Wear your rain coat and boots.


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Victory? You don't know what's next on the political agenda. Come back in 2 years and tell me about your "victory." I'll be happy if you're right, but I don't expect you to be.


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Victory? You don't know what's next on the political agenda. Come back in 2 years and tell me about your "victory." I'll be happy if you're right, but I don't expect you to be.


Well said sjw...thank you for restoring some sanity to this topic. I share your expectations.

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Victory? You don't know what's next on the political agenda. Come back in 2 years and tell me about your "victory." I'll be happy if you're right, but I don't expect you to be.


Well said sjw...thank you for restoring some sanity to this topic. I share your expectations.

We shall wait and we shall see. In the mean time it looks like Obama is a lame duck unless, of course, the Republicans do something incredibly stupid between now and 2012.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Victory? You don't know what's next on the political agenda. Come back in 2 years and tell me about your "victory." I'll be happy if you're right, but I don't expect you to be.


Well said sjw...thank you for restoring some sanity to this topic. I share your expectations.

We shall wait and we shall see. In the mean time it looks like Obama is a lame duck unless, of course, the Republicans do something incredibly stupid between now and 2012.

Ba'al Chatzaf

We won last night in a big way. I don't mean the Republicans but I mean the Tea Party Americans. While we didn't take every race and some were stolen out from underneath of us we did win. For having the Democrats and the Republican establishment against us we saw a major comeback for America. With men like Rand Paul in the senate this is going to be a good year.

On the house side of things we had a sweep. The GOP had better to get it together or they will go the way of the Federalists and the WHIGS.

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Victory? You don't know what's next on the political agenda. Come back in 2 years and tell me about your "victory." I'll be happy if you're right, but I don't expect you to be.


Well said sjw...thank you for restoring some sanity to this topic. I share your expectations.


I suggest you start establishing rules for your followers. Looks like you appeal to self declared Socialists. Somehow objectivists of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your rationality does not work well.


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Victory? You don't know what's next on the political agenda. Come back in 2 years and tell me about your "victory." I'll be happy if you're right, but I don't expect you to be.


Well said sjw...thank you for restoring some sanity to this topic. I share your expectations.

We shall wait and we shall see. In the mean time it looks like Obama is a lame duck unless, of course, the Republicans do something incredibly stupid between now and 2012.

Ba'al Chatzaf

We won last night in a big way. I don't mean the Republicans but I mean the Tea Party Americans. While we didn't take every race and some were stolen out from underneath of us we did win. For having the Democrats and the Republican establishment against us we saw a major comeback for America. With men like Rand Paul in the senate this is going to be a good year.

On the house side of things we had a sweep. The GOP had better to get it together or they will go the way of the Federalists and the WHIGS.


There is no proof that any of these elections were "...stolen out from underneath us...". Furthermore, it is beneath us to even claim that, sour grapes do not make good wine.

The untold story of this election is where the House Seats that changed were and the incredible sweeping upheaval that occurred in the State legislatures and Governorships. This is where, along with these freshman Congressmen, actual change will begin. This is also where redistricting will be determined.

Furthermore, the remaining democratic members of Congress are much more left wing and marxist with the elimination of many quality "blue dogs" in Georgia, Florida and the mid west. Furthermore, Dingle is gone. Grayson is gone. Ike Skelton form Missouri is gone, my nest in his Congressional district did real hard work to oust him. The Michigan, NY, Florida and Ohio switches were significant. I am not even 1/3 through my analysis, but this was an 8.5 magnitude political earthquake.

So let us be adult about a monumental victory that has not been seen since the Hoover years.


how the hell do you vote Governor Moonbeam in and vote not to legalize pot!!!!

Edited by Selene
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I suggest you start establishing rules for your followers. Looks like you appeal to self declared Socialists.

Your attacks have no bite because they are always aimed at a personality and never at the truth.

Somehow objectivists of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your rationality does not work well.


I have no idea what you are attempting to say here.


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I have been following the voter fraud closely. ACORN did not go away, they are still out there. The Unions did not go away they are still out there, and to believe that they did not swing some of the elections is foolish. However two races that I was referring to was not a question of voter fraud. Alaska is one of them, the media and the Republican party acted outrageously. The same thing with the O'Donnell race. The Republican party stole the election from the tea parties. Their attitude was "How dare you challenge us", Tea Party America dared challenge the GOP and Tea Party won.

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I have been following the voter fraud closely. ACORN did not go away, they are still out there. The Unions did not go away they are still out there, and to believe that they did not swing some of the elections is foolish. However two races that I was referring to was not a question of voter fraud. Alaska is one of them, the media and the Republican party acted outrageously. The same thing with the O'Donnell race. The Republican party stole the election from the tea parties. Their attitude was "How dare you challenge us", Tea Party America dared challenge the GOP and Tea Party won.

Understood. I have been in field organization and election day operations since I was sixteen (16) in the Goldwater campaign, the ground game of electoral politics, so I know that ACORN did not vanish and I am very familiar with union operations, having worked with them and "agin" them.

I am glad you clarified your statement.

The Rove, Bush, Ford, Rockefeller McCain, "Gramnesty" wing of the party crippled several tea party candidates, as did the Republican National Senatorial group and Michael Steele. I no longer respect Rove, other than as the genius tactician that he is.


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Understood. I have been in field organization and election day operations since I was sixteen (16) in the Goldwater campaign, the ground game of electoral politics, so I know that ACORN did not vanish and I am very familiar with union operations, having worked with them and "agin" them.

I am glad you clarified your statement.

The Rove, Bush, Ford, Rockefeller McCain, "Gramnesty" wing of the party crippled several tea party candidates, as did the Republican National Senatorial group and Michael Steele. I no longer respect Rove, other than as the genius tactician that he is.



I used to believe that about Rove. Until November 1st when I saw him in an interview. Believe it or not he is not a brilliant tactician, he fell into the victory in 2000 and 2004. It was a complete accident. Morris is a brilliant tactician, so is Luntz, they get it. Rove is an establishment type who doesnt get anything. When he said "when i saw clinton in SNL playing the sax and was left scratching my head when he didnt flop." I knew he fell into the bush victories. I am now convinced that Bush without Rove would have done things much different and his presidency could have ended much better. Rove destroyed bush.

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Understood. I have been in field organization and election day operations since I was sixteen (16) in the Goldwater campaign, the ground game of electoral politics, so I know that ACORN did not vanish and I am very familiar with union operations, having worked with them and "agin" them.

I am glad you clarified your statement.

The Rove, Bush, Ford, Rockefeller McCain, "Gramnesty" wing of the party crippled several tea party candidates, as did the Republican National Senatorial group and Michael Steele. I no longer respect Rove, other than as the genius tactician that he is.



I used to believe that about Rove. Until November 1st when I saw him in an interview. Believe it or not he is not a brilliant tactician, he fell into the victory in 2000 and 2004. It was a complete accident. Morris is a brilliant tactician, so is Luntz, they get it. Rove is an establishment type who doesnt get anything. When he said "when i saw Clinton in SNL playing the sax and was left scratching my head when he didnt flop." I knew he fell into the bush victories. I am now convinced that Bush without Rove would have done things much different and his presidency could have ended much better. Rove destroyed bush.


We completely disagree. Morris is a very smart man, but he is a panderer, who to a significant degree, plays on the psychological weaknesses of his candidate to gain his ends which is fine in that business. It is part of the political consultants job. Believe me I have engaged in it.

Rove has an intellectual facet that he blends well with his pragmatic numbers approach. He developed the concept of "exurbia" as the rich prime voter targets that could be appealed to and that could be turned out for Bush's compassionate conservatism pitch. It was the difference in 2000. Exurbians were completely overlooked on the national stage as a targetable electoral group. Rove has a copy of Atlas Shrugged prominently displayed on his office bookshelf and makes reference to Ayn's ideas in his conversations.

I like Morris a lot, but he is not in the same league as Rove. Very close but not quite in the same league.


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Well now! It seems that 150,000 ballots were just found in a storage facility in California.

They were supposed to be turned in!

Opps, did I leave those 150,000 ballots where I left those damn Rose law firm billing records or that nineteen (19) minute section of tape?


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I suggest you start establishing rules for your followers. Looks like you appeal to self declared Socialists.

Your attacks have no bite because they are always aimed at a personality and never at the truth.

Somehow objectivists of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your rationality does not work well.


I have no idea what you are attempting to say here.


Oh no...my posting here seems to have lead to you two following out. Just for the record I think that sjw is an intelligent objectivist, which is like a dog that speaks; very rare.

Adam is an objectivist with a sense of humour, which is like a dog that speaks Norwegian; even rarer.

Adam, I agree with sjw on this because he is clever enough to see that what ever political party is in power the old adage "you don't subvert the system, it's subverts you" will hold true, leading to a pyrrhic victory.

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Oh no...my posting here seems to have lead to you two following out. Just for the record I think that sjw is an intelligent objectivist, which is like a dog that speaks; very rare.

Adam is an objectivist with a sense of humour, which is like a dog that speaks Norwegian; even rarer.

Adam, I agree with sjw on this because he is clever enough to see that what ever political party is in power the old adage "you don't subvert the system, it's subverts you" will hold true, leading to a pyrrhic victory.


Where on earth did you learn how to write?

"... you two following out." What "in" are they following from and whom are they following? You couldn't possible have meant "falling out" could you?

"... what ever political party" Are you asking a question here? I didn't see a question mark (as in: "What ever happened to your writing skills?") If you are using "what ever" as an adjective, which seems to be the case here, the correct way is "whatever."

Oh well... whatever...

"... it's subverts you" This one's tough, even for your level of mental fog. Let's remove the contraction. "It is subverts you???" What on earth could you possibly mean by that?

These aren't just typos, which is no biggie--we all make them. To me, that many errors in one small post and the kinds of errors you made indicate mental sloppiness. And I haven't even addressed correct capitalization.

You are proving me wrong, dude. I thought all Brits were alike. But the other ones I know happen to have primary writing skills.


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Oh no...my posting here seems to have lead to you two following out.


Just for the record I think that sjw is an intelligent objectivist, which is like a dog that speaks; very rare.

Alas, a bit more rare than you thought, as I am not an Objectivist. I agree with Objectivism on a certain level, one I would roughly call its seeming respect for renaissance values of reason and individualism, but in the end I don't think the philosophy actually takes these values seriously, it has ghastly streak of unreason and authoritarianism in it. Objectivists are generally oblivious to this actually being in Objectivism, and blame various persons instead.


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Well now! It seems that 150,000 ballots were just found in a storage facility in California.

Do you have a reference or link to share?

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Well now! It seems that 150,000 ballots were just found in a storage facility in California.

Do you have a reference or link to share?


Unfortunately, I have come to the conclusion that it may be a hoax. I heard it on the John Batchelor program November 3rd. I was traveling yesterday and did not get a chance to call anyone.

I see nothing on the internet which is virtually impossible. I am making some phone calls this afternoon about it and will post as soon as I can confirm it, but at this point, I would have to think it is not true.


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Well now! It seems that 150,000 ballots were just found in a storage facility in California.

Do you have a reference or link to share?


I spoke to the Administrator's Office in California Board of Elections about thirty (30) minutes ago and they are not aware of 150,000 ballots being found and were quite clear that that report was not true.

They spoke to me about the "bag of ballots" found floating in S.F. pond, but that was only about seventy-five (75) or so and the election official is under arrest.

San Fran Ballots stolen, found floating in Pond...

(11-05) 14:27 PDT San Francisco, CA (AP) --

A San Francisco polling inspector has pleaded not guilty to stealing dozens of ballots and other elections material.

Karl Bradfield Nicholas was arraigned on Friday on two counts of unlawful tampering with voting machines and ballots and a felony computer crime charge.

Prosecutors alleged the 50-year-old Nicholas stole about 75 ballots, the voter roster and the voting machine memory pack and access key from a polling site in the city's southernmost district in the middle of Election Day on Tuesday.

The ballots were later found floating in a pond at the Palace of the Fine Arts in the city's Marina neighborhood.

Nicholas is due back in court for a preliminary hearing on Nov. 19.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2010/11/04/state/n180435D72.DTL#ixzz14RyCCl5t

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