Heritage Foundation 2011 Index of Economic Freedom


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The new rankings are out. The top ten are, in order:

Hong Kong



New Zealand





United States


A blogger at Canada's National Post could not help but smug it up that Royal Soviet Nazi Canuckistan had outranked the USA:

When the Wall Street Journal and the Heritage Foundation began compiling their Index of Economic Freedom a decade ago, Canada consistently ranked behind the United States and other developed nations on such measurements as regulatory freedom, commitment to free trade, property rights and freedom from corruption.

In this year’s rankings, however, we are ahead of the Americans: We’re sixth, they’re ninth. Why the change?

Much of the switch in fortunes is the result of America’s decline since the global financial crisis began in 2008. But our own score jumped modestly from last year, as well. In part, the report tells us, this is because Canada’s “straightforward regulations and the competitive tax regime facilitate entrepreneurial activity and lure dynamic investment.”

Give credit where credit is due: Over the past decade, the governments of Paul Martin and Stephen Harper both have avoided the pitfalls that led to the U.S. decline two years ago. Before the downturn began, the Liberals resisted the temptation to loosen credit rules that would have made it easier for borrowers to acquire American-style sub-prime mortgages. Now, during the current recession, the Tories have refused to pander to populist demands for punitive new financial regulations — which would have frightened away investors, as they have in the United States.

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So William, are you saying that our tighter banking regulations and proud Conservative spirit have allowed our people to prosper while the radical traitors to the Crown have felt the effects of their careless individualism?

To quote Lieutenant-Governor Simcoe, spiritual founder of this great land, "Mua ha ha ha ha!!"

On a serious note regulation of banking and investment is increasingly becoming a global issue.

This is an interesting clip (I can't see this online in Canuckistan, but I saw it on TV a few weeks ago)


Edited by Joel Mac Donald
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You are correct. William please forgive my careless attribution of my ideas to yourself. I had no right to interpret or claim to interpret your post in such a way.

I also beg the forgiveness of the forum. My inaccuracy was as needless as it was unthinking.

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Regulations are like a pile of trash. You don't necessarily notice the trash until it gets to be overwhelming. There has been some really odious stuff passed, and it's only going to get worse.

Read about one of the worst things they've done here:


They basically outlawed small, private toymakers. In the House, only one Red voted against it (Guess who?). Several Blues voted against it.

I don't know about you guys, but I am not holding out much hope for this country.

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anyone who thinks governments can help is in for a great big disappointment.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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