Our Next President

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Our next President will be Rudy Guilani. He will win in a landside, in spite of the Great Recession we are slowly entering into. I am not going to say why, only it is much more fundamental than the ability to carry New York State against H. Clinton. Afterall, such a victory would not necessarily be a landslide. I don't like him very much; he is at least 25% SOB, afterall. You may wonder why I have such an opinion. Be assured, I wonder why only a little less. It is not valuable in such a forum as this to dump all my reasons upon one and sundry, especially since I am so interested in your guys' reactions to my pontification. Oh, BTW. I think our country needs Rudy.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Our next President will be Rudy Guilani. He will win in a landside, in spite of the Great Recession we are slowly entering into. I am not going to say why, only it is much more fundamental than the ability to carry New York State against H. Clinton. Afterall, such a victory would not necessarily be a landslide. I don't like him very much; he is at least 25% SOB, afterall. You may wonder why I have such an opinion. Be assured, I wonder why only a little less. It is not valuable in such a forum as this to dump all my reasons upon one and sundry, especially since I am so interested in your guys' reactions to my pontification. Oh, BTW. I think our country needs Rudy.


This election is another "watershed" election. The utter dissatisfaction with the current political system places a lot of "wild cards" in this race. I have many friends who were in the Guliani administration as well as prior administrations. It is much to early to make any claims to inevitability in this election.

Rudy's strategy to avoid the early primaries may work, but I, as a political consultant beleive that this is an error. A survivable error possibly, but it is much to early to call anything yet.

Seven months ago I told my network that the Huckster was going to be a top tier candidate. I was told that I was nuts, but here he is. The Paul initiative creates a strong possibiltiy of multiple third party opportunities.

I think you are correct in that Rudy is tough enough and connected enough to win, but we are a long way from any quality predictions.

Today Joe Lieberman, a man I have tremendous respect for, endorsed John McCain.

It is getting very inreresting.

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As a Ron Paul supporter, I sadly think you may be right. Rudy Giuliani is a criminal, but so are the bulk of our electorate. Neither he nor any of them gives a rat's ass for freedom, for the Constitution, for the Republic, or for the rule of law -- not for any of the principles this country is based upon. So, yes, his bloviations on "strength" will draw enough votes from armchair generals; he therefore stands a good chance of taking the nomination, and perhaps even of beating the spooky lady.


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The problem begins (though it hardly ends) with the first word in your thread title.

"Our" next president? No. THE next president. He or she neither belongs to me nor, more importantly, acts in my name, no matter how many accept such ungrounded mysticism — including many Objectivists.

Not even Ron Paul, who'll be getting my vote, would be "my" president. He would do less damage, by many orders of magnitude, and may even begin to pull back the Empire, which are reasons enough to fervently support his prospects. But even he does not act in my name, by any rational standard.

Americans used to make such distinctions routinely. Even Rand the immigrant commented upon the implicit rejection, among her new countrymen, of unearned guilt. Few who follow the political game, even at a distance, do so any more.

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I'm not sure it matters. It's just picking from the power elite. They should have a party at Bohemian Grove to celebrate the new President elect.

Probably will.

Thanks, Rich! I seldom come across a cultural reference that I don't recognize, but this was a new one to me. The redwoods must be really cool in Bohemian Grove :-).


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The problem begins (though it hardly ends) with the first word in your thread title.

"Our" next president? No. THE next president. He or she neither belongs to me nor, more importantly, acts in my name, no matter how many accept such ungrounded mysticism — including many Objectivists.

Not even Ron Paul, who'll be getting my vote, would be "my" president. He would do less damage, by many orders of magnitude, and may even begin to pull back the Empire, which are reasons enough to fervently support his prospects. But even he does not act in my name, by any rational standard.

Americans used to make such distinctions routinely. Even Rand the immigrant commented upon the implicit rejection, among her new countrymen, of unearned guilt. Few who follow the political game, even at a distance, do so any more.

I do not know if you had the opportunity to see Mr. Paul on Glenn Beck tonight, but it was a remarkably stellat performance.

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Our next President will be Rudy Guilani. He will win in a landside ...

Ridiculous. I assure you that unless something new and drastic comes along, the Republican party cannot hold on to the White House. The next president will be a Democrat. The only question is whether it will be Obama-Clinton or Clinton-Obama and I believe that power politics will play well for Sen. Clinton and she will get top billing on the ticket.

This is my dispassionate appraisal based on my understanding of the American electorate, derived from 40+ years of campaigning and some vicarious experiences through books.

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I do not know if you had the opportunity to see Mr. Paul on Glenn Beck tonight, but it was a remarkably stellat performance.

Selene, I agree that Ron Paul did well during the interview. But I had the impression he does not have much experience explaining his positions or he would have made certain points more explicit so they would sound more plausible to the general populace. For example most people seem to think that most of the Federal Revenue comes from the income tax. If one tells them first that it only accounts for one third and that the rest is equal to the entire Budget just a few years ago then the prospect of depriving the Feds of our income tax comes across as more reasonable and attainable.

I just spoke with my son who thinks that Ron Paul is the only Republican who could beat the leading Democrats and that it is feasible for the Ron Paul revolution to grow enough in the short time left before the nominating convention this coming summer for him to get it! If only he would become pro choice!

I know that I am telling everyone whom I meet about him and why they should join the movement and vote for him. Many are receptive!

I am eager to find out which date will be set next in January to break the record again!


Edited by galtgulch
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In the interest of avoiding tedious retyping, my own analysis of the state of the campaign, based on the latest trends and numbers, can be found here.

"While others may see evangelicals as dominating the party, the fact that Huckabee has yet to break 25% in any national poll suggests that they represent no more than a quarter of the party."

Clearly, you are politically and electorially astute. Therefore, you know that national "polls" this far out are primarily useless. Take a look at these internals:


Being pre-compter, I hope you can access this.

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Michael M.; I don't see Hillary being at the bottom of the ticket. I do think it will be a Dem.

Robert B.; Your analysis is excellent and everyone on OL should look. Everyone should subscribe to TNI. A magazine that with each issue keeps getting better.

I must add that I think the GOP's fortunes have improved. While I think the Dems will control the White House and Congress. I think the GOP will still have more than 40 Senators.

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Our next President will be Rudy Guilani. He will win in a landside, in spite of the Great Recession we are slowly entering into. I am not going to say why, only it is much more fundamental than the ability to carry New York State against H. Clinton. Afterall, such a victory would not necessarily be a landslide. I don't like him very much; he is at least 25% SOB, afterall. You may wonder why I have such an opinion. Be assured, I wonder why only a little less. It is not valuable in such a forum as this to dump all my reasons upon one and sundry, especially since I am so interested in your guys' reactions to my pontification. Oh, BTW. I think our country needs Rudy.


This election is another "watershed" election. The utter dissatisfaction with the current political system places a lot of "wild cards" in this race. I have many friends who were in the Guliani administration as well as prior administrations. It is much to early to make any claims to inevitability in this election.

Rudy's strategy to avoid the early primaries may work, but I, as a political consultant beleive that this is an error. A survivable error possibly, but it is much to early to call anything yet.

Seven months ago I told my network that the Huckster was going to be a top tier candidate. I was told that I was nuts, but here he is. The Paul initiative creates a strong possibiltiy of multiple third party opportunities.

I think you are correct in that Rudy is tough enough and connected enough to win, but we are a long way from any quality predictions.

Today Joe Lieberman, a man I have tremendous respect for, endorsed John McCain.

It is getting very inreresting.

I agree that the next election could be a watershet election. If Giuliani can get the Republican nod, and if he wins, then he will have cut the Religious Right in two. And that alone would be a major contribution.


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