tried to make the cat go away even to the point of using water-spray bottles. Every day, the persevering cat'd show up and stay at the back door (without being fed! [though I suspect Jane gave her an occasional milk-dish, but...]) All she'd do when I sprayed the water is cringe, but, unexpectedly, not leave. After a few days, I couldn't do it anymore and told Jane "That's it; enough! Kick her away, ya want her gone. Leave me out of it!" Yeah, she sure did that...not. Mulan moved right in with no prob and became 'part of the family'...until the wrong neighbor moved in 8-yrs later.



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~ She got her name from Joey, who had just been impressed with seeing Disney's (guess what?) flick. 6-months later he pointed out that 'Mulan' had a white hair on her left back paw. So much for 'black-and-white' distinctions in 'grey' areas explainable to a 7-yr-old. She became a real 'family' pet. She'd use a tree outside to jump to porch-roof as her regular entrance to our 2nd-story bedroom...and lay like a coal-lump (actually, unmoveable rock!) in our bed.

~ A yr-ago she got ripped up by a transient neighbors' 'pit-bull' and after 3-days (at a grand-a-day) she went to Kitty-heaven. I loved that cat.



PS: Then there was a parakeet I had 'gifted' to me before either of the posted pets, who loved perching on my book while I read and ripping chips off the facing pages, but, 'Chirpy's another story.

PPS: I don't know what my 'favorite' animal is. I don't think I want to.

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